Identification of Healthcare Policy Concern

Identification of Healthcare Policy Concern

In this assignment focused on the Identification of Healthcare Policy Concern, the primary objective is for the student to choose a healthcare policy concern, specifically one that is community-based and related to public health. It’s important to note that healthcare issues related to private or public healthcare facilities are not eligible for selection in this context. The paper must also incorporate scholarly evidence to substantiate the chosen healthcare concern and present a comprehensive view of both the concern and the solution proposed by the student. Additionally, the paper outlines the elected official who will be interviewed regarding this matter.

Content Criteria

Overview of healthcare policy:

This section serves as an introduction to healthcare policy and should encompass the following components:
1. Defining healthcare policy in a general context and discussing its implications for the nursing profession.
2. Elaborating on the role of advocacy and how it can influence healthcare policy.
3. Explaining how the role of advocacy aligns with the responsibilities of an advanced practice nurse.

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Identification of selected healthcare policy concern: This section is dedicated to laying the foundation for the chosen healthcare policy concern. It should encompass the following elements:
1. Explicitly identifying the selected healthcare policy concern.
2. Providing details about the population group affected by this concern.
3. Offering a comprehensive description of the selected healthcare issue, including its frequency of occurrence and the impact it has on both the community and the population group.

Description of student-identified solution to the selected healthcare concern:

In this section, the paper should present a holistic view of the solution proposed by the student for the selected healthcare concern. It should include the following aspects:
1. Clearly defining the solution with specific details.
2. Addressing the potential positive outcomes that would result from implementing the solution.
3. Discussing the changes required in the community to facilitate the implementation of the proposed solution.
4. Exploring the changes needed within the population group to support the solution’s implementation.
5. Identifying measurable actions that would demonstrate a positive outcome if the solution were to be implemented.
6. Anticipating and addressing two potential challenges that may arise during the implementation of the proposed solution.

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Identification of elected official:

This section is devoted to introducing the elected official whom the student intends to approach regarding the chosen healthcare policy concern and its proposed solution. It should include the following details:
1. The name of the elected official.
2. The official’s position or role.
3. An explanation of why this particular individual was selected for this engagement.

Conclusion: This section serves as a concise summary of the key elements covered in the assignment.

Assignment Preparation

Format and Special Instructions

1. The paper, excluding the title page and reference page, should span a minimum of 6 pages but not exceed 10 pages. Compliance with these length requirements is essential to avoid point deductions.
2. The title page, body of the paper, and reference page must adhere to APA guidelines as specified in the current edition of the manual. Headings should be utilized for each section of the paper, with the exception of the introduction, where no heading is required.
3. A minimum of 6 scholarly references based on research must be incorporated into the paper. Out of these, 2 references may be empirical evidence derived from state and county website data, with guidance from the instructor regarding .org or .gov site usage. It’s crucial to note that the required textbook for the course, dictionaries, and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson materials are not considered valid scholarly references for this assignment.

For assistance in identifying scholarly nursing references, students can refer to the course Library Guide. It’s important to exercise caution with information from .com websites, as it may not always be reliable. Additionally, all references should be current, typically within a 5-year timeframe, unless a valid rationale is provided and approved by the instructor prior to assignment submission.
4. Any ideas or information drawn from scholarly, peer-reviewed nursing sources must be appropriately cited within the paper’s text and included in the reference list in accordance with APA formatting.
5. The paper should adhere to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation consistent with formal scientific writing.
6. Submission of the assignment to TurnItIn™ is mandatory, as per the TurnItIn™ policy. Early submission to TurnItIn™ is encouraged to allow time for revisions. The final evaluation of the submission will be conducted by the faculty, and any indications of plagiarism in the TurnItIn™ report will trigger the application of the Academic Integrity policy.

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