Please note: In the event of a significant disruption of course activities because of an extraordinary
environmental situation (e.g., COVID-19, other disaster), this syllabus is subject to change. Any and all
changes will be communicated with students in as timely a manner as the situation allows.
Semester: Summer Year: 2023
Course Prefix: Nursing Course Number: 5003
Course Title: Health Policy and Health Promotion
Course Description and Overview:
This course serves as a foundational platform for advanced nursing practice, emphasizing the principles of health policy advocacy, health promotion, and disease prevention within the context of individuals and communities. It explores the application of policy processes and strategies at the system level to address both national and community-level health challenges. Additionally, it delves into the impact of regulatory, legislative, and public policy on various client populations. The course places a strong emphasis on leveraging epidemiological, social, and environmental data to assess community health gaps thoroughly.
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Course credit:
This course is equivalent to three (3) semester hours and cannot be repeated for credit.
Meets Major Requirements and Elective Requirements
Prerequisites Courses or Conditions:
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Faculty Contact Information:
Course Instructors:
1. Instructor: Nina Fredland, PhD, RN, FNP
– Office Location: Room 7436
– Office Phone Number: 713.794.2098
– Office Hours: Online by appointment
– Email Address: [email protected]
2. Instructor: Peggy Landrum, PhD, RN,CS
– Office Location: Room 6033
– Office Phone Number: 713.794.2176
– Office Hours: Online by appointment
– Email Address: [email protected]
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students will achieve the following objectives:
1. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the broad determinants of health, principles of genetics and genomics, and various data sources (descriptive, statistical, scientific, etc.) to serve as the foundation for evidence-based practice in planning, delivering, managing, and evaluating care for individuals, families, and populations.
2. Formulate culturally appropriate, client-centered strategies for planning, managing, and evaluating clinical prevention and health promotion interventions or services for individuals, families, and populations.
3. Apply advanced concepts such as the organization of clinical and public health systems, health economics, genetics and genomics, health information management, interprofessional collaboration, workforce development, and ethical frameworks to advance equitable and efficient prevention services and promote effective population health policy.
4. Analyze the influence of healthcare policies on healthcare structure, financing, clinical practice, and health outcomes.
5. Examine the impact of legal and regulatory processes on nursing practice, healthcare delivery, and patient outcomes.
6. Integrate concepts of clinical prevention and population health in the development of culturally and linguistically appropriate health education and communication strategies and interventions for individuals, families, and populations.
7. Explore collaborative partnerships to ensure the effective coordination, delivery, and evaluation of clinical prevention and health promotion interventions or services across various care settings and within the healthcare system.
Course Content Areas:
The course content encompasses the following areas:
Health Policy and Promotion, and Disease Prevention:
– In-depth examination of conceptual definitions and practical applications
– Exploration of leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the United States
– Overview of Millennium Goals and Sustainable Development Goals
– Consideration of national health promotion goals, including Healthy People 2020
– Examination of leading health indicators, including Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
– Analysis of health policy implications and implementation in the United States and globally
– Study of the healthcare workforce and associated ethical issues
Human Diversity and Social Issues in Health Policy and Promotion, and Disease Prevention:
– Exploration of determinants of health
– Discussion of basic concepts related to cultural diversity
– Analysis of issues concerning race, class, and gender in healthcare
– Consideration of communities, aggregates, and populations at risk
– Focus on culturally sensitive healthcare and trauma-informed healthcare
Fostering Healthy Communities:
– Study of the Ecological Framework and Epidemiological Principles
– Utilization of epidemiological, social, and environmental data
– Development of targeted community healthcare policies and strategies
– Implementation of multidisciplinary approaches
– Exploration of ethical issues spanning various life stages and a global pandemic
Course Textbooks:
– Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition) – APA
– Edelman, C. L. & Kudzma, E. C. (2018). Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan (9th ed.). Elsevier
Activities, Assignments, and Grading Policy:
This online course employs distance education methodologies to deliver content. Students are expected to actively engage in individual and group course activities and complete assigned work online. These activities encompass in-depth exploration of course content available through online resources, the health promotion textbook, and other relevant materials. The course comprises three modules, each containing readings, learning guides, assignments, and discussion topics.
Student performance in this course will be evaluated based on the following components:
1. Health Promotion Project: 40%
2. Discussion Board Activities: 20%
3. Seminar Group Presentation: 20%
4. Policy Op-Ed Paper: 20%
Assignments and Content Areas:
The course assignments and content areas are structured as follows:
– Introduction to key concepts
– Participation in discussion board forums and initial group work
– Initiation of the health promotion project (HPP) with assessments and theoretical foundation
Application / Intervention:
– Application of concepts
– Engagement in discussion board forums
– Preparation of seminars and individual policy papers
– Ongoing health promotion project (HPP)
– Synthesis of concepts and self-evaluations
– Participation in group seminar presentations and evaluations
– Self-evaluation of discussion boards
– Completion of the health policy paper and policy discussion board
Grading Guide:
Grades will be assigned using the following scale:
– A (90 – 100)
– B (80 – 89)
– C (70 – 79)
– D (60 – 69)
– F (below 60)
Late Assignments:
Late submissions will incur a penalty of 5% deduction for each day an assignment is overdue, up to a maximum of 3 days. Assignments will not be accepted if they are submitted more than three days after the due date, unless prior approval has been obtained from the instructor due to extenuating circumstances.
A. Health Promotion Project (40%)
1. Prepare a comprehensive database (assessment) regarding your personal health, which includes the following components:
a. Utilize two required assessment tools (health risks and lifestyle indicators) available in the Course Information folder under Health Promotion Project.
b. Create one Genogram and one Ecomap, including a narrative interpretation and implications of the findings.
c. Complete the Adverse Childhood Events (ACE) questionnaire (results submission is not required).
d. Include two additional assessment materials directly related to your targeted area of behavioral change.
2. Develop a personal treatment plan based on your assessments, comprising the following elements:
a. Define one broad goal (outcomes).
b. Formulate two objectives (more focused outcomes).
c. Generate 5-10 action steps (specific, measurable actions) for each objective.
3. Select a theoretical framework to guide your project’s progression, explaining:
a. Elaborate on each tenet or concept of your chosen framework.
b. Clarify how the theory is applicable to and supports your treatment plan.
c. Provide examples of how you are applying the theory in your project.
d. Offer detailed explanations to ensure a comprehensive application of the theory to your health promotion effort.
4. Maintain a log with a minimum of two entries per week. Each log entry should include:
a. Description and analysis of your health promotion (behavior/lifestyle change) activities.
b. Reflection on your thoughts and feelings regarding the change process and your experience with the project.
c. Discussion of how your chosen theoretical framework guides your choices and actions.
5. Submit two article summaries along with the initial project submission:
a. Select one article from a professional or research source relevant to your project. Summarize the article and explain its relevance to your project.
b. Choose another article from a lay or popular source related to your area of behavioral change. Summarize the article and illustrate how the information is useful for your project.
6. Note: Evaluation for this project will focus on the overall process, not the success in achieving your goal. The goal is to apply the principles learned and gain experience in the process to apply in future practice.
B. Discussion Boards (20%)
1. Engage in four topical discussion board assignments, with two in Module 1 and two in Module 2. Each discussion board corresponds to a specific lesson and provides an opportunity to share knowledge, research, and insights on the topic. Participation should involve substantial discussion with meaningful comments supported by personal experience and objective knowledge.
2. Discussion board grades will be determined by averaging your self-evaluation of each discussion board with the instructor’s evaluation. You will need to include specific examples to support your self-evaluation.
3. Self-evaluations will be due after completing the first two modules.
C. Seminar Presentation (20%)
1. Collaborate with your peers to select and participate in a group presentation on health risk assessment, health promotion, and health policy for a specific age group.
2. Develop student learning objectives, presentation outlines, and bibliographies as part of the seminar presentation.
3. Evaluate the seminar using the Seminar Evaluation Form found in Module 2.
4. Be creative in your presentation and consider utilizing multimedia, real-life patient scenarios, or other activities aligned with the seminar’s learning objectives. University IT resources are available for your group’s use.
5. Ensure that the material presented is suitable for graduate-level learning, offering in-depth information appropriate for master’s-prepared nursing practice. Your presentation should build upon your undergraduate knowledge.
D. Policy Op-Ed Paper (20%)
– Select a current health policy issue as the topic for your Op-Ed Paper. The issue can pertain to determinants of health, Sustainable Development Goals, structural racism, violence, pandemics, or any health-related matter that you are passionate about and which impacts individual, family, or population health at the local, state, national, or global level.
– Develop an informed opinion on the selected issue, supported by research and your experience as a practicing professional nurse. Ensure that your opinion reflects an understanding of both sides of the issue, presenting pros and cons.
– Write a concise 1-2-page double-spaced paper (excluding title page and references) that presents your argument clearly, addressing the policy, its history, pros and cons, ethical considerations if applicable, and your supported position.
– Submit your Op-Ed on the Op-Ed discussion board and through the Canvas assignment link. Active participation in the discussion board, including substantive dialogue and critique of peers’ Op-Ed papers, is required.
This assignment aims to elevate nursing voices and share knowledge locally, regionally, nationally, and globally, transcending the boundaries of the nursing discipline. These exceptional times present an opportunity for meaningful discussion around your Op-Ed pieces.
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