The importance of Ethics in Nursing

The importance of Ethics in Nursing

In the realm of nursing, much like in any other professional domain, there exists a set of regulations and principles that serve as the bedrock for ethical practice. For individuals aspiring to embark on the journey of becoming registered nurses, a profound commitment to these ethical standards is paramount. These ethical guidelines govern various aspects of nursing, encompassing codes of conduct, standards of attire and appearance, the execution of duties, and methods for resolving conflicts.

Nurses are entrusted with the responsibility of conducting themselves in a manner that aligns with these established ethical norms. Deviation from these norms can entail grave repercussions, including the potential revocation of one’s nursing license by the regulatory authority. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the profound importance of ethics in the field of nursing, one can refer to a comprehensive article dedicated to this subject matter.

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Principles and Roles of Ethics in Nursing

Ethics within the domain of nursing serve as a foundational framework that empowers nurses to carry out their roles with a globally expected standard of excellence. The perception that nursing is a calling holds merit, particularly when one considers the foundational principles that underpin this noble profession, including values such as humanity and loyalty, among others.

Hence, the pursuit of nursing as a career is not confined solely to the provision of healthcare services; it necessitates adherence to a well-defined set of ethical principles. Let’s delve deeper into the roles that ethics play in the realm of nursing as a profession.

The Role of Nursing Ethics

As previously alluded to, ethics within nursing constitute a set of moral principles that serve as a compass for the conduct of nurses.

Let’s explore these roles in more detail:

1. Providing Guidelines:

Ethical principles offer clear and explicit guidelines to nurses, delineating how they should navigate their responsibilities while on duty. They articulate the appropriate manner in which nurses should establish and maintain the patient-nurse relationship. Additionally, they provide a blueprint for how nurses should respond to specific situations as they arise during their caregiving duties.

2. Offering Moral Guidance:

Nurses receive specific moral guidance, elucidated within their ethical framework. This moral guidance encompasses a wide array of actions, such as seeking informed consent from patients and demonstrating compassion and kindness towards them.

3. Fostering Standard Healthcare Delivery:

The established ethical rules establish a universal benchmark for the delivery of healthcare services across the globe. Nurses are not only expected but required to administer care with diligence and adhere to these ethical principles, regardless of their personal interests or convictions. The field of nursing often presents challenging scenarios that demand ethical decision-making:

– Dealing with Diverse Patients:

Nurses frequently find themselves in the complex and sensitive task of managing patients who adhere to diverse religious beliefs or have varying cultural convictions. Some of these beliefs may prohibit certain medical interventions. In such cases, nurses must skillfully employ their moral compass while operating within the confines of their code of ethics.

– Securing Consent:

Nurses are entrusted with the responsibility of obtaining informed consent from patients or their legal guardians, particularly in the case of minors, before initiating any form of medical treatment. Failure to secure consent, especially when dealing with conscious patients, can result in legal consequences and disciplinary actions.

– Safeguarding Patient Confidentiality:

Nurses are tasked with the delicate duty of determining which members of the healthcare team require access to a patient’s medical information, all while preserving patient confidentiality.

– Truthfulness:

Honesty stands as a cornerstone of nursing ethics. Patients repose their trust in nurses, making nursing one of the most esteemed professions in terms of ethics and honesty. Even when delivering unwelcome news, nurses are bound by the ethical obligation to convey the truth to patients. Furthermore, patients rely on nurses to provide accurate information about their medications, medical conditions, and other pertinent issues.

Principles of the Nursing Profession

Now, let’s delve into the fundamental principles that govern the nursing profession. Principles are the foundational truths and beliefs upon which any institution is constructed. Nursing, as a revered profession, operates within the framework of these principles, and any disregard for them can yield dire consequences, not only for nurses but also for the clients they serve. Below, we explore five key principles along with their significance within the realm of nursing ethics and the potential ramifications of neglecting these principles.

1. Accountability:

Accountability ranks among the most pivotal ethical principles enshrined within nursing’s code of conduct. Nurses bear the obligation of being accountable not only to themselves but also to the wider public and their patients. This ethical principle mandates that nurses take full ownership of their actions while on duty, including decisions that may have life-altering consequences. Failing to uphold accountability can lead to:

– Termination of employment or, in the gravest scenarios, the revocation of a nursing license.
– Eroding trust between patients and nurses due to perceived lapses in accountability.

The principle of accountability holds profound significance, as even a minor misstep in nursing practice can have far-reaching and potentially devastating consequences. Nurses occupy the frontlines of healthcare, where their decisions and actions hold the power to save lives or pose grave risks.


Loyalty or allegiance is another crucial principle. It involves keeping promises and having faith in a cause. The relationships between nurses and their patients must be based on loyalty and trust. Nurses are prohibited from disclosing patient issues to any third party under any circumstance.

Failure to uphold this principle could result in mistrust between the patient and the nurse, jeopardizing the treatment process. Therefore, nurses must demonstrate trustworthiness to their patients.

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Kindness is a fundamental principle for nurses. Nurses are expected to show kindness to all patients, considering that patients suffer from various illnesses. While performing their duties, nurses must embrace charity and benevolence.

This principle mandates that nurses act with genuine love, care, generosity, and concern for the patient, regardless of their personal interests or opinions.

In the absence of this principle, hospitals could become unwelcoming places. People seek help in their times of need, and all they require is a kind heart to receive them and offer hope. This principle is one among several vital principles.

Patient Freedom

Patients have the freedom of expression and are limited in what they can say, based on the trust nurses have established with them. Nurses must respect the patient’s decisions, such as when a diagnosis is made, and the patient requests that their report not be shared with anyone. Nurses must comply with such requests unless the patient is incapacitated or unconscious.

Human Relationship

Human relationships are a part of ethics that emphasize mutual respect and resilience. This also includes patient confidence and privacy. Nurses encounter such situations on a daily basis, and regardless of a patient’s condition, a nurse is required to demonstrate humanity because their core value is preserving life.

Without humanity, nurses might neglect severe cases and neglect the condition of the sick while shouting in frustration.

Ethics in Nursing and Morality

Questions regarding ethics and morality often arise when critical decisions need to be made. These decisions may be influenced by deteriorating health, necessitating ethical decision-making. Nurses may find themselves at a crossroads, knowing what to do but unable to act due to moral obligations stemming from established ethical principles.

Nurses are expected to adhere strictly to standard ethics as guidelines to deliver by the book. However, nurses are human beings and may be compelled to apply morality when situations become challenging.

Job Performance and Nursing Ethics

The codes of ethics that encompass nursing as a career are designed to ensure that standard service delivery is maintained.

The nursing code of conduct revolves around end-of-life issues, bioethics, advocacy, caregiving and moral courage, moral distress, and moral resilience. Nurses are expected to adhere to these non-negotiable principles.

As they carry out their duties, nurses are required to exercise moral judgment within the established guidelines.

Nurses are also expected to demonstrate understanding, compassion, loyalty, and ensure patient freedom of speech. They must provide care regardless of their personal beliefs and feelings toward a patient. All these efforts are geared towards delivering high-quality healthcare services.

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