NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table

NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table

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PICOT: Benefits of Continuous Training for Employees in Long-Term Care Facilities to Provide Adequate Care for the Elderly

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Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article

Article Title and Year Published

Research Questions/Hypothesis, and Purpose/Aim of Study

Design (Quantitative, Qualitative, or other)


Methods: Intervention/Instruments

Analysis/Data Collection

Outcomes/Key Findings


Explanation of How the Article Supports Your Proposed EBP Practice Project Proposal

Chu, C. H., McGilton, K. S., Spilsbury, K., Le, K. N., Boscart, V., Backman, A., Fagertun, A., Devi, R., & Zúñiga, F. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine.

Strengthening International Research in Long-Term Care: Recommended Common Data Elements to Support Clinical Staff Training, 2021.

The study aimed to develop a training program supporting international research for medical personnel in long-term care facilities.

Qualitative design employing a literature review approach to explore current literature on the research topic.

The literature search encompassed Medline, Embase, CINAHL, HAPI, and Google Scholar.

A literature search was conducted.

Analysis of search results centered on the completeness of literature and suitable common data elements.

Staff training is required for facilitating international research, assisting in policy development, and decision-making in long-term care.

Capacity-building through training can enhance the competence of medical personnel in long-term care facilities.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by emphasizing the necessity of continuous training for personnel in long-term care facilities.

Wang, L., Chen, H., Yang, L., Qian, C., Sun, D., & Sun, Y. Medicine,

Systematic Training Program for Nursing Home Staff Based on the Concept of Combination of Medicine and Care, 2020.

The study aimed to develop a training program for medical personnel in nursing homes.

Quantitative design utilizing an experimental approach with experimental and control groups, subjected to statistical analysis.

The sample included 34 nursing staff working in nursing homes in Qiqihar City.

The experimental group underwent systematic training at three levels over four months.

Competence scores were compared between the experimental and control groups.

The living quality of the elderly in nursing homes and their satisfaction levels were assessed.

The experimental group reported significantly higher competence scores, and the elderly residents in the experimental group had higher living quality and satisfaction levels.

Nursing staff should routinely undergo systematic training based on the concept of combining medicine and care.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by providing evidence that training enhances the capacity of medical personnel to provide adequate care to the elderly in long-term care facilities.

Lamppu, P. J., Laakkonen, M-L., Finne-Soveri, H., Kautianen, H., Laurila, J. V., & Pitkala, K. H. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

Training Staff in Long-Term Care Facilities–Effects on Residents’ Symptoms, Psychological Well-Being, and Proxy Satisfaction, 2021.

The study aimed to investigate how training affects medical staff’s management of pain symptoms, psychological well-being, and satisfaction in long-term care facilities.

Quantitative design employing a cluster randomized controlled trial.

The sample included 324 residents with end-of-life care needs in 20 long-term care facility wards in Helsinki.

The training intervention consisted of four 4-hour educational workshops on palliative care principles.

Residents were assessed for symptoms, pain, psychological well-being, and proxies’ satisfaction.

The intervention group exhibited better symptom management results at 6 months, with some effects diminishing at 12 months. Pain management, psychological well-being, and proxies’ satisfaction scores were unaffected by the intervention.

Nursing staff should undergo palliative care training intervention to improve residents’ symptom management.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting that training intervention enhances nurses’ capacity to provide adequate care to the elderly in long-term care facilities.

Tak, Y. R., Woo, H. Y., Yi, L. H., & Kim, A. R. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.

Useful Lessons for the Provision of Services in Long-Term Care Facilities in South Korea: Operators’ Experiences Illuminate the Phenomenon of Working with the Elderly in the Field, 2019.

The study aimed to collect insights from facility operators regarding elderly long-term care facilities.

Qualitative design, phenomenological study with 10 participants.

The participants included 10 operators of nursing home businesses.

The study involved interviews with the participants and thematic analysis of the interview responses.

Four themes emerged: obtaining hope through care provision, challenges faced in practice, the dream of an ideal long-term care facility, and the journey of starting as a facility operator.

The study revealed various barriers and hardships that operators face when providing person-centered health care services.

Addressing these barriers is essential.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting significant shortcomings in the capacity of long-term care facilities to meet the needs of their elderly patients/residents.

Wu, C-S., & Rong, J-R. BMC Geriatrics,

Relocation Experiences of the Elderly to a Long-Term Care Facility in Taiwan: A Qualitative Study, 2020.

The study aimed to explore the experiences of elderly residents in a long-term care facility.

Qualitative design was employed.

The sample included 16 elderly patients who had relocated to and lived in a long-term care facility in Taiwan for up to 12 months.

Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with the participants, and thematic analysis was applied to the interview responses.

Four themes were identified: acceptance and engagement, valuing tailored care, perceived barriers to adaptation, and staying connected with family while minimizing the burden.

Relocating elderly individuals to a long-term care facility is a dynamic process involving a range of experiences, feelings, and emotions.

Planning relocation with provisions for individually tailored care can maximize adaptation.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting the need for individually tailored care in long-term care facilities. Identified shortcomings suggest that standard training does not adequately prepare facility personnel to meet patient needs.

Yen, M-Y., Schwartz, J., King, C-C., Lee, C-M., & Hsueh, P-R. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection,

Recommendations for Protecting Against and Mitigating the COVID-19 Pandemic in Long-Term Care Facilities, 2020.

The study aimed to draw attention to the COVID-19 outbreak concern among the vulnerable elderly community residing in long-term care facilities.

Qualitative design involved a literature review.

The literature search focused on relevant literature related to the

research topic, followed by synthesis of secondary literature.

Long-term care facilities are highly dynamic environments, which the vulnerable elderly population contributes to.

Medical personnel in long-term care facilities must be prepared to address dynamic needs.

The article discusses the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for enhanced infection control measures to protect residents and staff. It emphasizes that the long-term care facility environment constantly changes, requiring staff to apply innovative approaches in response. Routine training equips medical personnel to provide better care by anticipating and addressing these dynamic changes.

Lan, S-H., Lu, L-C., Lan, S-J., & Chen, J. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,

Educational Intervention on Physical Restraint Use in Long-Term Care Facilities – Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 2017.

The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of education programs among medical personnel in long-term care facilities in reducing the use of physical restraints.

Qualitative design NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table.

Systematic review was conducted.

The literature search encompassed databases such as Physiotherapy Evidence Database, Ovid Medline, Web of Science, EBSCO, EMBASE, ProQuest, and Cochrane Library.

Meta-analysis of literature was performed.

The education group used physical restraints less frequently compared to the control group. Additionally, the effect of restraint education decreased with time. Longer education periods and more frequent education sessions had a stronger effect in reducing the use of physical restraints.

Continuous training for medical personnel in long-term care facilities is essential to enhance their ability to provide adequate care.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting that continuous training improves the capacity of medical personnel in long-term care facilities to provide adequate care.

Chen, H., Feng, H., Liao, L., Wu, X., Zhao, Y., Hu, M., Li, H., Hu, H., & Yang, X. Journal of Clinical Nursing,

Evaluation of Quality Improvement Intervention with Nurse Training in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review, 2020.

The study aimed to evaluate quality improvement intervention designs and present training programs supporting nurses in quality improvement.

Qualitative design NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table.

Systematic review was conducted.

The literature search encompassed CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Medline.

Meta-analysis of literature was performed.

Care quality is influenced by factors such as advanced training provision, availability of training resources, feedback processes, building quality improvement teams, mentoring, nursing leadership training, external cooperation, and leadership empowerment.

Implementing measures compatible with nurse training can ensure the successful implementation of quality improvement programs conducive to effective service quality improvement.

Medical staff must be well-prepared to meet the care needs of older Americans, and resources must be allocated accordingly.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by indicating that medical personnel should be prepared and allocated resources, and routine training helps maintain their readiness and ensures allocation of necessary resources.

Liu, Q., Luo, D., Haase, J. E., Guo, Q., Wang, X. Q., Liu, S., Xia, L., Liu, Z., Yang, J., & Yang, B. X. The Lancet,

The Experiences of Health-Care Providers during the COVID-19 Crisis in China: A Qualitative Study, 2020.

The study aimed to describe the experiences of medical personnel during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Qualitative design employing an empirical phenomenological approach.

The sample included 9 nurses and 4 physicians from 5 COVID-19 designated hospitals in Hubei Province, China.

Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted by telephone, and thematic analysis was applied using Haase’s adaptation of Colaizzi’s phenomenological method.

Three themes emerged: resilience amid challenges, challenges of working on COVID-19 wards, and the duty of being fully responsible for the well-being of patients.

The Relationship Between Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim in Healthcare

Regular and intensive training for all health-care providers is necessary to promote preparedness and efficacy in crisis management.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting the need for routine training to prepare medical personnel to address existing and emerging needs.

Fulmer, T., Reuben, D. B., Aurbach, J., Fick, D. M., Galambos, C., & Johnson, K. S. Health Affairs,

Actualizing Better Health And Health Care For Older Adults, 2021.

The study aimed to explore approaches that can improve the quality of life and care for elderly individuals.

Qualitative design NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table.

Systematic review was conducted.

The literature search focused on relevant literature related to the research topic, followed by synthesis of secondary literature.

Six vital directions were identified to improve the quality of life and care for elderly individuals, including creating an adequately prepared workforce, strengthening the role of public health, remediating disparities and inequities, developing, evaluating, and implementing new care delivery approaches, allocating resources for patient-centered care and outcomes (including palliative and end-of-life care), and redesigning the structure and financing of long-term services and supports.

Medical staff must be well-prepared to meet the care needs of older Americans, and resources must be allocated accordingly.

The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by indicating that medical personnel should be prepared and allocated resources, and routine training helps to maintain their readiness while allocating the necessary resources.

(Note: The table formatting has been simplified for this presentation.)

Literature Evaluation Table

Learner Name:

PICOT: benefits of continuous training for the employee in long-term care facilities to provide adequate care for the elderly

Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Permalink or Working Link to Access Article 
Article Title and Year Published 


Research Questions/ Hypothesis, and Purpose/Aim of Study 


Design (Quantitative, Qualitative, or other) 




Methods: Intervention/ Instruments 


Analysis/Data Collection 


Outcomes/Key Findings 




Explanation of How the Article Supports Your Proposed EBP Practice Project Proposal
Chu, C. H., McGilton, K. S., Spilsbury, K., Le, K. N., Boscart, V., Backman, A., Fagertun, A., Devi, R., & Zúñiga, F. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. Strengthening International Research in Long-Term Care: Recommended Common Data Elements to Support Clinical Staff Training, 2021. NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table 


The aim of the study was to develop a training program that supports international research for medical personnel in long-term care facilities. Qualitative design that applied a literature review approach that explored available current literature on the research topic. Literature search conducted in Medline, Embase, CINAHL, HAPI, and Google Scholar. Literature search conducted. Analysis of search results based on completeness of literature and suitable common data elements. Staff training required on facilitating international research, assisting in policy, and decision-making regarding long-term care. Capacity of medical personnel in long-term care facilities can be improved by subjecting them to training on facilitating international research, assisting in policy, and decision-making regarding long-term care. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting the need for personnel in long-term care facilities to be subjected to continuous training.
Wang, L., Chen, H., Yang, L., Qian, C., Sun, D., & Sun, Y. Medicine, Systematic training program for nursing home staff based on the concept of combination of medicine and care, 2020. The aim of the study was to a training program for medical personnel in nursing homes. Quantitative design, experimental approach that had an experimental and control group with the results subjected to statistical analysis. 34 nursing staff working in nursing homes in Qiqihar City. Experimental group subjected to systematic training at three levels for 4 months. Competence scores compared for experimental and control groups. 

Living quality of the elderly in nursing home.

Satisfaction levels of the elderly in nursing home.

Experimental group reported significantly higher competence scores when compared to the control group. Also, living quality and satisfaction levels of elderly were higher for nursing staff in experimental group when compared to the nursing staff in the control group. Nursing staff should be routinely subjected to systematic training based on concept of combination of medicine and care. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by presenting evidence to show that training personnel improves their capacity to provide adequate care to elderly in long-term care facilities.
Lamppu, P. J., Laakkonen, M-L., Finne-Soveri, H., Kautianen, H., Laurila, J. V., & Pitkala, K. H. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Training Staff in Long-Term Care Facilities–Effects on Residents’ Symptoms, Psychological Well-Being, and Proxy Satisfaction, 2021. The aim of the study was to conduct an investigation on how training affects medical staff management of pain symptoms, psychological wellbeing, and satisfaction in long-term care facilities. Quantitative design, cluster randomized controlled trial. 324 residents in with end-of-life care needs in 20 long-term care facilities wards in Helsinki. Training intervention including four 4-hour educational workshop on palliative care principles. Residents assessed for symptoms, pain, psychological well-being, and proxies’ satisfaction. Intervention group had better symptoms management results at 6 months, although the effects were diluted 12 months. Pain management, psychological wellbeing and proxies’ satisfaction scores were not affected by the intervention. Nursing staff be subjected to palliative care training intervention to help improve the symptoms of residents. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting that training intervention helps to improve the capacity of nurses to provide adequate care to elderly in long-term care facilities.
Tak, Y. R., Woo, H. Y., Yi, L. H., & Kim, A. R. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. Useful lessons for the provision of services in long-term care facilities in South Korea: operators’ experiences illuminate the phenomenon of working with the elderly in the field, 2019. The aim of the study was to collect insights of facility operators on elderly long-term care facilities. Qualitative design, phenomenological study with 10 participants. 10 participants who operate nursing home businesses. Interviews with the participants. Thematic analysis of the interview responses. Four themes identified: obtaining hope by providing care, struggling desperately in practice, ream of an ideal long-term care facility, and starting as a facility operator. There are diverse barriers and hardships that operators face in offering person-centered health care services. There is a need to address these barriers. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting that there are significant shortcomings in the capacity of long-term care facilities to meet the needs of their elderly patients/residents.
Wu, C-S., & Rong, J-R. BMC Geriatrics, Relocation experiences of the elderly to a long-term care facility in Taiwan: a qualitative study, 2020. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of elderly residents in a long-term care facility NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table. Qualitative design. 16 elderly patients who relocated to and lived in long-term care facility in Taiwan for up to 12 months. Semi-structured in-depth interviews with participants. Thematic analysis of interview responses. Four themes identified: acceptance and engagement, value tailored care, perceived barriers to adaptation, and stay connected with family and wish to while minimizing burden. Relocating elderly persons to a long-term care facility is a dynamic process that involves a range of experiences, feelings and emotions. Planning the relocation with provisions for individually tailored care helps to maximize the adaptation. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting that individually tailored care is required for residents in long-term care facilities. The identified shortcomings show that standard training does not prepare facility personnel well to meet the needs of patients.
Yen, M-Y., Schwartz, J., King, C-C., Lee, C-M., & Hsueh, P-R. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, Recommendations for protecting against and mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic in long-term care facilities, 2020. The aim of the study was to highlight the relative lack of attention to Covid-19 outbreak concern facing the vulnerable elderly community residing in long-term care facilities. Qualitative design. Literature review. Searched for literature relevant to the research topic. Synthesis of the secondary literature. Long-term care facilities are highly dynamic, a situation that the vulnerable community of elderly contributes to. Medical personnel in long-term care facilities must be ready to meet the dynamic needs of the residents. Although the article talks of Covid-19 and need for enhanced traffic control bundling to protect the residents and staff against the virus, it shows that the long-term care facility environment keeps changing, and that staff must be ready to apply innovative approaches in addressing the changes. Routine training would equip medical personnel with the tools to provide better care by anticipating and addressing the dynamic changes as they occur.
Lan, S-H., Lu, L-C., Lan, S-J., & Chen, J. The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, Educational intervention on physical restraint use in long-term care facilities – Systematic review and meta-analysis, 2017. The aim of the study was to determine of education programs among medical personnel in long-term care facilities are effective in reducing the use of physical restraints. Qualitative design. NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table Systematic review. Literature search in databases: Physiotherapy Evidence Database, Ovid Medline, Web of Science, EBSCO, EMBASE, ProQuest, and Cochrane Library. Meta-analysis of literature. Education group used physical restraints less often when compared to control group. Also, period of post education decreases the effect of the restraint education. Longer education period and more times of education have stronger effect of reducing use of physical restraint. Medical personnel in long-term care facilities be subjected to continuous training to improve their ability to provide adequate care. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting that continuous training improve the ability of medical personnel in long-term care facilities to provide adequate care.
Chen, H., Feng, H., Liao, L., Wu, X., Zhao, Y., Hu, M., Li, H., Hu, H., & Yang, X. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 



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Evaluation of quality improvement intervention with nurse training in nursing homes: A systematic review, 2020. The aim of the study was to evaluate quality improvement intervention designs, and present training programs that support the design for nurses. Qualitative design. Systematic review. Literature search in CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Medline. Meta-analysis of literature. Care quality is affected by provision of advanced training, available training resources, feedback process, building quality improvement teams, setting up mentors, nursing leadership training, external cooperation, and leadership empowerment. Adapting measures that are compatible with nurse training may ensure a successful implementation of quality improvement programs that are conducive to the effective improvement of service quality. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting the need for training to improve the capacity of medical personnel to provide adequate care.
Liu, Q., Luo, D., Haase, J. E., Guo, Q., Wang, X. Q., Liu, S., Xia, L., Liu, Z., Yang, J., & Yang, B. X. The Lancet, The experiences of health-care providers during the COVID-19 crisis in China: a qualitative study, 2020. The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of medical personnel during the early stages of Covid-19 outbreak. Qualitative design, empirical phenomenological approach. 9 nurses and 4 physicians in 5 Covid-19 designated hospitals in Hubei Province, China. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews by telephone. Thematic analysis using Haase’s adaptation of Colaizzi’s phenomenological method. Three themes: resilience amid challenges, challenges of working on Covid-19 wards, and the duty of being fully responsible for the wellbeing of patients. Regular and intensive training for all health-care providers is necessary to promote preparedness and efficacy in crisis management. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by highlighting the need for routine training to prepare medical personnel to meet existing and emerging needs.
Fulmer, T., Reuben, D. B., Aurbach, J., Fick, D. M., Galambos, C., & Johnson, K. S. Health Affairs, Actualizing Better Health And Health Care For Older Adults, 2021. NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table The aim of the study was to explore that approaches that can be applied to improve the quality of life and care of elderly persons. Qualitative design NUR 550 RS5 Literature Evaluation Table. Systematic review. Searched for literature relevant to the research topic. Synthesis of the secondary literature. Six vital directions to improve the quality of life and care of elderly persons: create an adequately prepared workforce; strengthen the role of public health; remediate disparities and inequities; develop, evaluate, and implement new approaches to care delivery; allocate resources to achieve patient-centered care and outcomes, including palliative and end-of-life care; and redesign the structure and financing of long-term services and supports. Medical staff must be well prepared to meet the care needs of older Americans. In addition, they must be allocated resources. The article supports the proposed EBP practice project proposal by indicating that medical personnel should be prepared and allocated resources, and routine training helps to keep them prepared even as it allocated the resources they need.

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