In the field of nursing practice, precise identification and the application of research findings are crucial for achieving favorable outcomes. The ability to convey information effectively and succinctly summarize pertinent peer-reviewed articles in an academic manner enhances a student’s capacity and confidence in developing and synthesizing increasingly intricate assignments, which are integral components of the course change proposal capstone project.
For this task, the student will provide a summary of eight peer-reviewed articles from nursing journals utilizing an evaluation table that gauges the level and robustness of evidence for each of these eight articles. These articles should be recent, published within the last five years, and closely related to the PICOT statement established earlier in the course. The articles may encompass various types of research, including quantitative studies, descriptive analyses, longitudinal investigations, or meta-analyses. Additionally, a systematic review may be employed to provide foundational insights into the purpose or problem identified in the proposed capstone project. The “Literature Evaluation Table” resource should be utilized to complete this assignment.
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While adhering to APA style is not mandatory for the main body of this assignment, it is expected that students demonstrate strong academic writing skills, and in-text citations and references must adhere to APA documentation guidelines, as outlined in the APA Style Guide, available in the Student Success Center.
This assignment will be assessed based on a rubric. Prior to commencing the assignment, it is advisable to review the rubric to gain a clear understanding of the criteria for successful completion.
This assignment does not need to be submitted to Turnitin.
Student Name:
Topic of Change (2-3 sentences): The program aims to reduce the incidence of central line infection in nursing practice. This will be accomplished by investigating the question: Does aligning nursing practice for central line nursing management with evidence derived from nursing research, as opposed to managing central lines without considering research evidence, impact the incidence of bloodstream infections associated with central line use over a two-month trial period?
Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and Link to Access Article
Aloush & Alsaraireh,
Saudi Medical Journal, https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC5893917;jsessionid=2BDDD0B7C9C65AD5DE7B19F56C07CB73
Page et al., Journal of Oncology Practice,
Marschall et al., Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,
Esposito, Guillari & Angelillo, PLoS ONE,
Nurses’ adherence to guidelines for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections, 2018
Reduction of central line-associated bloodstream infections in oncology units: Initial results of an educational intervention based on simulations, 2016
Strategies to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update, 2014
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections among nurses in oncological care: A cross-sectional study in a southern Italian region, 2017
Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study
To assess nurses’ adherence to guidelines for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI), particularly in terms of central line maintenance and the factors influencing compliance.
Can the incidence of central line-associated bloodstream infections be reduced in oncology inpatients through an educational intervention?
To address the susceptibility of oncology patients to central line-associated bloodstream infections.
What strategies can be employed to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections?
To present practical recommendations in a concise format aimed at assisting acute care hospitals in implementing and prioritizing efforts to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections.
What is the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among nurses concerning the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections?
To outline the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among nurses regarding the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections and identify predisposing factors.
Observational study employing a descriptive cross-sectional design. Simulated care model, with pre-test and post-test analysis Literature review Cross-sectional study
171 intensive care unit nurses from 15 hospitals in five cities in Jordan. Nursing staff from January 2012 to June 2012 Utilizes the publication “Strategies to Prevent Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections in Acute Care Hospitals” from 2008 as a foundational source. 335 nurses from oncology and outpatient chemotherapy units in 16 teaching and non-teaching public and private hospitals in the Campania region of Italy.
The sample was observed, and compliance was recorded on a structured observational sheet over five months from March to July 2017. Nursing staff underwent a pretest, an educational blitz, and a post-test. Expert opinions were collected to update the guidelines. The sample was subjected to questionnaires collecting relevant information.
Descriptive statistics and modeling Descriptive analysis, including counts and rates. Identification of recurring themes and consensus opinions Descriptive analysis
The model χ2(4)=133.773, p=0.00 was presented to demonstrate that a lower nurse-to-patient ratio led to superior compliance compared to a higher ratio. Nurse competence improved by 16.9%, resulting in a decrease in infection rates from 5.86 per 1,000 patient line-days to 3.43 per 1,000 patient line days. A list of guidelines was generated to guide medical practice while reducing infection incidence. Gaps were identified in nurses’ knowledge and practices related to infection prevention.
Lowering the nurse-to-patient ratio to improve compliance and patient care outcomes. Implementing targeted educational interventions to enhance nurses’ competence. Adhering to guidelines by medical personnel. Utilizing educational interventions to enhance knowledge and practices while promoting evidence-based prevention strategies.
The article provides valuable insights into reducing the incidence of central line infection by advocating for a lower nurse-to-patient ratio. The article emphasizes the significance of targeted education in enhancing nurses’ competence in managing central lines. The article offers practical strategies for preventing infections proactively. The article underscores the role of education in reducing infection rates.
(Note: The table formatting has been simplified for this presentation.)
Criteria | Article 5 | Article 6 | Article 7 | Article 8 |
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and
Permalink or Working Link to Access Article |
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, |
Perin et al.,
Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagen, |
Hina & McDowell,
Journal of Clinical Nursing, doi: 10.1111/jocn.13824 |
Al Qadire, Tawalbeh & Suliman,
International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJANS/article/download/7295/2635 |
Article Title and Year Published
Central line–associated bloodstream infection
prevention: standardizing practice focused on evidence-based guidelines, 2016 |
Evidence-based measures to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections: a systematic review,
2016 |
Minimising central line‐associated bloodstream infection rate in inserting central venous catheters in the adult intensive care units,
2017 |
Student nurses’ knowledge of guidelines for preventing central venous catheter-associated infections,
2017 |
Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study
What are the best practice guidelines for nurse administration of central lines?
To identify evidence-based practice strategies implemented at a comprehensive ambulatory cancer center to standardize best nursing practice for central lines. |
What are the best strategies for preventing central line infection in the ICU?
To identify evidence-based care to prevent central line infection among adult patients hospitalized in ICUs |
What procedural features can be applied to minimize risk of central line infection?
To investigate the procedural aspects in inserting central venous catheters that minimise central line‐associated bloodstream infection rates in adult intensive care units through a structured literature review. |
What are nursing students’ knowledge levels concerning preventions of central line infection?
To evaluate student nurses’ knowledge of the guidelines for preventing central line-associated infection. |
Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative)
Literature review | Systematic review | Systematic review | Descriptive cross-sectional survey |
Publications relevant to the research topic | 34 publications from PubMed, Scopus, Cinahl, Web of Science, Lilacs, Bdenf and Cochrane Studies databases addressing care and maintenance of central venous catheters, published from January 2011 to July 2014 were searched. | 10 articles from Ovid and CINAHL databases. | 267 second, third and fourth year student nurses from 4 government universities. |
Methods: Intervention/Instruments
Review emerging themes | Review emerging themes | Review emerging themes | Survey |
Recurring ideas based on evidence | Recurring ideas based on evidence | Recurring ideas based on evidence | Descriptive analysis |
Key Findings
Standardizing care and adherence reduces incidence of central line infection. | Applying education and care bundles reduced central line infection rates. | Choosing subclavian site and preparing site using alcoholic disinfectant reduces incidence of infection | Mean knowledge level score was 1.6 out of 10 with the minimum score being 0 and maximum score being 7.
Students taught about preventing central line infection had better knowledge levels that their students who were not taught on the subject. |
Port access and dressing should be standardized while implementing evidence-based policies to realize improved care outcomes. Literature Evaluation Table GCU Example | Care bundles should be coupled with education and commitment from medical personnel to reduce infection incidence. | Optimal sites should be selected for catheter insertion then disinfected to reduce incidence of infection. | Nursing education institutions should offer theoretical and practical lessons on prevention of central line infection. |
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone
The article is useful in preventing strategies for preventing central line infection | The article is useful in presenting strategies that nursing personnel can apply to reduce incidence of central line infection | The article is useful since it presents evidence to show that site selection and disinfection is important. | The article is useful since it identifies that knowledge levels of students is lacking and should be improved. |
Al Qadire, M., Tawalbeh, L. & Suliman, M. (2017). Student nurses’ knowledge of guidelines for preventing central venous catheter-associated infections. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 6(1), doi: 10.14419/ijans.v6i1.7295. Retrieved from https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJANS/article/download/7295/2635
Aloush, S. & Alsaraireh, F. (2018). Nurses’ compliance with central line associated blood stream infection prevention guidelines. Saudi Medical Journal, 39(3), 273-279. doi: 10.15537/smj.2018.3.21497. Retrieved from https://europepmc.org/articles/PMC5893917;jsessionid=2BDDD0B7C9C65AD5DE7B19F56C07CB73
Conley, S. (2016). Central line–associated bloodstream infection prevention: standardizing practice focused on evidence-based guidelines. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 20(1), 23-26. doi: 10.1188/16.CJON.23-26. Retrieved from https://cjon.ons.org/file/24791/download
Esposito, M., Guillari, A. & Angelillo, I. (2017) Knowledge, attitudes, and practice on the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections among nurses in oncological care: A cross-sectional study in an area of southern Italy. PLoS ONE, 12(6), e0180473. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180473. Retrieved from http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0180473 Literature Evaluation Table GCU Example
Hina, H. & McDowell, J. (2017). Minimising central line‐associated bloodstream infection rate in inserting central venous catheters in the adult intensive care units. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(23-24), 3962-3973. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13824
Marschall, J., Mermel, L., Fakih, M., Hadaway, L., Kallen, A., O’Grady, N. … & Yokoe, D. (2014). Strategies to prevent central line–associated bloodstream infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 3(7), 753-771. doi: 10.1086/676533. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/676533
Page, J., Tremblay, M., Nicholas, C. & James, T. (2015). Reducing oncology unit central line–associated bloodstream infections: initial results of a simulation-based educational intervention. Journal of Oncology Practice, 12(1), e83-e87. doi: 10.1200/JOP.2015.005751. Retrieved from http://ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.1200/jop.2015.005751
Perin, D., Erdmann, A., Higashi, G. & Sasso, G. (2016). Evidence-based measures to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections: a systematic review. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagen, 24, e2787. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5016007/
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