Performing a family health assessment is a way that nurses can interact with the family. Obtaining knowledge about one’s family structure, how they function, and the way they process situations, and perform task will inform the nurse on how they can optimize a nursing care educational plan to in cooperate in their family structure and can provide individualized nursing care plans that will be unique to their family system. According to (Kaakinen, 2018).
I have chosen a family that is very dear to me, but that has endured great tragedy recently and other medical and mental health problems. I thought this would be a great family to conduct this interview. In this family there are four members that consist of three teenagers that include a 15-year-old boy, girl A who is 19, Girl B who is 17, a mother and a recently deceased father Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.
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They all work well in supporting each other, especially with the recent loss of their father. The current health of the family is not the best due to their circumstances, they all know this though and are willing and taking appropriate steps to achieve a healthy outcome. Some of the areas they could improve would be the nutritional, exercise, and following medication orders provided by the doctor.
The Family states that their health is important to them especially since the untimely death of the kids’ father was due to a massive heart attack at age 34 who was extremely overweight. The eldest daughter has recently gained a substantial amount of weight and is not making the best decisions on what she eats states the mother. The son is extremely active and plays basketball and football, he states that he works out regularly during the week at school Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.
The mother said that during the week it is hard for them to eat at home all together due to everyone’s busy schedules, school activities, and work. She said that when they are all home on the weekends though that they do eat at home and a well-balanced meal. However, the eldest daughter has been eating a lot of sweets and carbs said she is worried that the loss of her father is making her depressed, and she has been eating a lot due to that.
All the family members stated that they do not get enough sleep and do not feel very rested in the mornings, the son stated that he comes home every day from school and lays down till around 7 or 8pm. The middle daughter takes melatonin to assist in falling asleep, and mother states she is only getting about four hours of sleep at night, she lies awake every night and worries about her kids in this difficult time and stresses out over her financial situation. (Radek, 2021) states that the recommended amount of sleep is 7-8 hours of sleep.
All family members stated they do not have any problems with their bowels or bladder except mother, she stated she has a large kidney stone, but she cannot have surgery due to Covid right now and that the hospital will only do emergency surgeries at this time. According to (Ferraro, 2020) it is recommended to increase fluid intake, and maintain a healthy well-balanced diet with reducing intake of sodium and animal proteins, and to also increase fiber intake Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.
Activity and exercise
Except for the son, the family states that they do not have a regular exercise routine and the eldest daughter cannot exercise due to a foot injury she had a few years ago that she is still suffering from. However, they do stay active and are always on the go.
The mother reports all the children are doing well in school and the son is in all honors classes and making all A’s, the eldest daughter just started college and the middle daughter is doing well also, they also all hold down a job with no issues.
Sensory/ perception
All members of the family report they do not wear glasses or contacts, they are up to date on their eye exams and deny any hearing problems.
When asked about this all members stated they are very depressed, and life is not very enjoyable at this moment however they do know that it will get better they are just dealing with a hard time in life right now. I deny any feelings of self-harm and are all currently in counseling to help grieve their loss.
Role relationship
The mother is the head of household but states the oldest daughter helps a lot as well, she assists in taking the other kids to and from school and anywhere else they need to go while the mother is working and helps a lot with housework Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN.
The kids are not in relationships and deny having any sexual partners. The mother States that she has zero sex drive since her hysterectomy two years ago. She states that she tried the hormones, but she could not stand the way that they made her feel, so she stopped taking them and now suffers from vaginal dryness and painful sex. She states that she knows that she needs to see the doctor and inquire about trying a different kind of medication.
This family has had a recent tragedy and all state that they are doing the best they can to just get by. The kids are in counseling, and mother states she thinks it is slowly helping. The mother states that she just deals by not thinking about it, which then immediately stated she knew that was not the healthy thing to do.
Family focused questions and answers
Values/ Health perception
moments where a kid will get sick here or there but overall, I feel like we’re a pretty normal and healthy family”
“I had several surgeries on my foot after I stepped on a big piece of glass in the lake three years ago, I went to the hospital and they did not clean it, and just stitched it up. They didn’t even give me any antibiotics. I ended up being care flighted to a children’s hospital where I had to have several more surgeries to save my foot.” Says daughter 1
“They better not” laughs mom, then adds “I vape”
Sleep/ Rest
Activity/ Exercise
Sensory perception
Self- perception
Mom is the head of the house, but the oldest daughter helps with taking the other kids to school, and to and from work.
I asked this question to mom in private and she told me that she has “zero desire” she explained that she had to have a hysterectomy at age 35 so 2 years ago and she has not taken her hormone pills. Kids deny being intimate with anyone.
“All 3 kids just started counseling” says mom,” they are all dealing with this loss in their own way and that she cannot stand that she cannot take their pain away. She also adds that daughter 2 with just start whaling and crying uncontrollably and mom states “it is the hardest thing we have ever had to handle and so I knew I had to get them in to see someone.” Family Health Assessment Part I GCU NRS-429VN
Ferraro, P. M. (2020, March 15). Risk of kidney stones: Influence of dietary factors, dietary patterns, and vegetarian–vegan diets. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/3/779
Kaakinen, J. (2018). Family health care nursing. Google Books. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=wNFJDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=family+health+assessment+nursing&ots=29hQpo5to6&sig=48onmdHtUQpNQCDCjyIA912xGrQ#v=onepage&q=family%20health%20assessment%20nursing&f=false
Radek, K. (2021, June 3). An overview of worldwide sleep disturbance | Highlights on medicine and medical science Vol. 3. Book Publisher International. https://stm.bookpi.org/HMMS-V3/article/view/1609
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