Developing a Comprehensive Care Plan

Developing a Comprehensive Care Plan


In the field of nursing, care planning holds immense significance as it serves as the blueprint for delivering patient care. An effective care plan should embody qualities such as precision, comprehensiveness, and relevance (Johnson et al., 2018). Thus, this document will present a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate population residing in South Charlotte. Additionally, it will delineate a disaster management plan designed to address the predominant health risks afflicting this population.

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Comprehensive Care Plan


The aggregate constituents in South Charlotte comprise older adults aged 65 years and above. Among the primary health risks confronting this demographic are A1C management, surgical complications related to diabetes, and elevated BMI (indicative of obesity).

Nursing Diagnosis

– Ineffective A1C management and an elevated risk of infections, delayed wound healing, and surgical outcomes
– Imbalanced nutrition surpassing body requirements, as evidenced by a BMI exceeding 40

Strategies to Mitigate Major Health Risks

1. Establishment of a Multidisciplinary Health Promotion Team:

A collaborative team should be formed to champion health promotion within the target population. This initiative should encompass robust support for diabetes self-management education. In South Charlotte, a pivotal objective is to ensure that all older adults diagnosed with diabetes engage in diabetes self-management education. This educational endeavor equips them with the essential skills, knowledge, and capacity for effective diabetes self-care, including proficient management and reduction of A1C levels—a crucial gauge of glycemic control (Al-Rasheedi, 2015). Effective control of HbA1c not only prevents long-term diabetes complications but also bolsters overall health outcomes. Additionally, participants should receive ongoing self-management support to facilitate the application and sustenance of acquired self-management skills and behaviors.

2. Implementation of an Exercise Program:

In South Charlotte, a tailored exercise program targeting older adults with diabetes should be initiated. This program will encourage participants to engage in at least two weekly sessions of resistance exercise. Research demonstrates that resistance training among older adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can lead to A1C reduction (Alvarez et al., 2017). Furthermore, increased physical activity will aid in BMI reduction among the target population, thereby addressing the issue of obesity.

3. Universal Influenza and Anti-Pneumococcal Immunization: Mandatory influenza and anti-pneumococcal immunization programs should be enforced for all older adults in South Charlotte. These vaccinations are instrumental in diminishing the incidence of respiratory infections, hospitalizations, and fatalities associated with respiratory tract infections (Alvarez et al., 2017). Respiratory infections, including those of the tract, pose a significant threat to individuals with type 2 diabetes.

4. Smoking Cessation Initiatives:

Smoking cessation counseling programs should be seamlessly integrated into routine diabetes care. Additionally, individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should receive education on the importance of abstaining from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoking is linked to numerous health hazards, including the onset of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular complications, and premature mortality. Smoking cessation has been associated with improvements in metabolic parameters and reductions in blood pressure among individuals with type 2 diabetes (Hieshima et al., 2018).

5. Integration of Nutritional Therapy:

Every older adult diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in South Charlotte should be furnished with a personalized dietary plan. Nutritional therapy constitutes a pivotal component of diabetes management and significantly contributes to stabilizing A1C levels. Therefore, active involvement of older adults with type 2 diabetes in education, treatment planning, and self-management alongside their healthcare team is imperative. This collaboration should encompass the development of personalized eating plans (Franz & MacLeod, 2018). All individuals with type 2 diabetes in South Charlotte should have access to registered dietitians equipped with specialized knowledge in diabetes-specific nutrition therapy. The emphasis should be placed on fostering healthy eating patterns, which include consuming an array of fruits and vegetables while curtailing carbohydrate intake to facilitate weight loss (Franz & MacLeod, 2018).

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6. Medication Adherence Promotion:

Finally, comprehensive education regarding the importance of adhering to prescribed medications should be provided to all aggregate participants in South Charlotte. Improved treatment adherence among individuals with type 2 diabetes can enhance glycemic control, thereby reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with uncontrolled diabetes (Polonsky & Henry, 2016).

Disaster Management Plan

Charlotte NC is characterized by a moderate climate, characterized by pronounced variations between warm and cold seasons. Winters bring cold weather, snowfall, and heavy rainfall. The potential disasters that could impact the aggregate population in Charlotte NC encompass hurricanes and flooding. Charlotte NC is susceptible to flooding and storm surges associated with hurricanes, rendering it a region at high risk. The consequences of floods and hurricanes include fatalities, injuries, adverse effects on health and well-being, damage to infrastructure, and disruptions to education and business (Tullos D., 2018).

The national climate assessment underscores Charlotte NC’s high likelihood of facing flooding and hurricanes. However, flooding emerges as the most probable environmental threat. This susceptibility stems from Charlotte NC’s diverse physiography, featuring numerous low-lying and flat areas, as well as coastlines and valleys—attributes that heighten vulnerability to flooding following heavy rainfall (Lickley, et al., 2014). Historical records substantiate the continuing likelihood of flooding and a moderate probability of hurricanes impacting Charlotte NC in the future.

To mitigate the potential consequences of hurricanes and flooding, it is imperative to implement projects and policies aimed at reducing or eliminating their impact on individuals and property (Tullos D., 2018). This entails the formulation of evacuation plans and procedures in anticipation of disasters. Additionally, provisions must be in place for sheltering and nourishing affected individuals, along with delivering necessary medical treatment.

Furthermore, extensive educational and training efforts should be conducted to underscore the hazards associated with these disasters and promote resilience (Lickley, et al., 2014). Community members should receive instruction on prudent precautions to take during flooding or hurricanes. For example, they should be advised to avoid low-lying areas like basements or underpasses during flooding, to remain indoors during hurricanes due to the peril of strong winds, and to refrain from driving into flooded areas. In the event of evacuation advisories from emergency managers, community members should heed the directive promptly (Tullos D., 2018).

Crucially, healthcare providers, especially nurses who are at the forefront of healthcare, should receive education and training in disaster management. Equipping them with the requisite skills and knowledge will enable them to effectively handle disaster victims within healthcare facilities.

Lastly, a flood and hurricane insurance program should be in place to incentivize Charlotte NC residents to adhere to land-use regulations and prohibit construction in areas below the 100-year flood elevation (Lickley, et al., 2014).


The nursing diagnosis for the aggregate population encompasses challenges related to ineffective A1C management, heightened risk of infections, delayed wound healing, surgical outcomes, and imbalanced nutrition. The strategies delineated encompass comprehensive education, promotion of physical activity, implementation of weight loss programs, adoption of a healthy diet, smoking cessation initiatives, and enhancing medication adherence. Meanwhile, the predominant disasters anticipated in Charlotte NC include flooding and hurricanes, demanding preparedness measures, education, and an insurance program to mitigate their impact.


Al-Rasheedi A. A. (2015). Glycemic Control among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Countries of Arabic Gulf. International journal of health sciences, 9(3), 345–350.

Alvarez, C. E., Clichici, L., Patricia Guzmán-Libreros, A., Navarro-Francés, M., & Ena, J. (2017). Survey of vaccination practices in patients with diabetes: A report examining patient and provider perceptions and barriers. Journal of clinical & translational endocrinology, 9, 15–17.

Franz, M. J., & MacLeod, J. (2018). Success of nutrition-therapy interventions in persons with type 2 diabetes: challenges and future directions. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity: targets and therapy, 11, 265–270.

Hieshima, K., Suzuki, T., Sugiyama, S., Kurinami, N., Yoshida, A., Miyamoto, F., Kajiwara, K., Jinnouchi, T., & Jinnouchi, H. (2018). Smoking Cessation Ameliorates Microalbuminuria With Reduction of Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate in Patients With Already Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of clinical medicine research, 10(6), 478–485.

Johnson, L., Edward, K. L., & Giandinoto, J. A. (2018). A systematic literature review of accuracy in nursing care plans and using standardized nursing language. Collegian, 25(3), 355-361.

Lickley, M. J., Lin, N., & Jacoby, H. D. (2014). Analysis of coastal protection under rising flood risk. Climate Risk Management, 6, 18-26.

Polonsky, W. H., & Henry, R. R. (2016). Poor medication adherence in type 2 diabetes: recognizing the scope of the problem and its key contributors. Patient preference and adherence, 10, 1299–1307.

Tullos D. (2018). Opinion: How to achieve better flood-risk governance in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(15), 3731–3734.

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