The western and the eastern models of health and healing have been selected for this discussion. Western medicine is generally the foundation of the most modern health systems today. This model perceives health through the lens of the human biology (Rakel, 2017). The original concept of western model of health regarded health by taking into consideration the four bodily fluids, that is, blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. Similarly, the practice of western model of health today is significantly founded on theses old principles. This includes physical examination of the body and clinical manifestations of conditions, application of a scientific, evidence-based, clinically proven treatments to establish diagnoses of health, and promotion and protection of health as a human right.
On the other hand, eastern medicine is largely dependent on the philosophy that medical practice encompasses treating the person as a whole, and not just the presenting symptoms (Rakel, 2017). The two most common forms of eastern medicine are the Chinese medicine and the Ayurveda. The Chinese medicine perceives illness as an imbalance of energy in the body that runs through invisible meridians. Ayurveda is an Indian practice that perceives illness as an imbalance in the three elements of energies- fire water and air. Treatment in both cases involves restoration of the balance through herbal medicine, diet, massage, and meditation (Patwardhan, Mutalik, & Tillu, 2015).
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My beliefs and attitudes align with the eastern model of health and healing. I’m strongly convinced that to achieve the ultimate health outcome, a person has to be treated as a whole, particularly mentally. I believe that our thoughts are responsible for the way we live and the result is evident in our health. Therefore, eastern medicine practice takes into account not only the physical but also the psychological health of a person, and in my professional practice, I try and tackle health problems from a psychological point of view.
Personal beliefs and attitudes have a significant impact on professional nursing practice. In caring for my patients, I holistically implement nursing interventions by taking into account every aspect of their health. I provide psychological and emotional support through counselling and patient education which significantly empowers patients to be responsible for their health through healthy psychological and emotional patterns. To have such an impact on patients, I also have to be in sound mind and health.
B1. Personality Test Results
“Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test: Your Type INTP Introvert (16%), Intuitive (9%), Thinking (1%), and Perceiving (3%). You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (16%). You have a slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (9%). You have a marginal or no preference of thinking over feeling (1%). You have a marginal or no preference of Perceiving over Judging (3%).”
B2. Analysis of the test results
The test results conclude that I am an INTP. People with INTP personality are generally quiet and analytical. According to King and Mason (2020), people in this group prefer spending time alone and thinking through how things work and the solutions pertaining to the mysterious ways in which things work. Their inner world is more enriched as they focus more attention on their internal thoughts. Their social life is limited to only a group of few people since they don’t have a wide social circle. Additionally, they like to keep their options open, and feel confined by limited structure and planning (King & Mason, 2020). I am an introvert, and I like to think through things before implementing anything. However, I do not agree with the test results on social life being limited to only a few people. I like to interact, and I have made and kept a lot of friendships for long.
The test results are correct in stating that I have a slight preference of introversion over extraversion. My conversations at work are usually goal oriented and not just small talks. On a professional level, with regards to my relationships, I interact with people, and when the conversation diverts to something other than profession, I tend to be reserved. Thus, on the social sphere of life I would describe myself an introvert. While the test results indicate that I have marginal or no preference of perceiving over judging, I believe I have no preference at all of perceiving over judging. This trait aligns with my career choice. As a nurse, I enjoying working in the leadership positions-thinking of new ideas and ways of intervening for the patients, and analyzing decisions before implementing them. Even though I would not describe myself as outgoing, my communication skills are excellent, and that is how I manage to empower patients to take up the responsibility of maintaining their health in their hands by controlling their mental health. Regarding my favorite activities, I find fulfilment in spending time alone, doing things such as playing violin. This is typical of INTPs as they have a limited group of friends.
The major challenge I face in my profession as an INTP is the constant second-guessing that I have in making critical decisions. Since I am a critical thinker, I tend to make decisions following a careful analysis of every aspect. Jankowski (n.d) concurs with this challenge and establishes that it often leads to a constant haunting sense of impending failure. This prevents me from implementing certain critical interventions that might generate a positive outcome. As a result, some healthcare aspects are lagging behind and missing out on the new scientific inventions that could lead to several breakthroughs. Another challenge is weak personal relationships with my colleagues at work. This is because I tend not to socialize beyond work.
Section C: Mindfulness Practice
C1a. Goals
C1b. How to achieve goals
To achieve my physical goals, I would reactivate my weekend subscription to the gym. This will be in addition to my normal routine of morning runs three times a week. I will also cut my coffee intake from two times to once a day- in the morning only. In doing so, I would lengthen my duration of healthy sleep which would have a positive influence on my mental health. Regarding the vital goals, I will try not to let my family issues and social life interfere with my work life. I will clear my head before and after work. To achieve my emotional goals, I will put more effort in interacting with colleagues socially by attending social events organized by the department. I will also invest in my courage through self-motivational books to help me take more risks. To achieve my spiritual goals, I will try my best to communicate my intentions whenever I find an opportunity during my interactions with others, and stay open-minded.
Section D: Healing Environment
D1. Direct Healing Environments
New York Presbyterian Hospital: Located in New York Metropolitan Area, New York State. With approximately 20000 employees and a capacity of 2678 patients (New York- Presbyterian, 2020). It affiliated with Weill Cornell Medicine Columbia and University Vagelos, college of physicians and surgeons. The hospital provides high standards of healthcare services as it was ranked fourth in the United States and first in New York State (New York- Presbyterian, 2020). Its main emphasis is on the western model of health and healing with a touch of eastern model. This encompasses healthy lifestyle activities including exercises, diet, yoga and meditation (New York- Presbyterian, 2020). Interpersonal relationships are built upon through close association of patients with their families and friends. Information brochures and patient educators are available to the patients, which enhances the behavioral environment through acquisition of knowledge about their diverse conditions. The external environment has a physical layout which enhances a friendly atmosphere where people can interact and promote social welfare.
The other hospital that promotes a healing environment is California Pacific Medical Center, located in Calif, San Francisco. It has a capacity of 274 patients (California Pacific Medical Center, 2020). Its main focus is on acute care. It creates a healing environment by providing patients who are undergoing complex medical procedures with guided imagery and visualization. Additionally, it conducts yoga, meditation, Qigong and tai chi for postoperative patients to hasten the healing process (California Pacific Medical Center, 2020). The physical environment has a layout that is spacious and serene, enhanced by the tall trees surrounding the hospital. The environment fosters interpersonal relationship between patients their care takers, thus promoting healing. The hospital incorporates a wide range of digital and written media to convey critical information to the patients. This enhances the behavioral environment as patients get to be more knowledgeable through these media.
D2. Application of Self-Awareness and Insight
One of the approaches that can be applied in my facility is the active incorporation of the eastern model of health and healing. One of the activities that will be significant in enhancing inner peace and stability among patients would be yoga and meditation. Initiation of a new program of mandatory yoga and meditation for independent patients would go a long way in alleviating the mental and physical stamina of the individuals.
California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC). (2020). California Pacific Medical Center. Stutter Health. Retrieved from https://www.sutterhealth.org/cpmc
Jankowski, J. The Logician: Your Guide to the INTP Personality Type. LOGOS MEDIA.
King, S. P., & Mason, B. A. (2020). Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Measurement and Assessment, 315-319.
New York- Presbyterian. (2020). New York- Presbyterian. Retrieved from https://www.nyp.org/
Patwardhan, B., Mutalik, G., & Tillu, G. (2015). Integrative approaches for health: Biomedical research, Ayurveda and Yoga. Academic Press.
Rakel, D. (2017). Integrative medicine-E-book. Elsevier health sciences.
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