Tina Jones Subjective Data Collection

Tina Jones Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%)

Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%)
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Table of Contents

Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions.

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Scored Items

Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.
Patient Data
Not Scored

A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case.
Current Health Status


Confirmed reason for visit


Reports needing a pre-employment physical

Pro Tip: Initially establishing a chief complaint allows the patient to express their reason for seeking care, primary concerns, or condition they are presenting with.

Example Question:

Can I confirm that you are here for a physical?


Reports no current acute health problems

Pro Tip: Initially establishing a chief complaint allows the patient to express their reason for seeking care, primary concerns, or condition they are presenting with.

Example Question:

Do you have any current health problems?


Asked about last visit to a healthcare provider


Last visit to a healthcare provider was 4 months ago

Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history.

Example Question:

When did you see a healthcare provider?


Reason for last visit was annual gynecological exam

Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history. Asking Tina why she saw a healthcare provider might indicate any recent health concerns or problems.

Example Question:

Why did you see a healthcare provider?


Last general physical examination was 5 months ago when she was prescribed metformin and daily inhaler

Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history.

Example Question:

When was your last physical exam?


Asked about current prescription medications


Reports taking diabetes medication

Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. Asking Tina if she has been taking medication for her diabetes will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it.

Example Question:

Have you been taking medication for your diabetes?


Reports using a daily inhaler

Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. Asking Tina if she still has her inhaler will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it.

Example Question:

Do you use a daily inhaler?


Reports taking prescription birth control pills

Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans.

Example Question:

Are you taking any form of birth control?


Followed up about diabetes medication


Medication is metformin

Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

Example Question:

What is the name of your diabetes medication?


Started taking metformin 5 months ago

Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

Example Question:

How long have you been taking metformin?


Reports that eating probiotic yogurt helps with side effects and they have abated over time

Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

Example Question:

Have you noticed any side effects from the metformin?


Followed up on metformin frequency and dose


Reports taking metformin twice daily

Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

Example Question:

How many times a day do you take metformin?


Metformin dose is 850 mg

Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

Example Question:

What is the dose of your metformin?


Asked about asthma medication


Reports using Flovent inhaler twice daily

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

How often do you use your daily inhaler?


Has a Proventil rescue inhaler

Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Asking Tina if she has a rescue inhaler for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it.

Example Question:

Do you have a rescue inhaler?


Last use of Proventil inhaler was three months ago

Pro Tip: Soliciting a shallow history of a patient’s medication history can reveal recent exacerbation. Asking Tina when she last used her inhaler will indicate when her symptoms most recently required medical treatment.

Example Question:

When did you last use your rescue inhaler?


Has used Proventil inhaler twice in the last year

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

How often do you use your rescue inhaler?


Followed up about birth control prescription


Started taking birth control 4 months ago

Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina how long ago she started taking birth control establishes a timeline of her current treatment plan.

Example Question:

How long ago did you start taking birth control?


Reason for birth control was to manage PCOS symptoms

Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina why she started taking birth control will allow Tina to express any concerns or problems in her own words.

Example Question:

Why did you decide to start taking birth control?


Birth control type is Yaz (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol)

Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Confirming the name of Tina’s birth control pill will solicit information about her health history and current treatment plan.

Example Question:

What type of birth control do you use?


Takes birth control pill daily

Pro Tip: Follow up questions about

birth control type and use will help you to understand Tina’s health history and compliance with her treatment plan.

Example Question:

How often do you take your birth control?


Asked about inhaler


Reports using Proventil inhaler twice in the last year

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

How often do you use your rescue inhaler?


Reports using Proventil inhaler two to three in the last year

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

How often do you use your rescue inhaler?


Reports a previous use of QVAR inhaler but discontinued use due to cost

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

Have you used any other inhalers in the past?


Reports using Albuterol inhaler in the past

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

Have you used any other inhalers in the past?


Asked about asthma exacerbation


Reports exacerbation 5 months ago

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Tina’s exacerbation history will reveal the frequency and severity of her symptoms.

Example Question:

When did your asthma symptoms most recently worsen?


Reports no current asthma symptoms

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s currently experiencing any asthma symptoms will help you to understand her current health status.

Example Question:

Are you currently experiencing any asthma symptoms?


Asked about asthma symptoms


Reports occasional wheezing

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Tina’s description of her wheezing will indicate the severity and frequency of her symptoms.

Example Question:

How often do you experience wheezing?


Wheezing is usually triggered by allergies

Pro Tip: Understanding the triggers for Tina’s wheezing can help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What seems to trigger your wheezing?


Asked about allergies


Reports occasional hay fever symptoms

Pro Tip: Allergies can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Asking Tina about her allergies will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you have any allergies?


Asked about tobacco use


Reports no current tobacco use

Pro Tip: Tobacco use is a common trigger for asthma exacerbation. Confirming that Tina doesn’t use tobacco will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you use tobacco?


Reports no history of tobacco use

Pro Tip: Tobacco use is a common trigger for asthma exacerbation. Confirming that Tina has never used tobacco will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Have you ever used tobacco products?


Asked about alcohol use


Reports no current alcohol use

Pro Tip: Alcohol use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina doesn’t use alcohol will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you use alcohol?


Reports no history of alcohol use

Pro Tip: Alcohol use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina has never used alcohol will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Have you ever used alcohol?


Asked about caffeine use


Reports drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day

Pro Tip: Caffeine can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Asking Tina about her caffeine consumption will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

How much caffeine do you consume on a daily basis?


Asked about recreational drug use


Reports no current recreational drug use

Pro Tip: Recreational drug use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina doesn’t use recreational drugs will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you use recreational drugs?


Reports no history of recreational drug use

Pro Tip: Recreational drug use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina has never used recreational drugs will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Have you ever used recreational drugs?


Asked about exercise routine


Reports regular exercise routine of yoga and light jogging

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Tell me about your exercise routine.


Exercise routine includes yoga

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What types of exercise do you do?


Exercise routine includes light jogging

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What types of exercise do you do?


Asked about exercise frequency


Exercises 3-4 hours on average per week

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise frequency will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How often do you exercise?


Asked about exercise intensity


Describes exercise intensity as light or moderate

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise intensity will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How would you describe the intensity of your exercise routine?


Asked about exercise duration


Each exercise session lasts approximately 45 minutes

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise duration will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How long do your exercise sessions typically last?


Asked about exercise location


Exercises at home

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise location will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Where do you usually exercise?


Asked about exercise routine changes


Hasn’t made any

changes to exercise routine

Pro Tip: Understanding any recent changes in Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Have you made any changes to your exercise routine recently?


Reports experiencing stress

Pro Tip: Stress can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s stress levels will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Are you experiencing any stress in your life?


Asked about stress triggers


Reports stress related to work and college

Pro Tip: Identifying specific stress triggers will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What aspects of work or college are causing you stress?


Reports occasional trouble sleeping

Pro Tip: Poor sleep can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s sleep patterns will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Are you experiencing any sleep problems?


Asked about sleep duration


Typically sleeps 6-7 hours per night

Pro Tip: Sleep duration can impact asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s sleep duration will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How many hours of sleep do you get on average each night?


Asked about sleep quality


Describes sleep quality as fair, often waking up during the night

Pro Tip: Poor sleep quality can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s sleep quality will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How would you rate the quality of your sleep?


Reports a history of anxiety

Pro Tip: Anxiety can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s history of anxiety will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Have you experienced anxiety in the past?


Reports occasional use of rescue inhaler for anxiety

Pro Tip: Some individuals use inhalers as a coping mechanism for anxiety. Understanding Tina’s use of her inhaler for anxiety will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Tell me about your history of anxiety and your use of the rescue inhaler for anxiety.


Asked about mental health treatment


Hasn’t received any formal mental health treatment

Pro Tip: Exploring Tina’s mental health treatment history will help you to understand her overall well-being.

Example Question:

Have you ever received treatment for your mental health?


Reports occasional use of rescue inhaler for anxiety

Pro Tip: Some individuals use inhalers as a coping mechanism for anxiety. Understanding Tina’s use of her inhaler for anxiety will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Tell me about your history of anxiety and your use of the rescue inhaler for anxiety.


Asked about social support


Reports a strong support system of family and friends

Pro Tip: Social support can positively impact asthma management. Understanding Tina’s support system will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Do you have a strong support system of family and friends?


Asked about medication adherence


Reports good adherence to asthma medications

Pro Tip: Adherence to asthma medications is crucial for managing symptoms. Confirming Tina’s adherence will help you to understand her treatment plan compliance.

Example Question:

How often do you take your asthma medications?


Asked about any medication side effects


Reports no significant medication side effects

Pro Tip: Some asthma medications can have side effects. Understanding Tina’s experience with medication side effects will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Have you experienced any side effects from your asthma medications?


Asked about medication changes


No recent changes in asthma medications

Pro Tip: Understanding any recent changes in Tina’s asthma medications will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Have there been any changes to your asthma medications recently?


Reports using albuterol inhaler twice in the last year

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

How often do you use your rescue inhaler?


Reports using albuterol inhaler twice in the last year

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

How often do you use your rescue inhaler?


Reports a previous use of QVAR inhaler but discontinued use due to cost

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

Have you used any other inhalers in the past?


Reports using Albuterol inhaler in the past

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

Example Question:

Have you used any other inhalers in the past?


Asked about asthma exacerbation


Reports exacerbation 5 months ago

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Tina’s exacerbation history will reveal the frequency and severity of her symptoms.

Example Question:

When did your asthma symptoms most recently worsen?


Reports no current asthma symptoms

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s currently experiencing any asthma symptoms will help you to understand her current health status.

Example Question:

Are you currently experiencing any asthma symptoms?


Asked about asthma symptoms


Reports occasional wheezing

Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Tina’s description of her wheezing will indicate the severity and frequency of her symptoms.

Example Question:

How often do you experience wheezing?


Wheezing is usually triggered by allergies

Pro Tip: Understanding the triggers for Tina’s wheezing can help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What seems to trigger your wheezing?


Asked about allergies


Reports occasional hay fever symptoms

Pro Tip: Allergies can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Asking Tina about her allergies will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you have any allergies?


Asked about tobacco use



Reports no current tobacco use

Pro Tip: Tobacco use is a common trigger for asthma exacerbation. Confirming that Tina doesn’t use tobacco will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you use tobacco?


Reports no history of tobacco use

Pro Tip: Tobacco use is a common trigger for asthma exacerbation. Confirming that Tina has never used tobacco will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Have you ever used tobacco products?


Asked about alcohol use


Reports no current alcohol use

Pro Tip: Alcohol use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina doesn’t use alcohol will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you use alcohol?


Reports no history of alcohol use

Pro Tip: Alcohol use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina has never used alcohol will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Have you ever used alcohol?


Asked about caffeine use


Reports drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day

Pro Tip: Caffeine can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Asking Tina about her caffeine consumption will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

How much caffeine do you consume on a daily basis?


Asked about recreational drug use


Reports no current recreational drug use

Pro Tip: Recreational drug use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina doesn’t use recreational drugs will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Do you use recreational drugs?


Reports no history of recreational drug use

Pro Tip: Recreational drug use can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Confirming that Tina has never used recreational drugs will help you to understand potential triggers for her asthma exacerbations.

Example Question:

Have you ever used recreational drugs?


Asked about exercise routine


Reports regular exercise routine of yoga and light jogging

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Tell me about your exercise routine.


Exercise routine includes yoga

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What types of exercise do you do?


Exercise routine includes light jogging

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What types of exercise do you do?


Asked about exercise frequency


Exercises 3-4 hours on average per week

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise frequency will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How often do you exercise?


Asked about exercise intensity


Describes exercise intensity as light or moderate

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise intensity will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How would you describe the intensity of your exercise routine?


Asked about exercise duration


Each exercise session lasts approximately 45 minutes

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise duration will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How long do your exercise sessions typically last?


Asked about exercise location


Exercises at home

Pro Tip: Understanding Tina’s exercise location will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Where do you usually exercise?


Asked about exercise routine changes


Hasn’t made any changes to exercise routine

Pro Tip: Understanding any recent changes in Tina’s exercise routine will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Have you made any changes to your exercise routine recently?


Reports experiencing stress

Pro Tip: Stress can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s stress levels will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Are you experiencing any stress in your life?


Asked about stress triggers


Reports stress related to work and college

Pro Tip: Identifying specific stress triggers will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

What aspects of work or college are causing you stress?


Reports occasional trouble sleeping

Pro Tip: Poor sleep can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s sleep patterns will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Are you experiencing any sleep problems?


Asked about sleep duration


Typically sleeps 6-7 hours per night

Pro Tip: Sleep duration can impact asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s sleep duration will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How many hours of sleep do you get on average each night?


Asked about sleep quality


Describes sleep quality as fair, often waking up during the night

Pro Tip: Poor sleep quality can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s sleep quality will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

How would you rate the quality of your sleep?


Reports a history of anxiety

Pro Tip: Anxiety can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Understanding Tina’s history of anxiety will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Have you experienced anxiety in the past?


Reports occasional use of rescue inhaler for anxiety

Pro Tip: Some individuals use inhalers as a coping mechanism for anxiety. Understanding Tina’s use of her inhaler for anxiety will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Tell me about your history of anxiety and your use of the rescue inhaler for anxiety.


Asked about mental health treatment


Hasn’t received any formal mental health treatment

Pro Tip: Exploring Tina’s mental health treatment history will help you to understand her overall well-being.

Example Question:

Have you ever received treatment for your mental health?


Reports occasional use of rescue inhaler for anxiety

Pro Tip: Some individuals use inhalers as a coping mechanism for anxiety. Understanding Tina’s use of her inhaler for anxiety will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Tell me about your history of anxiety and your use of the rescue inhaler for anxiety.


Asked about social support


Reports a strong support system of family and friends

Pro Tip: Social support can positively impact asthma management. Understanding Tina’s support system will help you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Example Question:

Do you have a strong support system of family and friends?


Asked about medication adherence


Reports good adherence to asthma medications

Pro Tip: Adherence to asthma medications is crucial for managing symptoms. Confirming Tina’s adherence will help you to understand her treatment plan compliance.

Example Question:

How often do you take your asthma medications?


Asked about any medication side effects

HEENT Objective Data Collection for Tina Jones

Hover To Reveal…

Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions.

  • Found:

    Indicates an item that you found.

  • Available:

    Indicates an item that is available to be found.


Scored Items

Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.

Patient Data

Not Scored

A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case.

Current Health Status

  • Finding:

    Confirmed reason for visit

  • Finding:

    Reports needing a pre-employment physical

  • Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation(Found)

    Pro Tip: Initially establishing a chief complaint allows the patient to express their reason for seeking care, primary concerns, or condition they are presenting with.

    Example Question:

    Can I confirm that you are here for a physical?
  • Finding:

    Reports no current acute health problems


    Pro Tip: Initially establishing a chief complaint allows the patient to express their reason for seeking care, primary concerns, or condition they are presenting with.

    Example Question:

    Do you have any current health problems?
  • Finding:

    Asked about last visit to a healthcare provider

  • Finding:

    Last visit to a healthcare provider was 4 months ago


    Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history.

    Example Question:

    When did you see a healthcare provider?
  • Finding:

    Reason for last visit was annual gynecological exam


    Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history. Asking Tina why she saw a healthcare provider might indicate any recent health concerns or problems.

    Example Question:

    Why did you see a healthcare provider?
  • Finding:

    Last general physical examination was 5 months ago when she was prescribed metformin and daily inhaler


    Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history.

    Example Question:

    When was your last physical exam? Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation
  • Finding:

    Asked about current prescription medications

  • Finding:

    Reports taking diabetes medication


    Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. Asking Tina if she has been taking medication for her diabetes will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it.

    Example Question:

    Have you been taking medication for your diabetes?
  • Finding:

    Reports using a daily inhaler


    Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. Asking Tina if she still has her inhaler will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it.

    Example Question:

    Do you use a daily inhaler?
  • Finding:

    Reports taking prescription birth control pills


    Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans.

    Example Question:

    Are you taking any form of birth control?
  • Finding:

    Followed up about diabetes medication

  • Finding:

    Medication is metformin


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

    Example Question:

    What is the name of your diabetes medication?
  • Finding:

    Started taking metformin 5 months ago


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

    Example Question:

    How long have you been taking metformin?
  • Finding:

    Reports that eating probiotic yogurt helps with side effects and they have abated over time


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

    Example Question:

    Have you noticed any side effects from the metformin?
  • Finding:

    Followed up on metformin frequency and dose

  • Finding:

    Reports taking metformin twice daily


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

    Example Question:

    How many times a day do you take metformin?
  • Finding:

    Metformin dose is 850 mg


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history.

    Example Question:

    What is the dose of your metformin?
  • Finding:

    Asked about asthma medication

  • Finding:

    Reports using Flovent inhaler twice daily


    Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

    How often do you use your daily inhaler?
  • Finding:

    Has a Proventil rescue inhaler


    Pro Tip: The medication that a patient takes reveals a current treatment plan and healthcare access. Asking Tina if she has a rescue inhaler for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a rescue inhaler?
  • Finding:

    Last use of Proventil inhaler was three months ago


    Pro Tip: Soliciting a shallow history of a patient’s medication history can reveal recent exacerbation. Asking Tina when she last used her inhaler will indicate when her symptoms most recently required medical treatment.

    Example Question:

    When did you last use your rescue inhaler?
  • Finding:

    Has used Proventil inhaler twice in the last year


    Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asking if Tina’s been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how she’s been treating her symptoms since exacerbation.

    Example Question:

    How often do you use your rescue inhaler?
  • Finding:

    Followed up about birth control prescription

  • Finding:

    Started taking birth control 4 months ago


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina how long ago she started taking birth control establishes a timeline of her current treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    How long ago did you start taking birth control?
  • Finding:

    Reason for birth control was to manage PCOS symptoms


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina why she started taking birth control will allow Tina to express any concerns or problems in her own words.

    Example Question:

    Why did you decide to start taking birth control?
  • Finding:

    Birth control type is Yaz (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol)


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Confirming the name of Tina’s birth control pill will solicit information about her health history and current treatment plan. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

    What type of birth control do you use?
  • Finding:

    Takes birth control pill daily


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    How often do you take your birth control pill?
  • Finding:

    Takes birth control pill at the same time every day


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    Do you take your pill at the same time every day?
  • Finding:

    Reports no skipped days


    Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tina’s birth control prescription can help you to understand how effectively she complies with her treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    Have you missed any days of your birth control pill?
  • Finding:

    Asked about current non-prescription medications

  • Finding:

    Reports rare Advil use for cramps


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina if she takes non prescription drugs will indicate her current treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    Do you take Advil?
  • Finding:

    Reports no OTC herbal products


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina if she takes herbal products will indicate her current treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    Do you use any herbal products?
  • Finding:

    Reports no OTC vitamins


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina if she takes vitamins will indicate her current treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    Do you take any vitamins?
  • Finding:

    Reports no OTC supplements


    Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Asking Tina if she takes supplements will indicate her current treatment plan.

    Example Question:

    Do you take any supplements?
  • Finding:

    Asked about allergies

  • Finding:

    Confirms allergies


    Pro Tip: Discerning what’s making Tina’s asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, allergies, or movement that may have a bearing on Tina’s breathing. Asking Tina what triggers her allergies will indicate, in part, Tina’s health literacy.

    Example Question:

    Can you confirm your allergies?
  • Finding:

    Reports no new allergies


    Pro Tip: Discerning whether anything is making Tina’s asthma worse can point to possible new triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movements that may have a bearing on Tina’s breathing.

    Example Question:

    Have you noticed any new allergies?
  • Finding:

    Followed up on seasonal allergies

  • Finding:

    Reports no recent seasonal allergy symptoms


    Pro Tip: Discerning whether anything is making Tina’s asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movements that may have a bearing on Tina’s breathing.

    Example Question:

    Have you been having seasonal allergies?
  • Finding:

    Reports no current medication for allergies


    Pro Tip: Tina’s response to a question about managing her allergies will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way she’s complied with previous treatment plans.

    Example Question:

    Are you taking any medication for your allergies?
  • Finding:

    Asked about diabetes

  • Finding:

    Reports managing diabetes with diet and exercise in addition to medication


    Pro Tip: Tina’s response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way she’s complied with previous treatment plans. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

    How are you managing your diabetes?
  • Finding:

    Asked about blood glucose monitoring

  • Finding:

    Reports checking blood sugar once a day


    Pro Tip: Tina’s response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way she’s complied with previous treatment plans.

    Example Question:

    How often do you monitor your blood glucose?
  • Finding:

    Checks sugar in the morning


    Pro Tip: Tina’s response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way she’s complied with previous treatment plans.

    Example Question:

    When do you check your blood glucose?
  • Finding:

    Blood sugar number is usually around 90


    Pro Tip: Tina’s response to a question about managing her diabetes will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way she’s complied with previous treatment plans.

    Example Question:

    What is your average blood sugar number?
  • Finding:

    Reports having adequate supplies



Objective Data Collection: 70 of 73 (95.9%)

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Experts selected these examinations as essential components of objective data collection for this patient.

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Thorough examinations will yield better patient data. The following actions reveal the objective data of the patient’s case. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation


  • Finding:

    Inspected head and neck

  • Finding:

    Scattered pustules on face and facial hair on upper lip


    Pro Tip: Inspecting the facial skin for the presence of discoloration, lesions, or abnormal hair growth assesses for underlying medical problems.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Head is normocephalic, atraumatic


    Pro Tip: Because your patient may have unknowingly hit her head during her fall, giving special attention to your observation of the size and the shape of your patient’s head can identify any indications of trauma.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Normal scalp hair distribution


    Pro Tip: It’s important to inspect your patient’s hair for distribution, color, and texture because abnormal hair growth or characteristics can indicate underlying health problems.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Acanthosis nigricans noted on neck


    Pro Tip: Skin changes are common in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. A thorough inspection should be conducted of your patient’s skin, especially in folds around the neck, axilla, and groin.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Inspected eyebrows and orbital area

  • Finding:

    Right eye: equal hair distribution on lashes and eyebrows, lids without lesions, no ptosis or edema


    Pro Tip: Examining the external eye for hair distribution, coloration, edema, lesions, and ptosis identifies abnormalities that can indicate infection or underlying conditions.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left eye: equal hair distribution on lashes and eyebrows, lids without lesions, no ptosis or edema


    Pro Tip: Examining the external eye for hair distribution, coloration, edema, lesions, and ptosis identifies abnormalities that can indicate infection or underlying conditions.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Palpated scalp

  • Finding:

    No masses


    Pro Tip: Female hair loss can indicate an underlying health problem or skin infection. Inspecting the scalp and hair for texture, distribution, and quantity helps to identify lesions or masses.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Palpated sinuses

  • Finding:

    No frontal sinus tenderness


    Pro Tip: Palpating the frontal sinuses checks for sinusitis.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    No maxillary sinus tenderness


    Pro Tip: Palpating the maxillary sinuses checks for sinusitis.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Palpated jaw

  • Finding:

    No clicks, full ROM


    Pro Tip: Palpating the jaw checks for crepitus can identify TMJ or injury.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Palpated lymph nodes

  • Finding:

    No axillary lymphadenopathy


    Pro Tip: Palpating the lymph nodes helps to identify characteristics relaying information about inflammation, infection, and malignancy.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    No supraclavicular lymphadenopathy


    Pro Tip: Palpating the lymph nodes helps to identify characteristics relaying information about inflammation, infection, and malignancy. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Palpated thyroid

  • Finding:

    Thyroid smooth without nodules, no goiter


    Pro Tip: Palpating the thyroid gland for size, shape, and consistency, and noting any nodules or tenderness, helps to identify signs of a thyroid disorder.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Inspected eyelids and conjunctiva

  • Finding:

    Upper eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, white sclera


    Pro Tip: Inspecting the conjunctiva and sclera for color changes, swelling, and increased vascularity helps to identify an infection or underlying condition.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Lower eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, white sclera


    Pro Tip: Inspecting the conjunctiva and sclera for color changes, swelling, and increased vascularity helps to identify an infection or underlying condition.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Tested PERRL with penlight

  • Finding:

    Right pupil: equal, round, reactive to light


    Pro Tip: When inspecting the pupils for size, shape, symmetry, and reaction to light, unequal or unreactive pupils can indicate significant underlying health problems.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left pupil: equal, round, reactive to light


    Pro Tip: When inspecting the pupils for size, shape, symmetry, and reaction to light, unequal or unreactive pupils can indicate significant underlying health problems.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Tested eye movements

  • Finding:

    Normal convergence


    Pro Tip: This test accommodation assesses the eye’s ability to focus on close objects.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    EOMs intact bilaterally, no nystagmus


    Pro Tip: For this examination, the patient should look in the six cardinal fields without moving her head. Lag, nystagmus, and deviations may indicate neurologic conditions.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Tested peripheral vision

  • Finding:

    Peripheral vision intact in both eyes, all fields


    Pro Tip:

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Inspected interior eyes with ophthalmoscope

  • Finding:

    Mild retinopathic changes on right


    Pro Tip: Patients with diabetes are at risk for diabetic retinopathy. By visualizing the fundus, you can look for any retinopathic changes.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left fundus with sharp disc margins, no hemorrhages





  • Finding:

    Palpated abdomen – deep

  • Finding:

    Right upper quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound


    Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right lower quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound


    Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left upper quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound


    Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left lower quadrant: no masses, guarding or rebound


    Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Palpated organs

  • Finding:

    Liver: palpable 1 cm below right costal margin


    Pro Tip: Palpating the liver identifies enlargement, displacement, tenderness, and consistency, which can indicate important health problems.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Spleen: not palpable


    Pro Tip: Palpating the spleen identifies enlargement or displacement, which can indicate a number of serious health conditions.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right kidney: not palpable, no masses


    Pro Tip: Healthy kidneys are not usually palpable. Attempting to palpate the kidney helps determine enlargement or tenderness.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left kidney: not palpable, no masses


    Pro Tip: Healthy kidneys are not usually palpable. Attempting to palpate the kidney helps determine enlargement or tenderness.

    Example Question:


  • Finding:

    Inspected neck

  • Finding:

    Neck without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Inspected upper extremities

  • Finding:

    Right shoulder without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right arm without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right elbow without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right wrist and hand without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left shoulder without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left arm without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left elbow without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left wrist and hand without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Fingernails: no ridges or abnormalities in nails, pink nailbeds


    Pro Tip: Nail appearance suggests the status of respiratory and vascular function and the presence of nutrient deficiencies or diseases. This is especially important to assess in your patient because diabetics are at risk for peripheral vascular disease. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Inspected hips

  • Finding:

    Hips without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Inspected lower extremities

  • Finding:

    Right leg without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right knee without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right ankle without swelling, masses, deformity, or discoloration


    Pro Tip: A thorough inspection of your patient’s affected ankle aids in the estimation of the extent of tissue injury and disability.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right foot without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: Wound appearance relates information about the extent of injury or infection, as well as healing status.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left leg without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left knee without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left ankle without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: The inspection of your patient’s unaffected ankle provides a comparison to the affected side and aids in the assessment for possible unknown injury inflicted during the fall.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Left foot without swelling, masses, or deformity


    Pro Tip: Your patient has diabetes and may unknowingly have wounds on her unindicated foot due to possible neuropathy.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Toenails: no ridges or abnormalities in nails, pink nailbeds


    Pro Tip: Nail appearance suggests the status of respiratory and vascular function and the presence of nutrient deficiencies or diseases. This is especially important to assess in your patient because diabetics are at risk for peripheral vascular disease.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Tested ROM for upper extremities

  • Finding:

    Right and left shoulders: full ROM


    Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. The assessment should also include the comparison of bilateral sides.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right and left elbows: full ROM


    Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. The assessment should also include the comparison of bilateral sides.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Right and left wrists: full ROM


    Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. The assessment should also include the comparison of bilateral sides.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Tested ROM for spine

  • Finding:

    Rotate left: full ROM


    Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. The assessment should also include the comparison of bilateral sides.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Rotate right: full ROM


    Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. The assessment should also include the comparison of bilateral sides.

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Extension: full ROM

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    Pro Tip: Assessing range of motion of each major joint noting any limitations in mobility, pain, or crepitation can identify joint disease or injury. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation

    Example Question:

  • Finding:

    Flexion: full ROM

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