The benefits of the four-work week: Physical and mental health

The benefits of the four-work week: Physical and mental health

The four-work week has become a norm for decades. The advantages of reduced working hours have lately come into sharper focus. The evidence is strong that implementing a four-day workweek would ensure workers better physical and mental conditions while increasing general productivity and economic benefits for individuals.

A four-day working week is one of the fundamental methods that improves physical health most significantly on perceived levels. Based on a publication in the JOEM Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, it is also evident that working for long hours puts one at risk of developing heart disease, obesity, as well as specific types of cancer. Moreover, increased working hours correlate with more stress levels, which can then bring about mental health challenges that encompass heightened tension and depression (Denis, 2022). When employees are given an additional day every week on which they do not have to work, the time can be used for relaxation and rejuvenation, as well as activities that promote physical health, including exercises or spending quality moments with family.

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Also, having fewer working days can positively affect mental health. A Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research study suggested better mental health when working less than 39 hours a week ((Milner et al., 2017). One of the benefits associated with this extra working day away is that workers have enough time to carry out and undertake their activities, such as self-care, running errands, or attending to personal hobbies. This can also help decrease stress, increase a sense of being contented, and improve the general mental state.

Apart from the advantages realized personally, reducing working days to four has been established as an initiator in increased production. A study by the Stockholm University Institute for Social Research found that workers with shorter days were more productive and less likely to suffer from problems such as burnout than their long-day working colleagues. A shorter work week increases the opportunity to concentrate and focus on work and job satisfaction. Motivation to achieve goals and optimal performance from the workplace links directly with when workers feel that their time is respected; they enjoy proper work-life balance.

Besides the personal advantages, a four-day week enhances worker productivity. For instance, a recent study in the Stockholm University Institute for Social Research conducted by researchers addressed that shorter hours of working reduce risks and increase productivity since such employees rarely face burnout (Reidhead, 2022). Since the shortened workweek fosters high focus, concentration, and job satisfaction, such output can be made through part-time attendance at work. When employees realize that their time is respected and there are chances for establishing the right work-life balance, they start performing better to reach defined goals.

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In addition, a four-day workweek can bring positive results to the economy. The report by Autonomy, a think tank, showed that cutting down the workweek could lead to 500,000 new positions in Great Britain as this measure is advantageous for individuals and contributes to national economics. This has been proved in a study conducted by the New Economics Foundation that working hours can mean more money spent by consumers; thus, there would be an increased level of economic. A four-day workweek can be responsive to people who are only available for part-time work due to motivational tasks or additional obligations (Delaney & Casey, 2021). This may lead to higher labor force participation and a more egalitarian society.

However, discussing some of these challenges and concerns is essential before presenting the recommendations for rolling out a four-day workweek plan. Lower productivity coupled with increased business costs is one of the shared worries. Studies have indicated the contrary. According to research by a New Zealand trust management firm, Perpetual Guardian, productivity has increased after incorporating a four-day work. This improved productivity was credited to the excellent balance between life and work, which promoted high employee satisfaction (Cuello, 2023).

Also, the assertion that a four-day workweek would see increased operational costs by companies is vastly exaggerated. Several research studies strongly support the adoption of a four-day workweek to guarantee better physical health and mental wellness, improve productivity, and provide great economic returns (Four-day week: Trial Finds Lower Stress and Increased Productivity 2019). When they offer employees one extra day of freedom every week, stress levels are lowered as their mental health develops since people participate in activities that build their bodies.

Based on the research available has proved that short work weeks boost worker productivity and job satisfaction, resulting in more achievement. The four-day workweek can benefit the economy by producing new employment opportunities and encouraging individuals to conduct more consumer activity. However, proper planning and implementation strategies can redress challenges and concerns. In conclusion, a four-day workweek is beneficial not only to individual workers but also to society as a whole. Therefore, it is high time to acknowledge the fact that a work week will produce better results in terms of both health and productivity.


Cuello, H. (2023). Assessing the Validity of Four-day Week Pilots (No. 2023-08). Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

Delaney, H., & Casey, C. (2021). The promise of a four-day week? A critical appraisal of a management-led initiative. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 44(1), 176–190.

Denis, M. (2022). Study: The evidence overwhelmingly says 4-day work weeks are good for everyone. The Manual. Retrieved from

Guardian News and Media. (2019a, February 19). Four-day week: Trial finds Lower Stress and increased productivity—the Guardian.

Milner, A., Badland, H., Kavanagh, A., & LaMontagne, A. D. (2017). Time spent commuting to work and mental health: evidence from 13 waves of an Australian cohort study. American journal of epidemiology, 186(6), 659–667.

Reidhead, C. (2022). Competency and ability of workers in four day work week. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 5(08).

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