Developing a Care Plan
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Last week, you conducted a risk assessment to identify the health risks faced by the aggregate you selected. This week, begin working on a comprehensive care plan for the aggregate.
The care plan should propose a nursing diagnosis for the aggregate and include strategies to tackle the major health risks identified during the risk assessment.
In addition, it should include a disaster management plan with the following components:
List of disasters that might affect your aggregate (take into consideration the geographical location of the aggregate, past history, etc.)
Strategies for handling at least two disasters from the list.
Recommendation for a disaster supplies kit.
(Project Recap: Propose a nursing diagnosis and suggest interventions that address the major health risks identified from the risk assessment. In your care plan, include a list of disasters that may affect the aggregate and a disaster management plan.)
Submission Details:
Your comprehensive care plan should be in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document and name your document. SU_NSG4076_W6_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite all sources in APA.
(I have attached a copy of last weeks Risk Assessment and any other documentation you may need. Please let me know if you have any questions.)
The focus of this project revolves around the RISE program participants hailing from Albany, Georgia, a population primarily composed of individuals grappling with opiate addiction. Opiates encompass substances like Oxycodone, Morphine, Methadone, Codeine, and Heroin. The initial step in formulating a care plan is diagnosing the patient. In the context of this scenario, opiate addiction is characterized as a persistent and compulsive need for opiates, even when their consumption results in severe economic, social, psychological, or physical harm. This includes a loss of control over opiate use and abuse. It’s important to note that a diagnosis of opiate addiction can occur whether or not physical dependence is present. Additionally, standardized tests are administered to assess addiction and recovery, including the CAGE-AID Test, Recovery Attitude and Treatment Evaluation, Addiction Severity Index, and Drug Abuse Screening Test (Sperry, 2016; Wheeler, 2014).
Key aspects of the diagnosis involve psychological and physical dependence. Psychological dependence refers to the continued use of opiates to avoid unpleasant experiences or events that might occur if the opiates are not taken. Physical dependence, on the other hand, occurs when ceasing opiate use results in adverse physical effects, which can be intensified if cessation is abrupt. It’s important to emphasize that physical dependence doesn’t necessarily indicate opiate addiction; addiction can exist with or without physical dependence (Sperry, 2016).
A critical part of the patient diagnosis involves assessing opiate dependencies, toxicities, withdrawal symptoms, and other related risk factors. Notable risk factors include susceptibility to peer pressure, the presence of psychiatric disorders, tendencies toward self-medication, a history of risk-taking behavior, past failures in various life aspects, low pain tolerance, and diminished self-esteem. During the diagnostic process, general physical symptoms and signs observed include poor overall health, cool and moist hands, shakiness, subpar hygiene, and hyperactivity. General behavioral symptoms and signs encompass poor attention span, drug-seeking behaviors, possession of opiates and related paraphernalia, legal, school, and social problems, decreased work performance, forgetfulness, low frustration tolerance, and irritability (Sperry, 2016).
The nurse’s vigilance in identifying symptoms and signs of opiate addiction, use, and abuse includes observing piloerection (goosebumps), diarrhea, spasms, muscle pain, tremors, diaphoresis, poor attention span, memory impairment, slurred speech, sedation, euphoria, confusion, impaired gait and coordination, and pupil constriction. Opiate withdrawal symptoms and signs consist of dilated pupils, weakness, muscular spasms, dysphoria, sweating, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, fever, insomnia, and piloerection (Sperry, 2016).
Once a patient is diagnosed with opiate abuse and/or addiction, the subsequent step is treatment. The primary treatment approach is pharmacotherapy, where antipsychotic medications are prescribed to manage symptoms. These medications restore the brain’s natural chemical balance to eliminate or reduce psychotic symptoms. The secondary treatment approach involves supportive psychosocial interventions, which serve as adjuncts to psychoeducation programs and pharmacotherapy. These interventions aim to reduce relapse rates, enhance medication adherence, improve quality of life and social functioning, and alleviate residual symptoms. They encompass both individual and group therapies (Sperry, 2016).
A crucial consideration when providing nursing treatment for opiate addiction is the potential presentation of opioid withdrawal syndrome. While uncomfortable and distressing for the patient, this syndrome is typically not life-threatening. It occurs when opiate intake is abruptly halted or significantly reduced. Common symptoms of the syndrome include nausea, muscle cramps, joint aches, irritability, gooseflesh, pupillary dilation, fatigue, poor sleep, dysphoria (depression), sweating, diarrhea, yawning, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, and restlessness. Medications can be prescribed to alleviate these symptoms. Methadone, for instance, is prescribed to prevent withdrawal symptoms by reducing opioid cravings, relieving pain, and blocking the “high” if another opioid is substituted. It aids in detoxification and maintaining abstinence. Buprenorphine, another option, also prevents withdrawal symptoms, blocks the “high” from opioids, acts as a pain medication, and reduces opioid cravings. Naltrexone, prescribed after complete opiate withdrawal, aids in detoxification and maintaining abstinence. Combining these medications with counseling can significantly improve outcomes (Sperry, 2016; Wheeler, 2014).
Furthermore, nursing diagnoses are conducted for anxiety, sleep deprivation, and imbalanced nutrition, addressing existing concerns. The nursing diagnosis for anxiety aims to identify feelings of apprehension stemming from the anticipation of danger. Nursing assessment assesses the presence of culture-bound anxiety states, the level of anxiety, the influence of cultural values and beliefs, coping strategies, and physical reactions. Interventions revolve around promoting awareness, creating supportive environments, facilitating interactions and conversations, and reducing sensory stimuli (Wayne, 2019a). The nursing diagnosis for sleep deprivation focuses on disruptions in the quality and quantity of sleep. Assessment considers sleep patterns and factors hindering sleep, while interventions strive to help patients attain optimal sleep levels, reflected in improved sleep patterns and a more rested appearance (Wayne, 2019c). Finally, the nursing diagnosis for imbalanced nutrition assesses the patient’s nutritional status and whether nutrient intake falls short of the body’s requirements. Assessment covers the patient’s weight, nutritional history, relevant etiological factors, laboratory values, and physical signs. Nursing interventions aim to provide nutritional support (Wayne, 2019b).
Geographically, the aggregate is located in Albany, Georgia. An analysis of past natural disasters in this area reveals a high likelihood of tornado occurrences. Albany’s tornado index stands at 221.78, exceeding the Georgia state average of 179.92 and the national US average of 136.45. This indicates that the risk of tornado damage in Albany is higher compared to both the state and national averages. Over the years, Albany has experienced 82 tornado events with a magnitude of 2 or higher between 1951 and 2007. These events resulted in 42 fatalities and property damage estimated at around $250 million. Additionally, other significant natural disasters in the area include thunderstorm winds, hail, and floods, with 1,174, 368, and 96 recorded events (respectively) from 1950 to 2010 within a 50-mile radius of Albany (World Media Group, 2020).
Evidently, Albany faces a higher risk of tornadoes and hail compared to other natural disasters, given their higher frequency since 1950. Strategies for handling these disasters can be approached from two perspectives: preparedness and response. Preparedness entails continuous planning, equipping, training, and exercises. Planning for tornadoes and hail involves identifying suitable shelter locations, familiarizing with and monitoring warning systems, and establishing procedures to account for individuals in case of disasters. Underground shelters, such as storm cellars and basements, are preferred as they offer the best protection. Additionally, accountability procedures, presented as warning systems, are crucial to ensure the safety of the aggregate in the event of disasters. Two types of warning systems are typically employed: a watch system that requires monitoring media stations (television and radio) for disaster updates, allowing individuals to take shelter before the disaster occurs and check supply kits, and a warning system that provides immediate information about an impending threat, with individuals expected to seek shelter immediately upon receiving the warning (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2020).
Equipping activities involve acquiring emergency supply kits and storing them in shelter locations. Recommended items for the kit include cellphones with chargers and backup batteries, local maps, a manual can opener, wrenches for utilities, personal sanitation items, dust masks, signal whistles, first aid kits, flashlights, battery-powered radios, food, and water. Additionally, prescription and non-prescription medications should be stocked, including laxatives, antidiarrheal medications, and pain relievers (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2020).
Training and exercises involve ensuring that the aggregate is well-informed about what to do in case of an emergency. It also entails regular practice of shelter-in-place plans and updating procedures and plans based on lessons learned from these exercises (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2020).
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (2020). OSHA: Tornado preparedness and response. Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/dts/weather/tornado/preparedness.html
Sperry, L. (2016). Handbook of diagnosis and treatment of DSM-5 personality disorders: assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Wayne, G. (2019a). Anxiety. Retrieved from https://nurseslabs.com/anxiety/
Wayne, G. (2019b). Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements. Retrieved from https://nurseslabs.com/imbalanced-nutrition-less-body-requirements/
Wayne, G. (2019c). Insomnia. Retrieved from https://nurseslabs.com/insomnia/
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: a how-to-guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
World Media Group (2020). Albany, GA natural disasters and weather extremes. Retrieved from http://www.usa.com/albany-ga-natural-disasters-extremes.htm
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