Sick Visit: Management of Endocrine Conditions Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

Sick Visit: Management of Endocrine Conditions Shadow Health Subjective Data Collection

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Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient. Sick Visit: Management of Endocrine Conditions Shadow Health Subjective Data Collection

Patient Data

A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case.

Chief Complaint

– Asked about chief complaint

– Reports hair loss (Found)

Example Question: What brings you in today?

– Reports fatigue (Found)

Example Question: What brings you in today?


– Established orientation

– Oriented to person (Found)

Example Question: Can you tell me your name?

– Oriented to time (Available)

Example Question: Can you tell me today’s date?

– Oriented to place (Available)

Example Question: Can you tell me where you are right now?

– Oriented to situation (Found)

Example Question: Do you know why you are here today?

History of Present Illness

– Asked about onset of fatigue

– Reports fatigue began 1 month ago (Found)

Example Question: When did your fatigue start?

– Asked about timing of fatigue

– Reports fatigue lasts all day (Found)

Example Question: How often do you feel fatigued?

– Asked about aggravating factors for fatigue

– Denies aggravating factors for fatigue (Found)

Example Question: Does anything make your fatigue worse?

– Asked about relieving factors for fatigue

– Denies relieving factors for fatigue (Found)

Example Question: Does anything make you less fatigued?

– Asked about activities of daily living

– Denies difficulty performing activities of daily living (Found)

Example Question: Can you perform your activities of daily living?

– Asked about onset of hair loss

– Reports hair loss began 3 weeks ago (Found)

Example Question: When did your hair loss begin?

210+ Best Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

Past Medical History

– Asked about existing health conditions

– Reports diagnosis of hypothyroidism (Found)

Example Question: Do you have any existing health conditions?

– Reports diagnosis of osteopenia (Found)

Example Question: Do you have any existing health conditions?

– Reports being diagnosed with hypothyroidism 15 years ago (Found)

Example Question: When were you diagnosed with hypothyroidism?

– Reports being diagnosed with osteopenia 4 years ago (Found)

Example Question: When were you diagnosed with osteopenia?

– Asked about hypothyroidism symptoms

– Denies any known symptoms of hypothyroidism (Found)

Example Question: Does your hypothyroidism cause any symptoms?

– Asked about osteopenia symptoms

– Denies any known symptoms of osteopenia (Available)

Example Question: Does your osteopenia cause any symptoms?

– Asked about allergies

– Denies food allergies (Found)

Example Question: Do you have any food allergies?

– Denies medication allergies (Found)

Example Question: Do you have any medication allergies?

– Denies latex allergy (Available)

Example Question: Do you have a latex allergy?

– Denies environmental allergies (Found)

Example Question: Do you have any environmental allergies?

– Asked about previous surgeries

– Denies previous surgeries (Found)

Example Question: Have you ever had surgery?

– Asked about previous hospitalizations

– Reports hospitalizations for childbirth (Found)

Example Question: Have you ever been hospitalized?

Home Medications

– Asked about vitamins and supplements

– Reports taking a supplement for

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