Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting
Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
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Walden University
NURS 6050 Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health
Difference Between Board of Nursing and Nursing Association
The Board of Nursing controls the nursing practice aiming at protecting the public.
Board members are appointed by the state authorities.
The US has state boards and national boards, called the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
State boards regulate nursing practice
NCSBN works together with the state boards to protect and advocate for well-being and the safety of all patients.
Boards of Nursing are state agencies that protect and promote the public’s health and welfare by overseeing and assuring that licensed nurses from every level of practice are providing competent and safe care. There are fifty-nine boards, each of which comprise the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), an independent, non-profit organization.
The Governor appoints seven out of the nine board member. Senate President Pro-Tempore and the Assembly Speaker appoint one each of the remaining two
State boards regulate nursing practice through accepting and accrediting nursing programs, developing uniform rules and regulations, enforcing the law regarding nursing practice and overseeing the nursing licensure training process.
Difference Between Board of Nursing and Nursing Association Continuation
Nursing Association fight for the rights of nurses and the advancement of their profession, and members pay annual subscription fees
Nursing associations are either state-based, national-based like American Nurses Association (ANA) or international-based like International Council of Nurses (ICN).
The members elect a board of directors that govern
Nursing Associations can be specific or specialty-focused.
Nursing associations differ from board of nursing in that they are professional membership organizations that are private. Members are required to pay dues in order to enjoy the benefits of membership.
Associations are governed by a Board of Directors but they are elected by members of the association.
Nursing associations can be specific, or specialty-focused based on the type of nursing (ambulatory or emergency room), specific nursing fields (maternal care or cardiology), age-specific (neonatal or geriatric), ethnic (black or male) advanced nursing specialties (nurse attorneys, nurse educators or certified nurse midwives) and education-specific (National League of Nursing – NLN or American Association of Colleges of Nursing)
Nursing Board in California
California’s policy requires the board to have nine members.
Seven out of the nine members are appointed by the governor, one by the Senate President Pro-Tempore, and the last one by the Assembly Speaker.
The nine board members must include five registered nurses and rest four are public members.
The board has nine members who serve as the policy-setting body for the Board. Seven of the members are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate President Pro-Tempore, and one by the Assembly Speaker.
The board members include five registered nurses and four public members.
Out of the nine members two are officials (president and vice president), while the rest are members.
State regulation related to general nurse scope of practice
Section 2725 1 (b) prohibits clinics from employing registered nurses to exclusively dispense drugs.
It also prohibits registered nurses from dispensing drugs in a pharmacy, keeping a pharmacy, opening a shop, or drugstore for the retailing of drugs or poisons.
Dispensing of drugs by a registered nurse shall not include substances included in the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act (Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code).
Section 2725 1 (b) prohibits clinics from employing registered nurses to exclusively dispense drugs. It also prohibits registered nurses from dispensing drugs in a pharmacy, keeping a pharmacy, opening a shop, or drugstore for the retailing of drugs or poisons. Dispensing of drugs by a registered nurse shall not include substances included in the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act (Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code), except a certified nurse-midwife who functions pursuant to a standardized procedure or protocol described in Section 2746.51 or a nurse practitioner who functions pursuant to a standardized procedure described in Section 2836.1, or protocol.
State regulation related to general nurse scope of practice Continuation
The regulation (Section 2725 1 (b)) limits the practices of registered nurses and prevents them from investing in the healthcare sector.
However, it is a good move to prevent the registered nursing practitioners from prioritizing their businesses over their professional work.
The regulation makes the delivery cost
The registered nursing practitioners channel their attention to a single working station, hence efficiency in their work
The regulation makes the delivery cost expensive because patients will flock healthcare facilities overcrowding them. Without the regulation in force, some would visit the pharmacy shops opened by the registered nurses.
State regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs)
Chapter 6, 2835.7 section a (1) requires a specialized registered nurse practitioner to seek a third-party approval prior to performing the medical procedure.
Nurses should not use the privilege granted by the board for being APRN to quickly perform their duties.
The role they play is crucial because of their specialization and educational advancement.
Chapter 6, 2835.7 section a (1) requires a specialized registered nurse practitioner to seek a third-party approval prior to performing the medical procedure. This is despite the nurse having the authority from the Board of Nurses to perform the standardized medical procedure and the permission to order durable medical equipment, subject to any limitations set forth in the standardized procedures.
State regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) Continuation
APRNs play a significant role in saving patients with advanced complications.
The regulation (Chapter 6, 2835.7 section a (1)) ensures that the nurse does not perform a procedure against the will of the patient and their family.
It ensures that stakeholders are involved in making a clinical decision
APRNs should always involve the families of their patients when performing standardized procedures like surgery or midwifing. It helps to prepare the family in case a medical operation goes wrong. It also shields the nurse from taking all the blame in case of a medical complication.
State regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) Continuation
The regulation does not affect the cost of delivery of healthcare services.
However, access to emergency services could be delayed.
The patient’s health is at risk
The regulation could delay attendance to a patient in case of emergencies. For instance, a patient involved in an accident and needs surgical attention could suffer more waiting to get the consent from their family members. This puts the patient’s life at risk.
However, it does not affect the cost of delivery since there is no extra cash required to implement the regulation.
Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.
Walden University
NURS 6050 Policy and Advocacy for Improving Population Health
. The board has nine members who serve as the policy-setting body for the Board. Seven of the members are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate President Pro-Tempore, and one by the Assembly Speaker (“California Board of Registered Nursing”, 2021).
The board members include five registered nurses and four public members.
Out of the nine members two are officials (president and vice president), while the rest are members.
Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.
Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.
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