Course design is guided by curriculum outcomes, and course outlines must be developed to ensure that learners are meeting the intended outcomes. Curriculum development and course design are influenced by many factors, such as program level and setting. The course design process begins with broad program or organizational outcomes and narrows to specific objectives to guide instruction.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a course outline for one topic related to nursing practice (e.g., leadership, pediatric nursing, community health, psychiatric nursing, theoretical nursing, etc.) that includes all key elements (name of the course, course outcomes, topical outlines/modules, and assessments including assigned weight).
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Incorporate at least two of the QSEN competencies in your course and four course objectives. You will choose a health care practice for this assignment and build upon it throughout the course in order to achieve an understanding of the curriculum development process.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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Course Outline Relation to Nursing Practice Topic QSEN competencies course design essay example
Course outline conclusively represents one specific nursing practice area (e.g., leadership, pediatric nursing, community health, psychiatric nursing, or theoretical nursing).
Course Outline Key Elements
Course outline includes all key elements and is thoroughly developed with supporting details.
Incorporation of QSEN Competencies
Course outline fully incorporates two of the QSEN competencies that are well developed with supporting details.
Incorporation of Four Course Objectives
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)
Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error QSEN competencies course design essay example.
Psychiatric nurses practice in various care settings for individuals of different ages and with different conditions. There is an increasing body of knowledge about the significance of psychiatric nursing care for all populations. Studies show that mental health has a profound impact on the quality of life, family relationships, productivity, and quality of life across individuals’ lifespan and worldwide (Shah et al., 2016). However, risk factors for mental illness, prevention practices, healthcare disparities, and mental health promotion continue to be ignored. Underserved populations are victims of the disproportions in access to psychiatric health services and require interventions to close the gaps. Risk factors for mental health conditions depend on the following contexts- demographic, environmental or geographical areas where one grows in and cultural context.
The social justice perspective espouses the need for primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures as an inherent human right. With the longstanding commitment of nurses to cultural competence, it is significant for relevant authorities to support psychiatric nursing in addressing the prevention and treatment gaps for underserved populations. Nurse practitioners will effectively deliver psychiatric services to underserved populations if equipped with resources, knowledge, and skills to serve with additional barriers to access care.
Becoming a champion in psychiatric nursing in underserved populations teaches nurse practitioners details about the empathetic advocacy for psychiatric nursing services, patient education, multidisciplinary team involvement, and benefits of championing. The course will include the discussion of legal and ethical issues in psychiatric nursing, nurse leadership, policy focus, advocacy, interprofessional collaboration research, and intervention to promote mental health. Besides, the course will broaden nurses’ knowledge to enhance or expand their roles and fully practice their scope in underserved populations. Nurse practitioners will appreciate the effects of life events among underserved communities on their mental health. The course will offer an opportunity for nurses to learn from real-life examples and gain skills needed in providing the best intervention to the communities. Finally, the courses will help nurses appreciate the need for advocacy and policy-making regarding psychiatric nursing services to underserved populations. Nurses will champion quality psychiatric interventions within underserved populations through the course’s knowledge, skills, good attitude, and passion imparted to nurses.
Upon completing the psychiatric nursing in underserved populations champion course, nurse practitioners will teach patients, caregivers, and families and coach nursing staff about the significance of championing for services. Nurses will empathetically provide care to underserved communities with high dedication and passion for their roles. The more nurses will beware of the significance of empathetic and passionate care to underserved groups, the more they can promote people’s quality of life by providing a range of interventions (Graham et al., 2020). Nurses will use the new knowledge and skills to enhance research within psychiatric nursing in underserved communities.
Nurses will utilize knowledge gained to meet the mental health needs of the patient they serve and those of underserved groups. After completing the classwork, real-life examples, nurse leaders will return to work and lobby for healthcare policies, enhancing care to communities facing more inaccessibility to care. Nurses will appreciate the need for EBP interventions within communities. Some EBP interventions may include cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with addiction and exposure therapy for people with anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder. Other EBP interventions, which nurses will learn in their course, are family or home health therapies for mending dysfunctional family lives and motivational sessions for those with chronic diseases. The EBP interventions aim at ensuring patient-centered care, best outcomes, and safety.
Course Objectives Modules
The broad objective for this course is to improve outcomes and general well-being by imparting a sense of passion, empathy, and commitment from nurses in providing the best psychiatric intervention to underserved groups. The specific course objectives by modules are:
Module 1: Social Determinants of Health and Health-Related Disparities in Psychiatric Nursing
The nurse practitioners will:
– Discuss at least five social determinants of health – educational, economic, social contexts, race, cultural, age, gender, parenting, early childhood development, environment (rurality, urban)
– Relate each determinant with psychiatric health
– Evaluate effects of stigmatization, low educational level, working environment, discrimination, and disability among underserved groups
Module 2: Ethics, Legal Issues, and Nursing Principles Relevant in the Service Provision of Underserved Groups
The nurse practitioner will:
– Describe the ethics of patient care
– State the common legal issues in psychiatry
– Discuss the ethical principles in nursing
– State patient Rights and responsibilities
Module 3: Mental Health Vulnerabilities Across the Lifespan
The nurse will:
– Explore the effect of life circumstances on mental health
– Describe the risk factors of mental health conditions in children
– State the risk factors of mental health conditions in adolescents
– Explore the effects of exposure to stressful life events in adulthood
– Identify stressful events encountered by older adults and their relation to mental health
– Discuss preventive practices to curb the risk factors
– Recommend practices to strengthen resilience to stressful events, facilitate access to supportive social networks, increase the availability of resources
– Formulate key advocacy elements for enhancing mental health in underserved populations
Module 4: Evidence-Based Practices in Addressing the Health-Related Disparities in Underserved Populations in Relation to Mental Health
The learner will:
– Discuss the significance of home health nursing to assess for depression
– Describe the use of the TRIAD program (technology-related assistance for individuals with disabilities) to lobby for and provide assistive technologies to people living with disabilities
– Participate in guiding the implementation of the parent-child interaction model as a therapy to reduce conduct disorders in children
– Demonstrate the provision of culturally congruent health promotion services to decrease risky sexual behaviors in adolescents and adults
– Participate in health promotion intervention to enhance social and emotional competence access all ages in the populations
– Nurse practitioners will appreciate the significance of evidence-based practice in psychiatric interventions in underserved groups.
QSEN Competencies
The quality and safety education for nurses’ competencies assist them in advancing the knowledge base, improving skills, and promoting patient care and safety (Spenser 2021). The provision of psychiatric nursing services to underserved communities aims at attaining the following QSEN competencies for nurses: improvement of quality, patient-centered care, EBP, informatics, and healthcare providers’ collaboration. Nurses will gain more proficiency in serving marginalized, ignored, and underserved communities to improve their quality of life. Besides, equipping nurses to ensure commitment and passion in offering care to such populations will improve psychiatric nursing services.
The course aims to apply evidence-based practice to ensure the utilization of the best evidence from reliable studies to enhance the best outcomes of patient care. The course acknowledges the need for teamwork and collaboration among nurses and with other healthcare professionals. The course guides nurses into ensuring informed decisions by involving multidisciplinary teams for the patient’s benefit. Nurse practitioners will learn to prioritize clients’ values and preferences while demonstrating cultural competence.
Patient-centered care is a key competence, which nurses will learn from this course (Powers et al., 2019). The course will guide nurses in conducting EBP within the communities while considering people’s culture and socioeconomic status. Besides, nurses will be persuaded to be active advocates of better patient care
regarding access to health converges such as Medicaid and Medicare and to mental health services. For the geographical areas with access to the internet that can support EHR, care providers will utilize the health information technologies to facilitate the easier evaluation of clients.
Assessments and Assigned Weight
Class discussions and participation – 20%
Team activity and projects – 20%
Individual assignments – 20%
Communication practice – 20%
Assessments – 20%
Participation Total: 100%
Learning Resources
The psychiatric nursing for underserved population course will involve interaction with content from books, peer-reviewed articles, pamphlets, evidence-based practices guidelines, and articles from expert committees. Other resources for this course will include real-life examples.
Psychiatric nursing in underserved populations is a course to champion improved access to quality care to individuals facing increased barriers in accessing mental health care. The course will guide nurse practitioners in reviewing their knowledge and broadening their psychiatric nursing knowledge to underserved populations. Through interception with knowledge about the life experiences and social determinants of mental health, nurses will be passionate about providing empathetic care to people in need of mental health services.
Graham, J. M., Waddell, C., Pachkowski, K., & Friesen, H. (2020). Educating the educators: Determining the uniqueness of psychiatric nursing practice to inform psychiatric nurse education. Issues in mental health nursing, 41(5), 395-403.
Powers, S. C., Morris, M. H., Flynn, H., & Perry, J. (2019). Faculty-led role-play simulation: Going live to teach patient-centred care to nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(11), 665-668. QSEN competencies course design essay example
Shah, G. H., Luo, H., Winterbauer, N., & Madamala, K. (2016). Addressing psychological, mental health and other behavioural healthcare needs of the underserved populations in the United States: the role of local health departments. Perspectives in public health, 136(2), 86-92.
Spencer, J. A. (2021). Integrating Service Learning into the RN to BSN Curriculum with the Application of QSEN Competencies. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(6), 1044-1048.
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