Write a paper of 2-3 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review. Integrate the information into your project.
Project topic: using evidence based preventative measures to reduce blood stream infections caused by iv lines or central lines in hospitals based on
Get your assignment on Proposed project interventions to reduce blood stream infections done by certified MDs and PhDs in the USA. ORDER NOW!
In adult patients in medical-surgical with intravenous (IV) or central lines, will implementation of antiseptic containing curos-caps compared to current practice of manual disinfection (scrubbing the ports) impact prevention of IV or central line induced bloodstream infections like CLABSI over eight weeks.
Critical Thinking Module for LPN students Speech Presentation
The assignment should include:
See USU NUR Writing Assignment Rubric for additional details and point weighting.
Special instructions: i am attaching 5 previous weeks assignments along with grading rubric for additional help. please only provide information strictly related to project topic based on picot question as this is 7 weeks research project.
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