Course Project: Introduction to Course Project
The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) goes beyond merely reading nursing journals regularly. Nurses can proactively engage in EBP by identifying real problems and using them to guide their research inquiries. This allows nurses to link research findings to their nursing practice.
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In this Course Project, you’ll identify and apply relevant research to a specific nursing topic or issue. You’ll begin by formulating an answerable question relevant to nursing and EBP. As the course progresses, you’ll continue the Course Project by conducting a literature review and determining how the evidence from the literature can be integrated into nursing practice.
Before starting, review the Course Project Overview document available in this week’s Learning Resources.
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Course Project: Part 1—Identifying a Researchable Problem
Formulating a question that is aimed at the goal of your research is a challenging but crucial task. The question plays a vital role in various aspects of research, such as selecting the research design, theoretical perspective, data collection, and analysis methods. Taking the time to ensure that your research question aligns with your actual research intention increases the likelihood of obtaining meaningful results.
In this first part of the Course Project, you will generate questions addressing a specific nursing issue or problem. You will use the PICOT model (Patient/Population, Intervention/Issue, Comparison, Outcome) outlined in the Learning Resources to create your questions.
To prepare:
– Review the article titled “Formulating the Evidence-Based Practice Question: A Review of the Frameworks” from the Learning Resources for this week. Pay attention to the PICOT model used for developing research questions.
– Examine the section on developing and refining research problems starting from page 71 of the course text. This section focuses on assessing the feasibility of a research problem.
– Reflect on a problem or issue you’ve noticed in your nursing practice. Consider its significance.
– Generate at least five questions related to the problem you identified. Use the criteria in your course text to select one question that is most feasible, significant, and interesting. Be prepared to explain your rationale.
– Formulate a preliminary PICO question (Patient/Population, Intervention/Issue, Comparison, Outcome) based on your analysis. Determine the PICO variables relevant to your question.
– Develop a list of at least 10 keywords related to your PICOT question that could be used in a literature search.
To complete:
Write a 3- to 4-page NUSR6052 Evidence-Based Practice Research and PICOT Question Essay Assignments paper that includes:
– A summary of your area of interest, identification of the selected problem, and an explanation of the problem’s significance in nursing practice.
– The five generated questions and an explanation of how you evaluated their feasibility.
– Your preliminary PICOT question along with a description of each relevant PICOT variable.
– A list of at least 10 potential keywords for a literature search related to your PICOT question, accompanied by a rationale for each choice.
Course Project: Part 2—Literature Review
Continuing from Week 2, the literature review is a critical aspect of the research process. It helps researchers understand the current state of knowledge on a topic and identify gaps or unanswered questions. Although conducting a comprehensive literature review can be time-consuming, it lays the groundwork for the subsequent stages of research.
For Part 2 of your Course Project, you will conduct a brief literature review to gather information on the research question you formulated in Week 2. This will provide you with experience in database searches and identifying relevant resources.
To prepare:
– Review Chapter 5 of the course text, focusing on the steps for conducting a literature review and compiling findings.
– Use the question you developed in Week 2 (Part 1 of the Course Project) and find five or more full-text research articles relevant to your PICOT question. Aim to include at least one systematic review and one integrative review, if possible. Utilize the search techniques described in this week’s readings to enhance the comprehensiveness of your review. While you can gather articles from various sources, ensure that at least three of them are available as full-text versions in Walden Library databases.
– Carefully read the selected articles, eliminating studies that are not applicable and including others as needed. You are expected to include a minimum of five articles, but you can incorporate more if necessary. Complete a literature review summary table using the provided template.
– Prepare to summarize and synthesize the literature using the information about writing a literature review in Chapter 5 of the course text.
To complete:
Write a 3- to 4-page NUSR6052 Evidence-Based Practice Research and PICOT Question Essay Assignments literature review that includes:
– A synthesis of the studies’ findings regarding the current state of knowledge on your developed question.
– Identification of inconsistencies and contradictions in the literature, along with possible explanations for these discrepancies.
– Tentative conclusions regarding whether the evidence strongly supports a change in practice or if further research is required to address your inquiry adequately
– A literature review summary table containing all references properly formatted in APA style.
Assignment: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies
Critiquing the validity and robustness of research featured in journal articles provides a critical foundation for engaging in evidence-based practice. In this Assignment, you will critique both a quantitative and either a qualitative or a mixed methods research study.
To prepare:
– Choose a health topic relevant to your area of practice for your Course Portfolio Project.
– Using the Walden Library, find one quantitative research article and one qualitative or mixed methods research article on the chosen health topic. Ensure that they are single studies and not systematic or integrative reviews.
– Utilize the provided templates to critique each article.
– Draft a paper analyzing the two research approaches as instructed. Consider the overall value of both types of research. How would you respond if someone claimed that qualitative research isn’t true science?
To complete this Assignment:
– Complete the two critique templates.
– Write a 2- to 3-page NUSR6052 Evidence-Based Practice Research and PICOT Question Essay Assignments paper addressing:
– Differences in the information gained from the two research approaches.
– Advantages and disadvantages of both research approaches, supported by examples.
– Your response to the assertion that qualitative research lacks scientific validity, along with the insights provided by both quantitative and qualitative studies.
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