NUR 119 Introduction to Nursing and Health. (3) F, S
This course provides foundational nursing philosophy, process, and skills, including principles of health promotion as they relate to nursing practice. It covers essential concepts and techniques necessary for nursing. The course consists of a 3-hour lecture.
NUR 204 Pharmacological Therapeutics for Nursing. (3) F, S
This course explores drug classifications and their prototypes, delving into the psychophysiologic principles governing drug actions. This knowledge is crucial for safe medication administration in nursing practice. Prerequisites include MIC 205, NUR 119, and ZOL 202 or an equivalent course.
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NUR 211 Nurse-Client Relationships. (3) F, S
This course focuses on understanding therapeutic relationships and their application in nursing. It covers concepts such as anxiety, loss, and grief, emphasizing their relevance in nursing. The course includes 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include ENG 102, PGS 101, SOC 101 or 301, or an equivalent.
NUR 214 Health Assessment in Nursing Practice. (3) F, S
Students gain introductory knowledge and skills for conducting systematic physical, psychosocial, nutritional, and developmental nursing assessments across the lifespan. The course includes 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include FON 241, MAT 117, ZOL 202 or an equivalent, and it is taken alongside NUR 223.
NUR 217 Basic Clinical Skills. (2) F, S
This course covers scientific principles, nursing concepts, and selected psychomotor skills essential for clinical nursing practice. It includes 1 hour of lecture and 3 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include MAT 117, MIC 205 and 206, and NUR 119. It is taken alongside NUR 223.
NUR 223 Nursing Process and Hospitalized Adult. (6) F, S
This course explores the theories, concepts, and practical application of the nursing process in caring for hospitalized adults with specific medical-surgical conditions. It combines 3 hours of lecture with 9 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include CHM 231, 235, NUR 211, ZOL 202 or an equivalent, and it is taken alongside NUR 214 and NUR 217. It has a pre- or corequisite of NUR 204.
NUR 254 Health for All: Issues of World Health. (3) N
This course provides an introduction to global health issues, exploring the determinants of health and the connections between health, development, and change. Prerequisites include ENG 101 or an equivalent. It falls under the General Studies category.
NUR 306 Professional Development for Registered Nurse Students: Process, Roles, and Function. (3) F, S
This course delves into the philosophical and theoretical foundations of professional nursing practice. It also covers the nursing process for decision-making and explores professional issues, values, and norms.
NUR 308 Pathophysiology. (3) F, S
Focusing on concepts explaining health state alterations, this course adopts a psychophysiological perspective as its framework. Prerequisite requirements include CHM 231, 235, and NUR 223, or instructor approval.
NUR 314 Health Assessment for Registered Nurses. (3) F, S
Designed exclusively for RNs, this course equips students with introductory knowledge and skills for conducting systematic physical, psychosocial, and developmental nursing assessments across the lifespan. It involves 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab work.
NUR 327 Comprehensive Nursing Care of Children. (4) F, S
This course encompasses nursing concepts and practice related to the care of both well and hospitalized children across various clinical settings. It consists of 2 hours of lecture and 6 hours of lab work. Prerequisite: NUR 329.
NUR 328 Childbearing Family and Women’s Health Care. (4) F, S
Covering nursing concepts and practice during the reproductive and perinatal periods, this course also explores the impact of childbearing on family dynamics and relationships. It involves 2 hours of lecture and 6 hours of lab work. Prerequisite: NUR 223.
NUR 329 Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing. (6) F, S
This course involves guided nursing experiences with individuals and groups based on theory and research. It includes 3 hours of lecture and 9 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include CDE 232 or an equivalent, NUR 223, and a pre- or corequisite of FAS 331 or SOC 415 (or an equivalent).
NUR 330 Care of Acute and Chronically Ill Adults. (4) F, S
Exploring nursing concepts and practice in the care of hospitalized adults with complex acute and chronic medical-surgical problems, this course emphasizes the theoretical foundations and related nursing management. It consists of 1.5 hours of lecture and 7.5 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include NUR 308 and junior standing in the Nursing major.
NUR 403 Research in Nursing Practice. (3) F, S
This course addresses the components of the research process, highlighting the significance of research in improving nursing practice and advancing the profession. Prerequisites include NUR 328, 329, and 3 hours of statistics. It falls under General Studies: L2.
NUR 406 Leadership and Management in Nursing. (2) F, S
Exploring selected theoretical frameworks for
nursing organization, management, and leadership, this course is designed for students who have completed NUR 330 and 403 or received instructor approval.
NUR 407 Contemporary Issues in Nursing and Health. (2) F, S
Focusing on contemporary issues influencing nursing and the healthcare system, this course is open to seniors or students with instructor approval.
NUR 411 Gerontological Nursing. (2) F, S
This course offers a perspective on biopsychosocial gerontological content applicable to nursing practice and research. Prerequisites include FON 241, NUR 223, and NUR 308 or instructor approval.
NUR 427 Community Health Nursing. (3) F, S
An introduction to public health theory and principles of community health nursing practice is the focus of this course. Prerequisite: NUR 330.
NUR 428 Management of Clients in Health Care Settings. (4) F, S
Application of nursing management and leadership principles in health care settings is explored in this course. It involves 1 hour of lecture and 9 hours of lab work. Prerequisite: NUR 330. Pre- or corequisites: NUR 406, 407.
NUR 429 Community Health Nursing: Clinical. (4) F, S
This clinical experience provides students with insights into community health nursing roles and leadership strategies across various settings. It consists of 12 hours of lab work. Pre- or corequisite: NUR 427.
NUR 430 Home Health Care. (3) F, S
Addressing issues, trends, and practices in the development and delivery of home health care, this course involves 1 hour of lecture and 6 hours of lab work. Prerequisites include NUR 411 and 429.
NUR 431 Introduction to Cardiovascular Nursing. (3) N
This course explores selected aspects of cardiovascular nursing, covering diagnostic evaluation, history and physical assessment, medical and surgical interventions, and preventive and rehabilitative management. Prerequisite: NUR 223 or instructor approval.
NUR 432 Cardiovascular Nursing Laboratory. (1) N
Complementing NUR 431, this course involves observations, direct care, decision-making, and planning for clients at various stages of cardiac disease. It consists of 3 hours of lab work. Prerequisite: NUR 223 or instructor approval. Corequisite: NUR 431.
NUR 433 Abnormal Stress in the Maternity Cycle. (2–3) N
Focusing on clinical nursing in high-risk obstetrics, this course examines abnormal stresses for pregnant women, their effects on newborns, and appropriate nursing interventions. It includes 2 hours of lecture and optional 3 hours of lab work. Prerequisite: NUR 328 or instructor approval.
NUR 434 Cultural Variations of Health and Illness. (2–3) N
Exploring health-illness beliefs, behaviors, and interventions in selected ethnic cultures, this course integrates scientific and folk medicine in nursing practice. It consists of 2 hours of lecture and optional 3 hours of lab work. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
NUR 435 Nursing of Children with Developmental Disabilities. (3) N
This course covers congenital and acquired physical and mental developmental disorders, including the evaluation of the child, family, and community resources. Prerequisite: NUR 327 or instructor approval.
NUR 440 Introduction to Computer Applications in Health Care. (3) N
Focusing on applications that directly impact nurses in staff positions, this course requires senior standing in the Nursing major or instructor approval.
NUR 441 School Nursing Practice. (3) N
Exploring the role of the professional nurse in planning, implementing, and evaluating the school health program, this course requires NUR 327 or RN status.
NUR 442 Sexuality in Illness and Disability. (3) N
This course considers illnesses, injuries, and treatments that have implications for the sexual function of patients and clients.
NUR 457 Women in Developing Countries. (3) F
Examining the economic, sociopolitical, and demographic context for understanding the roles of women in health, family, work, education, and community, this course is cross-listed as SPF 457/WST 457. Prerequisite: 6 hours of social science credit or instructor approval. It falls under General Studies: SB, G.
NUR 494 Special Topics. (1–4) F, S, SS
This course offers advanced study and/or supervised practice in various nursing areas. Lecture and lab arrangements are made based on the chosen topic. Prerequisite: 12 hours in the Nursing major or instructor approval.
NUR 500 Research Methods. (3) F, S
Covering research methods, including research conceptualization and design in nursing, this course has a pre- or corequisite of a graduate-level inferential statistics course.
NUR 501 Advanced Adult Health Assessment/Promotion. (3) F
Designed to expand adult health assessment/promotion skills through essential knowledge and strategies, this course emphasizes data development and interpretation. Lecture and demonstration are included. Prerequisites include college core courses, except thesis/project, and an undergraduate health assessment course. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 502 Management and Maintenance of Adults with Chronic Health Alterations: Theory. (3) S
This course explores theory and research guiding the management and maintenance of adults with chronic health alterations, emphasizing psychophysiological interrelationships of illnesses. Lecture and seminar formats are used. Prerequisites include NUR 501, 580, admission to the graduate Nursing program, and completion of all flexible core courses, except thesis/project.
NUR 503 Management and Maintenance of Adults with Acute Health Alterations: Theory. (3) S
Focusing on theoretical research foundations for advanced practice involving care of adults with acute episodic alterations in health, this course is presented in lecture and seminar formats. Prerequisite: NUR 501. Pre-/corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 512 Community Health Nursing: Advanced Theory I. (3) F
Students in this course identify and analyze theoretical perspectives and models guiding advanced community health nursing practice. It is presented in lecture and seminar formats. Prerequisites include all graduate program core courses. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 513 Community Health Nursing: Advanced Theory II. (3) S
Drawing from their internship experiences, students critically examine the application of theory to advanced community health nursing/public health practice. Lecture and seminar formats are used. Prerequisite: NUR 512. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 521 Community Mental Health/Psychiatric Nursing: Advanced Mental Health Assessment. (3) S
Students gain knowledge of theories related to holistic health assessment for the promotion of physical/psychological health and develop skills in mental health assessments. Lecture, seminar, and lab formats are included. Prerequisites include all graduate program core courses.
NUR 522 Community Mental Health/Psychiatric Nursing: Advanced Theory I. (3) F
This course involves the analysis of issues, theories, and research in the restoration and promotion of mental health. It emphasizes developing a conceptual framework for psychiatric nursing. Prerequisite: NUR 521. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 523 Community Mental Health/Psychiatric Nursing: Advanced Theory II. (3) S
The focus of this course is the development of a theoretical basis for intervention and a
knowledge base for collaboration and consultation in the mental health area. Prerequisite: NUR 522. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 524 Psychoneuroimmunology Approaches to Practice. (3) F, SS
An overview of theories, concepts, and research in psychoneuroimmunology, including physiological aspects and application to a holistic nursing model, is provided in this seminar. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
NUR 531 Nursing of Children: Theory I. (3) F
This course concentrates on current practices, research, and issues related to health promotion and disease prevention for children and adolescents. Lecture and seminar formats are included. Prerequisite: All core and flexible courses except thesis and/or applied project. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 532 Nursing of Children: Theory II. (3) S
The focus here is on concepts, theories, and research as a basis for strategies related to the management of illness and health maintenance for children. Lecture and seminar formats are used. Prerequisite: NUR 531. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 533 Nursing of Children with Special Needs: Theory II. (3) S
This course delves into concepts, theories, and research related to acute and chronic health deviations in children. Lecture and seminar formats are included. Prerequisite: NUR 531 or instructor approval. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 534 Women’s Health: Theory I. (4) F
Focusing on theories, principles, and research related to managing the health of normal perinatal women and families, this course uses cooperative learning strategies. Prerequisite: all graduate program core courses. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 535 Women’s Health: Theory II. (4) S
This course centers on the management of nursing care for high-risk perinatal women and women with common health problems. Cooperative learning strategies are used. Prerequisite: NUR 534. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 542 Nursing Administration Theory I. (1–3) F
A critical analysis of leadership theories, organizational dynamics, and nursing administration processes is the focus of this seminar, including case studies. Prerequisite: all graduate program core courses.
NUR 543 Nursing and Health Care Finance. (3) S
Providing an understanding of finances in nursing and health care accounting, this course analyzes language, concepts, budgeting, rates, reimbursement, and capital financing. Lecture and discussion formats are used.
NUR 544 Nursing Administration Theory II. (1–3) S
Synthesizing knowledge from previous courses to develop an advanced nursing role, this course also analyzes resource and quality management and informatics. Lecture and seminar formats are used. Prerequisites include NUR 542, 543.
NUR 551 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing. (3) F, S
Designed to facilitate student exploration and examination of the foundations of advanced nursing practice, this course is presented in lecture and seminar formats. Prerequisite: enrollment in the graduate Nursing program.
NUR 552 Health Care Issues and Systems. (3) F, S
This course analyzes the organization, financing, service delivery, and outcomes of the health system. It emphasizes policy issues, roles, and challenges for nurses. Lecture and seminar formats are used.
NUR 553 Life Span Development. (3) F
Critical examination of concepts, theories, issues, and research related to developmental periods throughout the life span is the focus of this course. Biological and health, cognitive, psychological, and sociocultural influences are analyzed. Lecture and discussion formats are used. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in human development, admission to the graduate Nursing program, or instructor approval.
NUR 554 Population-Based Health Care. (3) F
This course involves the identification and assessment of specific community health needs and health care patterns of target populations. Promotion, protection, and improvement of health are addressed when planning health care services. Lecture and seminar formats are included. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program or instructor approval.
NUR 560 Advanced Health Assessment. (2) S
The expansion of basic health assessment skills and the development of clinical problem-solving skills for the role of the advanced practice nurse are emphasized in this course. Assessments of infants, children, adolescents, and adults are included. Lecture and lab formats are used. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program and undergraduate health assessment within the last five years.
NUR 561 Advanced Practice Nursing Role. (2) S
This course focuses on the examination and implementation of the role of the advanced practice nurse, emphasizing major components and subcomponents of the role. Lecture and seminar formats are included. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program or instructor approval.
NUR 562 Family Nurse Practitioner Theory I: Health Promotion, Management, and Maintenance. (4) F
In the first didactic role specialty course, students concentrate on concepts and strategies to promote, manage, and maintain the health of children, adults, and families. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 563 Family Nurse Practitioner Theory II: Health Promotion, Management, and Maintenance. (4) S
The second didactic role specialty course builds on knowledge from previous courses to formulate therapeutic promotion, management, and maintenance for individuals across the life span. Corequisite: NUR 580.
NUR 564 Applied Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice. (2) SS
This course is an advanced study of pharmacotherapeutics, focusing on drugs commonly prescribed by nurse practitioners. Prerequisite: graduate standing in the Nursing program.
NUR 580 Advanced Nursing Practicum. (6) F, S
The advanced nursing practicum provides the opportunity for students to gain experience in the role of the advanced practice nurse within a specific clinical focus. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program, instructor approval, and completion of all core and flexible core courses except thesis/project.
NUR 581 Advanced Nursing Practicum in Primary Care. (3) S
This course involves clinical experience, offering students opportunities to apply advanced practice nursing skills in primary care settings. Prerequisites: admission to the graduate Nursing program, NUR 562, and NUR 580.
NUR 582 Advanced Nursing Practicum in Secondary Care. (3) S
This course offers clinical experience in secondary care settings, allowing students to apply advanced practice nursing skills. Prerequisites: admission to the graduate Nursing program, NUR 563, and NUR 580.
NUR 583 Advanced Nursing Practicum in Tertiary Care. (3) S
Clinical experience in tertiary care settings enables students to apply advanced practice nursing skills. Prerequisites: admission to the graduate Nursing program, NUR 562, NUR 563, and NUR 580.
NUR 590 Comprehensive Examinations. (0) F, S
This course prepares students for comprehensive exams. It is required of all master’s and post-master’s students who do not choose to complete a thesis or applied project. Pass/fail grade only.
NUR 592 Graduate Seminars. (0) F, S
These seminars cover various topics of interest to graduate students. Topics vary each semester.
NUR 594 Special Topics. (1–4) F, S, SS
This course offers advanced study and/or supervised practice in various nursing areas. Lecture and lab arrangements are made based on the chosen topic. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
NUR 596 Applied Project. (3–6) F, S, SS
This course involves a project completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: graduate standing and instructor approval.
NUR 597 Thesis. (3–6) F, S, SS
This course involves a research thesis completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: graduate standing and instructor approval.
NUR 598 Nursing Seminar. (0) F, S
This seminar is for master’s students who are not in a nursing role specialty area. Pass/fail grade only. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program.
NUR 599 Thesis. (1–6) F, S, SS
This course involves a research thesis completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: graduate standing and instructor approval.
NUR 576: This course examines current and emerging computer applications in healthcare, with a specific focus on how they apply to nursing in administration, education, and practice. Prerequisites include NUR 440 or its equivalent and enrollment in a graduate Nursing or related field program.
NUR 578: This course introduces students to the theory and methodology of Gestalt therapy and its applications for promoting and restoring mental health.
NUR 579: Building on the foundation provided in NUR 578, this course delves deeper into Gestalt therapy and its application when working with different client populations. Prerequisite: NUR 578.
NUR 580: This course involves clinical application of various theories, concepts, and principles related to health promotion, management, maintenance, teaching, management, and specialized clinical studies.
NUR 580 (Advanced Nursing Practicum I, II): These clinical application courses cover various concentration areas, including Adult Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Community Mental Health/Psychiatric Nursing, and Parent-Child Nursing. Prerequisites include admission to the graduate program and instructor approval.
NUR 581: This course critically analyzes issues and research relevant to family systems theory in healthcare, emphasizing the connection between theory and practice.
NUR 582: Major theories and concepts of human physiology are explored in this course, emphasizing the interrelationship between physiology and health.
NUR 583: This course examines altered human physiology and disease manifestations using systems theory to analyze the relationships between disease and physiology.
NUR 584: Students in this course engage in leadership roles in various community agencies to apply community health nursing/public health content. Prerequisites include NUR 512 and NUR 580, with corequisite NUR 513.
NUR 585: Exploring mind/body relaxation methods, including their physiological effects, is the focus of this course, with an emphasis on research findings. Prerequisite: graduate standing or instructor approval.
NUR 588: An introduction to qualitative research methods in nursing, including research design, data collection, analysis, and the development of qualitative research proposals. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program and NUR 500 or equivalent.
NUR 589: This course introduces quantitative research methods in nursing, covering topics such as research design, data collection, analysis, and the development of quantitative research proposals. Prerequisite: admission to the graduate Nursing program and NUR 500 or equivalent.
NUR 593: Graduate students have the opportunity for individualized study tailored to their specific needs and interests in Nursing.
NUR 594: This course offers advanced study and supervised practice in various nursing areas, with lecture and lab arrangements based on the chosen topic. Prerequisite: 12 hours in the Nursing major or instructor approval.
NUR 596: Students conduct independent research in Nursing, culminating in a written report and presentation of findings.
NUR 597: This course involves students conducting original research in Nursing, resulting in a written thesis and the defense of their findings.
NUR 598: Students engage in original research or project development in Nursing, culminating in a written project report and presentation of findings.
NUR 599: This course involves individual study and preparation for the comprehensive examination in Nursing.
NUR 600: Master’s level students can continue their research while maintaining matriculation. Prerequisite: NUR 597 or instructor approval.
NUR 601: Designed for doctoral-level students, this course provides an overview of the research process, including research concepts, methodology, and analysis, with a critical evaluation of research for its applicability to nursing.
NUR 602: Doctoral-level students analyze and critique nursing theories and explore the development of nursing science.
NUR 603: An in-depth examination of research design and methodology, including qualitative and quantitative approaches, is the focus of this course.
NUR 604: Doctoral students learn advanced statistical techniques used in nursing research, including multivariate analysis and data interpretation.
NUR 605: This seminar allows doctoral students to explore current research issues in nursing and develop their research proposals.
NUR 606: In this seminar, doctoral students further develop their research proposals and prepare to conduct their research studies.
NUR 607: Doctoral students gain hands-on research experience by working on ongoing research projects in a faculty member’s research program.
NUR 608: This seminar involves doctoral students in the development of their dissertation proposals, including a comprehensive review of the literature and research design.
NUR 609: Doctoral students continue to refine their dissertation proposals, addressing any revisions suggested by their dissertation committees.
NUR 610: In this seminar, doctoral students make final preparations for conducting their dissertation research, including obtaining ethical approval and securing necessary resources.
NUR 611: Doctoral students conduct their dissertation research and begin analyzing and interpreting their data.
NUR 612: In this seminar, doctoral students complete their data analysis and prepare to write their dissertation manuscripts.
NUR 613: Doctoral students finalize their dissertation manuscripts and prepare to defend their dissertations.
NUR 614: Doctoral-level students explore the philosophical foundations of nursing education and learn to develop nursing curricula.
NUR 615: This course involves doctoral students in the development of teaching strategies and evaluation methods for nursing education.
NUR 616: Doctoral-level students learn clinical teaching strategies and evaluation methods specific to nursing education.
NUR 617: This course involves doctoral students in the assessment and evaluation of nursing education programs.
NUR 618: Doctoral students explore advanced topics in nursing education, including trends and issues in nursing education.
NUR 619: This course involves doctoral students in the exploration of advanced topics in nursing administration, including leadership and management in healthcare organizations.
NUR 620: Doctoral-level students explore advanced topics in nursing research, including emerging research methods and trends.
NUR 621: This course involves doctoral students in the exploration of advanced topics in nursing practice, including specialized areas of practice and emerging roles for nurses.
NUR 622: Doctoral students explore advanced topics in population health, including public health principles and practices.
NUR 623: This course involves doctoral students in the exploration of advanced topics in nursing ethics, including ethical dilemmas and decision-making in nursing practice.
NUR 624: Doctoral-level students explore advanced topics in nursing informatics, including the use of technology in nursing practice and research.
NUR 625: This course involves doctoral students in the exploration of advanced topics in nursing leadership, including leadership theories and practices in healthcare organizations.
NUR 626: Doctoral students engage in a research seminar focused on nursing education, including the development of research proposals and the conduct of research related to nursing education.
NUR 627: This course involves doctoral students in a research seminar focused on nursing administration, including the development of research proposals and the conduct of research related to nursing administration.
NUR 628: Doctoral-level students engage in a research seminar focused on nursing research, including the development of research proposals and the conduct of research related to nursing.
NUR 629: This course involves doctoral students in the exploration of advanced topics in nursing practice research and scholarship, including research methods and strategies for advancing nursing practice.
NUR 630: Doctoral students prepare for the comprehensive examination in Nursing, reviewing key concepts and principles in nursing practice, research, education, administration, and ethics.
NUR 631: This course allows doctoral students to conduct original research in Nursing, culminating in a written dissertation and defense of their findings.
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