I have 40 years of experience in the medical field, but I’ve been a nurse for the past 12 years. My nursing journey began when my children were older and in high school, allowing me to pursue my dream career. Despite starting later in life, I fully committed myself to becoming the best nurse I could be. I discovered a passion for promoting change, which I excel at. I’m not sure if this ability is related to my age and life experiences or if it’s something inherent within me. My nursing career has included roles as a CNA, med aide, clinic manager of a urology practice, and the past 12 years as an RN. Throughout this journey, I always knew I wanted to become a nurse practitioner.
When researching schools for my advanced nursing education, I considered several factors such as the school’s reputation, cost, qualifications of the professors, and their mission and vision statements. Walden University remained at the top of my list for a considerable time because it met all of my criteria. Walden’s mission and vision statements resonated with me, particularly its emphasis on diversity. Diversity is a topic of great importance to me, and I wanted to be part of a graduate program that prioritized and promoted diversity.
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As I read Walden’s College of Nursing vision and mission statements, I realized I had found the perfect college for me. Walden’s approach goes beyond simply imparting knowledge; it aims to mold students into change agents. This commitment to instigating change resonated with me and aligned with my personal goals. I want to be challenged to think beyond my current knowledge and comfort zone. Walden’s vision and mission statements, particularly the scholar-practitioner concept, emphasize curiosity, drive, and a commitment to solving pressing problems in the field. This is precisely the kind of education and environment I was seeking.
I believe that as nurses, we hold a position of trust and influence that can bring about change, not only in healthcare but in the world. This is the path I want to pursue in my life, especially as a future nurse practitioner.
The term “networking” can sometimes have negative connotations, suggesting insincere or opportunistic behavior. However, nurses are far removed from such behavior. Professional networking is a valuable tool for nurses that can lead to career advancements, expanded knowledge, and a stronger collective voice for advocating change.
Over 70 percent of nursing jobs are secured through professional networking opportunities. Social media platforms offer effective tools for networking, provided they are used positively. Personally, I belong to several Facebook medical groups and have found them to be beneficial for networking and knowledge exchange. Other ways to network include becoming an influencer on platforms like Instagram, becoming a blogger, volunteering, attending conferences, cultivating a distinct professional image, seeking connections, and having networking cards available. It’s essential not to join too many social media groups and to follow up with connections through email. Conferences have been my favorite networking opportunity, and they have empowered me to make positive changes in my nursing career.
I chose the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program not only because I’m passionate about this field but also because it needs significant change. I believe that the school I chose plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the changes I can bring to my profession. Becoming a scholar-practitioner will equip me to address the challenges and stigmas associated with the mental health industry. Networking with professionals who share my passion has prepared me to be a passionate and non-judgmental advocate for those struggling with mental health issues.
Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 reasons nurses should engage in professional networking [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://blog.bluepipes.com/5-reasons-nurses-should-take-professional-networking-seriously/
Walden University, 2020, Vision, mission, and goals. In 2019-2020 Walden University catalog. Retrieved from https://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?etc
Walden University. (2020). Scholar practitioner. Retrieved from https://www.waldenu.edu/about/who-we-are/scholar-practitioner
Wofford, P. (2018). 10 tips for nurses who hate networking. Retrieved from https://nurse.org/articles/tips-for-nurse-networking/
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