NURS 6003 Week 4 Discussion: Using the Walden Library

NURS 6003 Week 4 Discussion: Using the Walden Library

In my current role at a skilled nursing facility (SNF) in North Carolina, I selected a peer-reviewed journal article related to SNF for this discussion. The Walden University Library (n.d.) provides access to 15 databases specializing in nursing-related articles and publications. My search was efficient, as I opted for the first database, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, out of the 15 provided by the online library. After accessing EBSCOhost through this choice, I conducted a search by typing “skilled nursing facility” in the first search box and “dementia” in the second.

I also limited the search to full text and peer-reviewed scholarly journals. My search led me to the article titled “Outcomes of Post‐acute Care in Skilled Nursing Facilities in Medicare Beneficiaries with and without a Diagnosis of Dementia” by Robert E. Burke, Yao Xu, and Ashley Z. Ritter, published in October 2021. Dementia is a topic of personal interest to me due to the prevalence of patients with this condition in my care. I was curious to investigate whether dementia had an impact on hospital readmission, mortality rates, and patient discharge to their homes. Surprisingly, Burke et al. (2021) concluded that dementia was not a determining factor for these outcomes; instead, cognitive impairment during SNF admission was a better predictor. My experience with the CINAHL Plus database was smooth and user-friendly.

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This database is valuable not only to me but also to my colleagues, as it offers a wealth of publications for future literature reviews and coursework. Notably, the database’s search refinement options are a highlight. Users can filter results by publication date (ranging from 1970 to 2021), publication type (academic journals, magazines, CEUs, and evidence-based care sheets), and content type (full text, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, abstract available, and all books). Furthermore, there are additional options to fine-tune searches, such as by subject, publisher, language, and age.

I would recommend this database for several reasons. Firstly, it provides access to numerous full-text publications, rather than just abstracts, which greatly enhances research efforts. Secondly, it is freely accessible for Walden students. Thirdly, it offers various search refinement options, including the ability to filter for peer-reviewed publications. Lastly, it allows for easy downloading of publications in PDF format.

For scholarly writing, the use of evidence from research is crucial (Laureate Production, n.d.). Databases like CINAHL Plus with Full Text, among the 15 nursing-specific databases available at Walden, facilitate access to evidence-based research, articles, and publications. My positive experience with this database leads me to believe it would also benefit my colleagues, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to them.


Burke, R. E., Xu, Y., & Ritter, A. Z. (2021, October). Outcomes of post‐acute care in skilled nursing facilities in Medicare beneficiaries with and without a diagnosis of dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69(10), 2899–2907.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Introduction to scholarly writing: Purpose, audience, and evidence [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Databases A–Z: Nursing. Retrieved December 22, 2021, from NURS 6003 Week 4 Discussion: Using the Walden Library

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