Unit 1: Foundations of Pharmacology
Welcome to the Advanced Pharmacology course. During the first week, we will establish the essential foundation for understanding the principles of pharmacology, the role of pharmacology in healthcare, and considerations related to different patient populations. Effective drug selection requires a deep understanding of the scope of practice, ethical considerations, and legal issues. This week, we will also explore relatively new areas in pharmacotherapy, such as pharmacogenomics and ethnopharmacology, which help identify the most suitable drugs for specific populations. This knowledge will build upon your undergraduate foundation and provide you with the perspective of a prescriber, emphasizing clinical judgment in prescribing and collaboration with other healthcare providers. Throughout this course, you will delve into the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacotherapeutics of common drugs used for various body systems and medical conditions.
Unit 1 Learning Objectives
1. Establish a foundation of knowledge and an inquisitive attitude to effectively and safely prescribe pharmacotherapeutic interventions for patients (CLO 1).
2. Utilize resources to monitor pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacotherapeutic interactions, optimizing patient outcomes while minimizing adverse effects (CLO 2).
3. Apply pharmacogenetics in practice (CLO 4).
4. Identify legal and ethical issues in prescribing (CLO 1).
5. Understand the process of prescription writing (CLO 1, 4).
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Unit 1 (Week 1 & 2) “To Do” List
– Review the course syllabus/course schedule, including due dates and course flow.
– Obtain access to High-Yield Med Reviews (HYMR) for course lectures and the e-book.
– Complete the Unit 1 HYMR reading and lecture requirements.
– Familiarize yourself with Shadow Health.
– Register your account in Shadow Health.
– Complete Shadow Health Orientation and Conversation Concept Lab.
– Begin the State Practice Discussion with your initial post due by the end of Week 1 and your peer post due by the end of Week 2.
– Review CDC Module 1 and take the quiz.
– Complete the Respondus Practice Quiz (Note: You will need to download the Respondus browser first).
NUR 7560 Course Orientation
Learning Materials
Lecture & E-Book
Busti, A. J. (2022). NP Curriculum Support-Advanced Pharmacology for NPs. MedEducation, LLC.
– Pharmacokinetics Part 1
– Pharmacokinetics Part 2
– Pharmacokinetics Part 3
– Pharmacogenetics in Practice
– Drug Interactions
– Special Populations
– Prescription Writing
– Prescription Template
Link 2: A helpful 60-second video on how to write a prescription for PMHNPs.
Supplemental Material (Optional):
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. CHAIN ONLINE: Clinical consumer health advisory information network.
Medicocurio. Pharmacogenomics: Genes and medicine [Video].
RS TU. Pharmacoeconomics [Video].
Epocrates is a valuable app or desktop resource for prescribing and managing medications.
CredibleMeds provides medication safety tools and resources.
Monthly Prescribing Reference offers up-to-date drug safety information and clinical charts.
U.S. FDA Website provides comprehensive information on various topics.
Shadow Health
The purpose of Shadow Health assignments is to use clinical simulation technology to enhance your understanding of advanced pharmacology concepts. These assignments align with the following course learning outcomes (CLOs):
CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to manage and evaluate expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan.
CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states.
CLO 3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including special populations, using cultural competence.
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing.
CLO 5: Examine the significance of interprofessional collaboration on patient outcomes.
Assignment: View the Shadow Health orientation video.
Assignment: Complete the Shadow Health Conversation Concepts Lab.
Faculty Lecture: Chapter 1 – The Role of the Advance Practice Nurse Practitioner as Prescriber
Unit 1 Discussion
This discussion allows you to demonstrate the following course learning outcomes (CLOs):
CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to manage and evaluate expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan.
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing.
After reviewing Unit 1 and learning materials, please address the following questions:
1. In your state, is physician collaboration required for nurse practitioners to practice independently, or can nurse practitioners practice independently? Are there any practice restrictions for nurse practitioners in your state?
2. Does nurse practitioner practice in your state require collaboration for prescribing, or can nurse practitioners independently prescribe medications? Are there any prescription restrictions, such as controlled substances limitations, in your state?
3. Share your stance on whether nurse practitioners should require collaboration for practice and prescribing. Support your viewpoint with scholarly, evidence-based information.
4. Does your state have a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) or Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) system? If so, provide details about this system, such as the timeline for prescription uploads and reporting. Explain how this system will impact your future FNP practice.
Please follow these guidelines for your initial and peer posts:
– Include at least 2 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years in your
– Use a professional format with appropriate APA citations and references.
– Respond to at least 2 peers whose state of practice differs from your own. Include at least 1 scholarly, peer-reviewed source published within the last 5 years in your response.
CDC Module Training
To prepare for your future practice and management of patient pain, it is essential to understand the significance of prescribing opioids. This assignment aligns with the following course learning outcomes (CLOs):
CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan.
CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states.
CLO 3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including patients with altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics special populations, using cultural competence.
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing.
Step 1: View the CDC Module 1: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic.
Step 2: Review the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United States, 2016 (Note: This guideline is being updated).
After completing the steps above, proceed to the CDC MODULE QUIZ.
CDC Module Quiz
After viewing the CDC Module 1 and the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, please complete the 5-question quiz worth 50 points.
Respondus Practice Quiz – NUR 7560 (ungraded) (**Webcam**) – Requires Respondus LockDown Browser
The purpose of this Respondus Practice Quiz is multifactorial. It aims to:
– Check the functionality of the Respondus Lockdown Browser on your chosen device.
– Review course materials, including the syllabus, course schedule, and Week 1 information.
Unit 7: Neurologic Pharmacology
Welcome to Unit 7! This unit focuses on drugs that affect the central nervous system, which can be categorized into those used for psychiatric or neurological conditions. These drugs influence neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters in various parts of the brain to elicit specific responses. Understanding the central nervous system is crucial for rational drug selection and effective management of side effects.
Pain management, both acute and chronic, is a topic of national concern due to the high rates of controlled substance abuse. Treatment plans are guided by factors such as the pain’s history, intensity, duration, aggravating and relieving conditions, and the structures involved in causing the pain. In this course, we will delve into the pharmacology of pain management, focusing on treatment goals, rational drug selection, and ensuring a safe and effective treatment plan.
Unit Learning Objectives
1. Examine the principles of pathophysiology and therapeutics guiding pharmacotherapeutic interventions affecting the nervous system (CLO 1).
2. Analyze the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of agents affecting the nervous system (CLO 2).
3. Apply critical-thinking processes to manage and evaluate the expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the nervous system (CLO 3).
4. Apply critical-thinking processes to manage and evaluate the expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the nervous system (CLO 1, 2, 3).
Week 9/Unit 7 “To Do” List
– Complete the High-Yield Med Review Quiz by the end of Week 9.
– Complete the Shadow Health Focused Exam: Pain Management by the end of Week 9.
– Complete the Shadow Health Concept Lab: Analgesics by the end of Week 9.
– Prepare for the Unit 6 & 7 Exam in the following week.
Learning Materials
Lectures & E-Book
Busti, A. J. (2022). NP Curriculum Support-Advanced Pharmacology for NPs. MedEducation, LLC.
– Non-opioid Analgesics Review
– Opioid Analgesic Review
– Opioid Induced Side Effects
– Opioid Dose Equivalency
– Anticonvulsants Review Part 1
– Anticonvulsants Review Part 2
– Alzheimer’s Disease
– Parkinson’s Disease
Optional Learning Resources:
– Speed Pharmacology. Pharmacology – NSAIDs & prostaglandin analogs (made easy) [Video].
– Speed Pharmacology. Antiepileptic drugs (made easy) [Video].
– Speed Pharmacology. Opioids (made easy) [Video].
– Khan Academy. Nervous system diseases.
– University of Florida Health. Pain management and dosing guide.
– U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain.
– U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Training for providers.
– U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Training health care providers on pain management and safe use of opioid analgesics – Exploring the path forward.
HYMR Quiz – Neurology
After reviewing all assigned lectures and corresponding e-book chapters in High-Yield Med Review, complete the module quiz in the HYMR platform. This quiz consists of 10 questions and allows one attempt within 15 minutes. Your score will determine the corresponding points as follows:
– 100%: 20 points
– 90%: 18 points
– 80%: 16 points
– 70%: 14 points
– 60%: 12 points
– 50%: 10 points
– 40%: 8 points
– 30%: 6 points
– 20%: 4 points
– 10%: 2 points
– No submission: 0 points
Shadow Health: Concept Lab – Analgesics
The purpose of this Shadow Health Concept Lab assignment is to help you achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.
This week, you will participate in a Shadow Health Concept Lab related to analgesic medications. This will provide you with insights into pharmacological concepts associated with commonly administered analgesic drugs. Completing this module should take approximately 30 minutes.
What to Submit:
Upon completion of the assignment, submit your completion certificate and a 1-page reflection response addressing the following question: How do you identify a patient that may be overusing or abusing prescription pain medications? How would you handle this concern if you are the NP seeing this patient?
Shadow Health: Focused Exam: Pain Management
The purpose of this Shadow Health Focused Exam assignment is to help you achieve Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.
This assignment involves conducting a focused exam on a patient with chronic pain, Tanner Bailey. You will use therapeutic communication techniques to obtain subjective data necessary for determining the appropriate pharmacological therapy for his condition. After the patient exam, you will select the medication best suited to Mr. Bailey’s needs and, if applicable, write a prescription for the selected medication. Please note that this assignment includes subjective data collection on sensitive topics like gender identity. This module should take approximately 90 minutes.
to Submit:
Upon completing the assignment, submit your completion certificate/lab pass showing your DCE score.
Unit Conclusion
As we conclude this week of advanced pharmacology, we have explored drugs that affect the central nervous system. These drugs play a critical role in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological conditions by influencing neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters in various brain regions.
Pain management, whether for acute or chronic pain, remains a topic of national concern due to the high rates of controlled substance abuse. Our study has focused on understanding the pharmacology of pain management, with an emphasis on treatment goals, rational drug selection, and ensuring safe and effective treatment plans. Keep this knowledge in mind as you progress in your studies.
Welcome to Advanced Pharmacology!
Welcome to Advanced Pharmacology. The first week lays the essential foundation for principles of pharmacology, role, and population considerations. Rational drug selection requires more in-depth knowledge within the context of scope of practice, ethics, and legal issues. Relatively new areas of pharmacotherapeutics include pharmacogenomics and ethnopharmacology, which identifies drugs that are best for certain populations. This week builds upon your undergraduate knowledge and approaches learning from the perspective of a prescriber including clinical judgment in prescribing and collaboration with other providers and is key to your success in this course. In every unit, you will learn about the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacotherapeutics of common drugs used based on each body system or conditions.
Unit 1 Learning Objectives
- Manage clients who require pharmacotherapeutic interventions by establishing a foundation of facts and an attitude of inquiry to promote effective and safe prescribing (CLO 1)
- Integrate resources that can be utilized to monitor pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacotherapeutic interaction to maximize client results and to reduce adverse effects or reactions (CLO 2)
- Pharmacogenetics application to practice (CLO 4)
- Hypothesize legal and ethical issues in prescribing (CLO 1)
- Prescription writing how to (CLO 1, 4)
Unit 1 (Week 1 & 2) “To Do” List
- Review course syllabus/course schedule, due dates and the flow of the course
- Purchase High-Yield Med Reviews (HYMR) for access to course lectures and e-book
- Complete Unit 1 HYMR reading and lecture requirements
- Review information on Shadow Health
- Register your account in Shadow Health
- Complete Shadow Health Orientation and Conversation Concept Lab
- Start State Practice Discussion – Initial post due Sunday Week 1 (Peer post due Sunday Week 2)
- Review CDC Module 1 and take Quiz
- Complete Respondus Practice Quiz (You will need to download the Respondus browser first)
Lecture & E-Book
- Busti, A. J. (2022). NP Curriculum Support-Advanced Pharmacology for NPs. MedEducation, LLC.
- Pharmacokinetics Part 1
- Pharmacokinetics Part 2
- Pharmacokinetics Part 3
- Pharmacogenetics in Practice
- Drug Interactions
- Special Populations
Prescription Writing
Supplemental Material (Optional):
Epocrates is a downloadable app or desktop version with valuable resources for prescribing and managing medications.
- Athenahealth, Inc. (n.d). Epocrates. http://www.epocrates.com/
- CredibleMeds requires a free registration to access the information. Explore the Medication Safety Tools & Resources section.
- CredibleMeds. (n.d.). QTDrugs lists. https://crediblemeds.org/index.php/login/dlcheck
- Haymarket Media, Inc. (n.d.). Monthly prescribing reference. http://www.empr.com/ Note: Navigate this site for up-to-date drug safety information and clinical charts that are useful references to print out.
U.S. FDA Website provides an abundance of information on various topics:
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). FDA homepage. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.fda.gov/
The purpose of Shadow Health assignment is to utilize clinical simulation technology to assist in your learning and understanding of advanced pharmacology concepts. The utilization of Shadow Health will apply to the following course learning outcomes (CLOs):
CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7)
(ILO 1; MSN Essential VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, TT3, TT4).
CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and the pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states. (MSN PLO 1,7) (ILO 1, 5; MSN Essential I & VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, VE10, TT3, TT4)
CLO3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including patients with altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics special populations, such as infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, and older adults with using cultural competence. (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1; MSN Essential VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, TT3, TT4).
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 2; MSN Essential VII; IPEC VE5, RR1, RR6, CC2, CC4, CC5, CC6, TT11).
CLO 5: Examine the significance of interprofessional collaboration on patient outcomes. (MSN PLO 6) (ILO 1; MSN Essential VII; IPEC VE5, RR1, RR6, CC2, CC4, CC5, CC6, TT11).
Assignment: View the following Shadow Health orientation video (ungraded)
Assignment: Complete Shadow Health Conversation Concepts (ungraded)
This week you will complete a practice Shadow Health conversation lab. The exercise in the Conversation Concept Lab will help you structure interviews by asking open and closed questions with avatar involvement. On average, this Concept Lab takes 40 minutes to complete.
Login page: “Shadow Health Access” link on left panel
Shadow Health Technical Support
If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues regarding the Digital Clinical Experience, please contact the Shadow Health support specialists by visiting the Learner Support Page at
http://support.shadowhealth.com for contact information and hours. You may email the Learner Support team directly at
[email protected] at any time or by calling 800.860.3241.
This Discussion is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7)
(ILO 1; MSN Essential VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, TT3, TT4)
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 2; MSN Essential VII; IPEC VE5, RR1, RR6, CC2, CC4, CC5, CC6, TT11).
After review of Unit 1 and Learning Materials, please address all of the following questions. Let’s take a moment and examine the components of your future FNP practice.
- In your state, do you need physician collaboration to practice as an NP or can NP’s practice independently? What if any practice restrictions to practice for the NP does your state have?
- Does the NP role in your state need collaboration to prescribe or can NPs independently prescribe? What if any prescription restrictions exist in your state (ie: can the NP prescribe all classes of controlled substances in your state, what levels, restrictions such as length of time or quantity limits)?
- Do you think the NP role should have collaboration for practice and/or prescribing? Explain your stance on this position and use scholarly evidenced based information to support your view.
- Does your state have a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) or Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) system? If so, what are the details of this system (timeline for uploading of prescriptions to the system, reporting etc.). How will this affect your future FNP practice?
Initial Post:
- Include at least 2 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely sources (within 5 years) in your response.
- Writing should be in a professional format with APA appropriate citations and references.
- Please note that on submission to the discussion board, Blackboard often alters the formatting of the post. This is taken into consideration when faculty grade the post.
Peer Post:
- Respond to at least 2 peers whose state of practice is different than your own.
- Include at least 1 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely source (within 5 years) in your response.
- Your response should either add to the content of the topic or based on research findings you include ask additional questions on the topic.
Faculty Questions:
- Faculty will be present during the week on the discussion board. It is expected that you will respond to any questions posed directly to you by faculty during the week. A failure to respond may result in a deduction of points as indicated in the Discussion Grading Rubric
- Please refer to the grading rubric for further details on the content expectations. You can find this under “My Grades”, “Unit 1: Discussion”.
Initial post due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Unit 1
Peer post and Faculty response to any faculty questions due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 2
Please note: Internet searches will often take you to non-academic information resources such as Wikipedia.com, Ask.com, Encarta.msn.com, Infoplease.com, etc. For a graduate-level course, you may not supplement your literature search with these sources because they do not come under a formal oversight or peer-review process.
To prepare you for your future practice and management of patient pain, it is important to understand the significance of prescribing opioids. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
CLO 1: Apply critical thinking and best scientific evidence to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents for the treatment of self-limiting acute conditions and chronic diseases across the lifespan (MSN PLO 7)
(ILO 1; MSN Essential VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, TT3, TT4).
CLO 2: Analyze the pharmacodynamics and the pharmacokinetic impact of pharmacologic therapies in the treatment of diseases and altered states. (MSN PLO 1,7) (ILO 1, 5; MSN Essential I & VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, VE10, TT3, TT4)
CLO3: Formulate therapeutic regimens for patients, including patients with altered pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics special populations, such as infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, and older adults with using cultural competence. (MSN PLO 7) (ILO 1; MSN Essential VIII; IPEC VE1, VE4, TT3, TT4).
CLO 4: Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing. (MSN PLO 5) (ILO 2; MSN Essential VII; IPEC VE5, RR1, RR6, CC2, CC4, CC5, CC6, TT11).
Step 3: There is no longer CEs available for this module, so please proceed to the CDC MODULE QUIZ to recieve credit for this activity.
After viewing the CDC Module 1: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic and CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain please complete the 5 question quiz. (50 points)
The purpose of this Respondus Practice Quiz is multifactorial. The purpose is to:
- Check the functionality of the Respondus Lockdown Browser on your chosen evice
- Review course materials including syllabus and course schedule
- Review information from Week 1
Welcome to Unit 7
Drugs that affect the central nervous system can be broadly categorized into those used to treat psychiatric or neurological conditions. These drugs affect neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters, in different parts of the brain, to bring a response. Understanding the central nervous system will have a critical impact on rational drug selection and side effect management.
Pain management, both acute and chronic, are topics of national concern, due to high rates of controlled substance abuse. The treatment plan is guided by the history, intensity, duration, aggravating and relieving conditions, and structures involved in causing the pain. In this course, we will focus on the pharmacology and the goals of treatment, along with rational drug selection, keeping in mind a safe and effective treatment plan.
Unit Learning Objectives
- Examine the principles of pathophysiology and therapeutics that direct the pharmacotherapeutic interventions affecting the nervous system (CLO 1)
- Analyze the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of agents affecting the nervous system (CLO 2)
- Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the nervous system (CLO 3)
- Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the nervous system (CLO 1,2,3
Week 9/Unit 7 “To Do” List
- Complete High-Yield Med Review Quiz by Sunday Week 9
- Shadow Health Focused Exam: Pain Management due Sunday Week 9
- Shadow Health Concept Lab: Analgesics due Sunday Week 9
- Unit 6 & 7 Exam is next week; begin studying and preparing
Lectures & E-Book
- Busti, A. J. (2022). NP Curriculum Support-Advanced Pharmacology for NPs. MedEducation, LLC.
- Non-opioid Analgesics Review
- Opioid Analgesic Review
- Opioid Induced Side Effects
- Opioid Dose Equivalency
- Anticonvulsants Review Part 1
- Anticonvulsants Review Part 2
- Alzheimers Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
Optional Learning Resources:
- Khan Academy. (2018r). Nervous system diseases. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.khanacademy.org/science/health-and-medicine/nervous-system-disease
- University of Florida Health. (2020). Pain management and dosing guide. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://pami.emergency.med.jax.ufl.edu/resources/dosing-guide/#:~:text=The%20PAMI%20Pain%20Management%20and%20Dosing%20Guide%20is,chronic%20pain%20and%20procedural%20sedation%20in%20all%20ages.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017a). CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/prescribing/guideline.html
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017b). Training for providers. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/training/index.html
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (2017b). Training health care providers on pain management and safe use of opioid analgesics – Exploring the path forward. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/NewsEvents/ucm538047.htm
Following review of all assigned lectures and correlating E-book chapters in High Yield Med Review, you will complete the module quiz in the HYMR platform.
- From the Dashboard select “EXAMS”
- Navigate to the “Neurology – Self Assessment”
- Click “Take Exam”
You will have one attempt to complete 10 questions in 15 minutes. Once completed, please take a screen shot of your score and upload to this assignment tab for grading. This quiz is worth 20 points, so based on your % score you will receive the correlating points below.
20 points
18 points
16 points
14 points
12 points
10 points
8 points
6 points
4 points
2 points
No submission
0 points
*Please note, faculty are able to view your time and activity in HYMR.*
The purpose of this Shadow Health Concept Lab assignment is to help you achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.
This week you will participate in a Shadow Health Concept Lab pertaining to analgesic medications. This will allow you to learn about pharmacological concepts related to commonly administered analgesic drugs. This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
What to Submit:
Upon completion of the assignment:
- Submit your completion certificate
- Submit your reflection response to the questions below
Reflection Response Instructions: Submit a 1 page reflection response to the questions below. Please use APA format and include one scholarly reference.
- How do you identify a patient that may be overusing or abusing prescription pain medications? How would you handle this concern if you are the NP seeing this patient?
Shadow Health Technical Support
If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues regarding the Digital Clinical Experience, please contact the Shadow Health support specialists by visiting the Learner Support Page at
http://support.shadowhealth.com for contact information and hours. You may email the Learner Support team directly at
[email protected] at any time or by calling 800.860.3241.
This assignment provides the opportunity to conduct a focused exam on a patient who presents with chronic pain. You will interview Tanner Bailey using therapeutic communication, and obtain enough subjective data to determine the appropriate pharmacological therapy for his condition. After the patient exam, you will select the medication which best suits Mr. Bailey’s needs. If applicable, you will write a prescription for the selected medication. This assignment includes subjective data collection around sensitive topics like gender identity. This module should take approximately 90 minutes.
What to Submit:
Upon completion of the assignment, submit your completion certificate/lab pass that shows the DCE score to this assignment link..
Shadow Health Grading
All assignments will be graded using the DCE Score. Reopening and multiple attempts are allowed so the student can submit the best score for grading. Each student will submit the “lab pass” showing their DCE score to the designated assignment tab in Blackboard. Grading will be based on the DCE score received on the assignment that correlates with the points allocated in the table below. An incomplete assignment will result in the grade of zero. Faculty will monitor student engagement within the Shadow Health platform to ensure active participation to complete all the assignment requirements.
DCE Score
Below 79
No submission
Login page: “Shadow Health Access” link on left panel
Assignment Due Date: Sunday of Week 6
Shadow Health Technical Support
If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues regarding the Digital Clinical Experience, please contact the Shadow Health support specialists by visiting the Learner Support Page at
http://support.shadowhealth.com for contact information and hours. You may email the Learner Support team directly at
[email protected] at any time or by calling 800.860.3241.
Unit Conclusion
Unit Conclusion
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As we wrap up this week of advanced pharmacology, we learned about the drugs that affect the central nervous system. These drugs affect neuroreceptors and neurotransmitters in different parts of the brain to bring a response. This is not the last time you will learn about neurotransmitters or receptors, so keep this learning in mind as we proceed.
Remember, always focus on the goals of treatment, along with rational drug selection, keeping in mind safe and effective treatment plan.