Patient education aims to stimulate changes in behavior and enhance lifestyle practices, thereby reducing risky behaviors that can lead to illness or exacerbate chronic conditions (Whitney, 2018). Health promotion is centered around fostering a healthy way of life, encompassing the reduction of risky behaviors, addressing developmental needs, and advocating for preventive self-care (Whitney, 2018). Various health promotion models provide clarity and motivation for behavioral changes related to health promotion. Pender’s health promotion model, for instance, adopts a positive approach to instigating behavioral changes, considering elements such as the patient, environment, nursing, health, and illness to modify behaviors (Lightner, 2022).
Tailoring a care plan that incorporates education while taking into account the patient’s experiences, motivations, and comprehension of health sets the stage for a successful transition to a healthier lifestyle (NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2). A study conducted on CAD patients revealed that a nurse-led program based on Pender’s Health Promotion Model led to various behavioral changes in patients. These changes included an enhanced perception of the benefits of exercise, an improved sense of ability, and a more positive outlook on the effects of exercise (Karata’s & Polat, 2021). The study involved educating CAD patients about their health condition, recommended exercises, and the benefits of exercise over time. The results demonstrated an increased understanding of the benefits of exercise and improved patient self-efficacy (Karata’s & Polat, 2021), ultimately resulting in behavioral changes conducive to a healthier lifestyle.
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Numerous barriers may confront nurses when educating patients. These barriers encompass the patient’s knowledge about their health and the impact of lifestyle choices on health, a patient’s low self-efficacy regarding health, cultural and environmental factors, and access to healthcare. A patient’s readiness to learn can serve as either a motivator or a barrier to education (NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2). Assessing the patient’s readiness to learn in conjunction with their current environment is pivotal in determining the effectiveness of education. Factors such as the patient’s pain level, concerns unrelated to health, sensory impairments, and attitude towards their condition can influence the success of teaching. By considering these variables, nurses can gauge how effective their teaching will be and make adjustments to facilitate an effective educational session.
Karata’s, T., & Polat, U. (2021, May). Effects of nurse-led program on the exercise behavior of coronary artery patients: Pender’s Health Promotion Model. Elsevier. Patient Education and Counseling. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from https://www-sciencedirect-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S0738399120305383
Lightner, B. (2022). Nola Pender. Salem Press Biographical Encyclopedia.
Whitney, S. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles. CCC web books by AWS & CDD. Retrieved May 31, 2022, from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-promotion-health-and-wellness-across-the-continuum/v1.1/#/chapter/1
Health Promotion Models and Their Impact on Behavioral Change
In Topic 1 DQ 2, we delve into the concept of patient education and its goal of promoting behavioral changes for healthier lifestyles. Additionally, we explore a health promotion model that aids in teaching these changes and discuss barriers that can affect a patient’s ability to learn, including their readiness to change.
According to our textbook, health promotion entails educating individuals about healthy lifestyles, risk reduction, developmental needs, daily activities, and preventive self-care (Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum, 2018). As nurses, it is our ethical responsibility to promote health in patients across the lifespan and in various healthcare settings.
One noteworthy health promotion model is the Family Connections Model, which emphasizes that families consist of interconnected individuals whose actions influence each other. These individuals establish patterns and systems governing their coexistence (Ryan, 2015). This model is vital for nurses as it recognizes the importance of not only working with the patient but also considering the patient’s family. To foster genuine changes toward healthier lifestyles, nurses must understand that modifications may be necessary at the family level, or they must assess if the family is adaptable to changes in their routines (NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2). For instance, if an individual is ready to adopt a healthier diet while their family continues to purchase processed and unhealthy foods, the patient’s success may be hindered compared to a scenario where the entire family commits to healthier eating together.
Health Promotion: Health & Wellness Across the Continuum. (2018). [E-book]. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved August 5, 2022, from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-promotion-health-and-wellness-across-the-continuum/v1.1/#/chapter/1
Ryan, A. (2015). Promoting family connections. Nursing Case Studies on Improving Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults, 251 NRS-429 Topic 1 DQ 2.
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