NRNP – 6645 Psychotherapy with Multiple Modalities Week 6 Midterm Exam

NRNP – 6645 Psychotherapy with Multiple Modalities Week 6 Midterm Exam

Question 1

What is the difference between brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy?

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Brief psychotherapy vs. long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy: Which is more effective?

Is there a qualitative difference between brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy?

Comparing the effectiveness of brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Question 2

How does a patient’s position on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs impact therapy?

The therapist’s level of activity in response to a patient’s position on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The therapist’s neutrality based on a patient’s position on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The therapist’s engagement in response to a patient’s position on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The therapist’s enmeshment based on a patient’s position on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

NURS-6052N Module 2: Quiz – Is it Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods?

Question 3

What concept suggests that every thought and behavior has a cause and nothing happens by chance?

Exploring the concept of id vs ego conflict.

Understanding the role of super ego actions to censor and restrain.

Examining the concept of psychic determinism.

Analyzing the idea of ego synchrony.

Question 4

How should therapists address universality in multicultural groups?

Assisting group members in learning about nursing cultural differences.

Minimizing cultural differences within the group.

Moving past a focus on concrete cultural differences to transcultural human responses.

Not interfering in the group process regarding cultural differences.

Question 5

What technique helps individuals turn a negative situation to their advantage, as seen in CBT therapy?

Exploring the technique of cognitive rehearsal.

Understanding the concept of paradox or exaggeration.

Examining the technique of turning adversity to advantage.

Analyzing the process of decatastrophizing.

Question 6

Which technique is useful for individuals who blame themselves for most negative outcomes?

Exploring the technique of reattribution.

Understanding the concept of decatastrophizing.

Examining the process of considering advantages and disadvantages.

Analyzing the options and alternatives available.

Question 7

What is true about working with dreams in therapy?

Dream interpretation as a left-brain endeavor.

Dreams representing past conflicts and work focused on those conflicts.

Dreams as the brain’s attempt to process and integrate daily information.

The usefulness of dream symbol books for interpreting dreams.

Question 8

What does the treatment hierarchy framework for practice adapted from Davis & Weiss (2004) suggest?

Envisioning where the client wants to be before moving forward.

Processing as the key to stabilization and future visioning.

Increasing internal resources leading to increasing external resources.

Procuring resources and guaranteeing stabilization before processing trauma.

Question 9

Is an engaged cohesive therapeutic relationship necessary in all psychotherapies?

Cognitive therapy requiring an engaged therapeutic relationship.

Behavioral therapy necessitating a cohesive therapeutic relationship.

Systems-oriented psychotherapy relying on an engaged relationship.

None of the above therapies requiring such a relationship.

Question 10

What assumptions can be made about cultural influences in a family?

Consistency of cultural context within family members.

Shared values and assumptions among people of the same culture.

All cultural norms being functional for the family.

Complexity of cultural contexts in families influenced by multiple factors.

Question 11

What should therapists realize about workbook exercises in therapy?

Workbook exercises as an adjunct to treatment.

Workbook exercises simplifying the real work in therapy.

Treatment manuals correlating positively with treatment outcome.

Workbook exercises promoting creativity and flexibility in therapy.

Question 12

What type of cognitive distortion is present in the statement, “They probably think I am stupid”?

Examining the cognitive distortion of comparing.

Recognizing the cognitive distortion of mind reading.

Understanding the cognitive distortion of objectifying the subjective.

Analyzing the cognitive distortion of externalization of self-worth.

Question 13

Which stage of Erickson’s psychosocial stages is associated with schizoid personality?

Exploring the stage of autonomy vs. self-doubt.

Understanding the stage of industry vs. inferiority.

Examining the stage of identity vs. role confusion.

Analyzing the stage of intimacy vs. isolation.

Question 14

What might be considered unethical practice when working with a patient?

Believing the relationship is special and ordinary rules don’t apply.

Excessive self-disclosure in therapy.

Having longer or more frequent sessions than necessary.

All of the above as red flags regarding unethical practice.

Question 15

What is the pathological outcome associated with failure to resolve trust vs. mistrust conflict in Erikson’s psychosocial stages?

Psychosis, addictions, depression as potential outcomes.

Paranoia, obsessions, compulsions as potential outcomes.

Phobias, psychosomatic disorders as potential outcomes.

Inertia, creative inhibition as potential outcomes.

Question 16

What do groups with a greater sense of solidarity exhibit? Check all that apply.

Higher rate of attendance

Acceptance for a variable level of active participation

A concrete system for measuring cohesiveness

Options A and B regarding group solidarity.

Question 17

What therapeutic factor is demonstrated when a group member realizes others share similar feelings of incompetency?

Altruism as a therapeutic factor.

Universality as a therapeutic factor.

Imparting of information as a therapeutic factor.

Development of socializing techniques as a therapeutic factor.

Question 18

What are ethical options when a managed care company denies authorization for additional treatment with a patient?

Ensuring treatment continues as the therapist’s responsibility.

Immediate cessation of treatment.

Negotiating a payment plan with the patient.

Options A and C as ethical choices.

Question 19

What is it called when a patient has intense emotional reactions to painful experiences expressed in expressive psychotherapy?

Exploring the concept of immediacy.

Understanding the process of abreaction.

Examining the idea of differentiation.

Analyzing the concept of rapprochement.

Question 20

During what age range does the development of sexual identity occur according to Freud’s Psychosexual stages?

18 months to 3 years

3 years to 6 years

6 years to 12 years

13 years to 20 years

Question 21

Which of Mahler’s stages of separation-individualization is associated with the evolution of borderline pathology?

Practicing stage

Consolidation stage

Differentiation stage

Rapprochement stage

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