Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Treatment Plan

Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Treatment Plan

Problem Selection

7 out of 7

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Learner Selection Model Documentation

Diagnosis: xxx


– Change in prescription

– xxx

– xx

– xx

– Hair loss

– Report of xx

Learner Rationale:

Considering the patient’s presented signs and symptoms, xxx appears to be the most suitable diagnosis.

Score: 7 out of 7

Diagnosis: xxx


– Change in prescription

– xx

– xxx

– xx

– Hair loss

– Report of xx

Model Rationale:

xx seems to be the most fitting diagnosis for Mrs. Hopkins based on the available evidence. Mrs. Hopkins exhibits xx and reports xx, both of which may suggest an exacerbation of xx, a condition she has previously been diagnosed with in the Maureen Hopkins Shadow Health Treatment Plan. Furthermore, her elevated xx test results support this diagnosis. The worsening of symptoms is likely due to the pharmacy changing Mrs. Hopkins’s medication from xx, which can lead to medication inefficacy and uncontrolled symptoms in some patients.

Plan of Care

7 out of 7

Review your answers for the Plan of Care activity. You must select “Yes” or “No” for each of the seven care actions. You will receive one point for determining the correct answer for each care action.

Learner Selection Model Documentation

Pharmacological Intervention

Selected: xx

Learner Rationale:

The patient’s condition will require medications to manage the symptoms.

Score: 1 out of 1

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Recommended: xx

The issues Mrs. Hopkins is facing are related to her medication. She will need a prescription for the appropriate medication to address her symptoms. You will conduct a medication selection in the next activity.

Medication Selection

9 out of 9

This activity represents your ability to synthesize subjective data, objective data, guidelines, drug interactions, and contraindications to select the most effective medication(s) for the patient’s problems. Your points are based on the selection of the correct medication(s) for the patient’s indication(s), with some points being removed based on the number of attempted tries.

Learner Selection Model Documentation



Selected Medication:


Score: 9 out of 9

xx, with a prescription of xx micrograms, xx, is the most appropriate medication selection for Mrs. Hopkins. Mrs. Hopkins had previous success with this medication in the Maureen Hopkins Shadow Health Treatment Plan.


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