HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation

HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation


Started: Jul 19, 2023 | Total Time: 62 min

Hello, My name is xx. I will be your nurse today.
Date: 07/19/22 6:58 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Your Avatar:
What brought you here today?
Date: 07/19/22 6:58 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
My throat has been sore and itchy. And my nose won’t stop running. These symptoms are driving me nuts.
Your Avatar:
I am sorry for that. You will be well.
Date: 07/19/22 6:59 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Thanks for understanding.
Your Avatar:
When did the sore throat start?
Date: 07/19/22 6:59 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Like a week ago, everything started. Sore, itchy throat, runny nose.
Do you have headaches?
Date: 07/21/22 1:50 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Yeah, I get them a lot when I’m studying.
Your Avatar:
How frequently do the headaches occur?
Date: 07/21/22 1:51 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Maybe once a week? I usually do a lot of my school work at once, so I’ll study for like, 5 or 6 hours. I usually end up with a headache by the end of the night.
Your Avatar:
How long do your headaches last?
Date: 07/21/22 1:51 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
A few hours, I guess. I usually take some Tylenol and then go to bed to get rid of them.
Your Avatar:
How do the headaches feel like?
Date: 07/21/22 1:52 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
When I get them, the pain is sort of tight and throbbing, I guess.
HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad are your headaches?
Date: 07/21/22 1:52 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Not too bad. . . I’d say about 3. Or a 4 if I really push it.
Your Avatar:
What triggers the headache?
Date: 07/21/22 1:53 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
When I get headaches, it’s usually just from reading. I only get them about once a week and it doesn’t really hurt on one side or the other. The pain is mostly behind both eyes.
Your Avatar:
Do you have any vision problem?
Date: 07/21/22 1:56 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Yeah, maybe so. I’ve noticed my vision getting sort of blurry when I read. It seems like it’s getting a little worse — I notice it more.
Your Avatar:
When did your vision start worsening?
Date: 07/21/22 1:57 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
I’m not sure — Maybe over the last year or so.
Your Avatar:
Are you able to swallow?
Date: 07/22/22 2:01 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Um, yeah.
Your Avatar:
Is there throat pain while swallowing?
Date: 07/22/22 2:01 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Yes, it hurts my throat to swallow.
Your Avatar:
What is the rate of throat pain on a scale of 1-10?
Date: 07/22/22 2:02 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
It’s like a 4 out of 10, maybe.
Your Avatar:
Have you taken any treatment at home?
Date: 07/22/22 2:02 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
All I’ve done is suck on some throat drops. And I’ve been drinking more water, which helps.
Have you taken any OTC medication?
Date: 07/22/22 2:02 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
I’ve been using throat drops, like lozenges, for my sore throat. Other than that, I just have my inhaler.
Your Avatar:
Do you have eye pain?
Date: 07/22/22 2:03 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
No, my eyes don’t hurt. They’re just itchy.
Your Avatar:
Do you use glasses or contacts?
Date: 07/22/22 2:03 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
No, I’ve never had glasses or contacts.
Your Avatar:
Does the OTC medication improve the pain?
Does the OTC medication help?
What other medical problem do you have?
Date: 07/22/22 2:05 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Um, the only things I know I’m diagnosed with are diabetes. And asthma.
Your Avatar:
When were you diagnosed with diabetes?
Date: 07/22/22 2:05 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
I was diagnosed when I was 24.
Your Avatar:
Palpated scalp: No balding or thinning hair distribution, no masses, no tenderness reported
Exam Action
Date: 07/22/22 2:06 AM MDT
Your Avatar:
Palpated frontal sinuses: No tenderness reported
Exam Action
Date: 07/22/22 2:06 AM MDT
Your Avatar:
Palpated maxillary sinuses: No tenderness reported
Exam Action
Date: 07/22/22 2:07 AM MDT
Your Avatar:
Where is the location of headache?
Date: 07/22/22 2:07 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
It’s kind of behind my forehead.
Your Avatar:
Do you take anything to treat your headaches?
Date: 07/22/22 2:09 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Yeah. Usually I’ll take a Tylenol and go to bed, and that’ll get rid of it.
Your Avatar:
What triggers your headaches?
Date: 07/22/22 2:09 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
When I get headaches, it’s usually just from reading. I only get them about once a week and it doesn’t really hurt on one side or the other. The pain is mostly behind both eyes.
Your Avatar:
When did your vision begin worsening?
Date: 07/22/22 2:09 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
I’m not sure — Maybe over the last year or so.
Your Avatar:
What makes your blurry vision go away?
Date: 07/22/22 2:10 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
If I stop reading and rest my eyes a bit, then it clears up.
Your Avatar:
When was your last vision exam?
Date: 07/22/22 2:10 AM MDT
Tina Jones:

must’ve been… maybe ten the last time the school nurse checked my vision. You know how the school nurses do those little checks every year.
Your Avatar:
Do you have any allergies?
Date: 07/22/22 2:10 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Yeah. I’m allergic to cats. And dust, too.
Your Avatar:
What triggers the eye symptoms?
Date: 07/22/22 2:12 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
It’s a little worse in the morning, but that’s really the only pattern I’ve noticed.
Your Avatar:
Are you taking medication for the itchy eyes?
Date: 07/22/22 2:15 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
No, I haven’t done anything to try to make my eyes less itchy.
Your Avatar:
Do you have general nose problems?
Date: 07/22/22 2:15 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Yes, my nose won’t stop running!
Have you had nosebleeds?
Date: 07/22/22 2:18 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Do you have frequent sinus congestion?
Date: 07/22/22 2:18 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
No, I’m not stuffed up — my nose has been running nonstop!
Do your allergies trigger your runny nose?
Date: 07/22/22 2:19 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
Well, no. I mean, I never had allergies to pollen or anything outdoors like that. But my nose is acting just like my sister’s right now, and she’s always had hay fever. I’m starting to think that this is allergies.
Your Avatar:
How have you been treating your runny nose?
Date: 07/22/22 2:20 AM MDT
Tina Jones:
I haven’t taken anything. Most of the stuff you get over-the-counter dries me out too much.
Do you take alcohol?

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HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation Documentation / Electronic Health Record

Document: Provider Notes

Document: Provider Notes
Student Documentation Model Documentation

Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African American female presenting to the clinic due to a sore/itchy throat and runny nose. The symptoms began one week ago. She reports having used over-the-counter throat drops for her sore throat and denies treating runny nose at home. She reports it hurts to swallow and rates her throat pain at 3-4/10. Throat pain is worse in the morning. She also has headaches and blurry vision, especially while reading. She denies eye pain and does not use contacts or glasses. The use of over-the-counter medication improves her headache and vision.

NRS-434VN Health Assessment Full Course GCU


Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African American woman who presented to the clinic with complaints of a sore, itchy throat, itchy eyes, and runny nose for the last week. She states that these symptoms started spontaneously and have been constant in nature. She does not note any specific aggravating symptoms but states that her throat pain seems to be worse in the morning. She rates her throat pain as 4/10 and her throat itchiness as 5/10. She has treated her throat pain with occasional throat lozenges, which have “helped a little.” She states that she has some soreness when swallowing, but otherwise no other associated symptoms. She states that her nose “runs all day” and is clear discharge. She has not attempted any treatment for her nasal symptoms. She states that her eyes are constantly itchy and she has not attempted any eye-specific treatment. She denies cough and recent illness. She has had no exposures to sick individuals. She denies changes in her hearing, vision, and taste. She denies fevers, chills, and night sweats. She has never been diagnosed with seasonal allergies but does note that her sister has “hay fever.”

Social History: She is not aware of any environmental exposures or irritants at her job or home. She changes her sheets weekly and denies dust/mildew at her home. She denies the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. She does not exercise.

Review of Systems:
General: Denies changes in weight, fatigue, weakness, fever, chills, and night sweats.
Head: Denies a history of trauma. Reports headaches while studying.
Eyes: She does not wear corrective lenses but notes that her vision has been worsening over the past few years. She complains of blurry vision after reading for extended periods. Denies increased tearing or itching prior to this past week.
Ears: Denies hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, discharge, or earache.
Nose/Sinuses: Denies rhinorrhea prior to this episode. Denies stuffiness, sneezing, itching, previous allergy, epistaxis, or sinus pressure.
Mouth/Throat: Denies bleeding gums, hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, or wounds in the mouth. No sore throat prior to this episode.
Respiratory: She denies shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, sputum, hemoptysis, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis. She has a history of asthma, with her last hospitalization at age 16 for asthma, and her last chest X-ray was at age 16. Her current inhaler use has been her baseline of 2-3 times per week.


Ms. Jones is pleasant. She is alert and oriented. She is able to voice her needs and wants. She answers questions appropriately. She is well-groomed and dressed appropriately. She does not appear in any distress at the time of assessment. She has allergic shiners and red, chapped skin around her nares. She has clear postnasal drainage. Moderately erythema. Tonsils are 1+.

General: Ms. Jones is a pleasant, obese 28-year-old African American woman in no acute distress. She is alert and oriented. She maintains eye contact throughout the interview and examination.
Head: The head is normocephalic and atraumatic. Scalp with no masses, normal hair distribution.
Eyes: Bilateral eyes with…

Your Avatar.
Hello, My name is xx. I will be yours nurse today.

07/19/22 6:58 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
What brought you here today?

07/19/22 6:58 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
My throat has been sore… and itchy. And my nose won’t stop running. These symptoms are driving me nuts.
Your Avatar.
I am sorry for that. You will be well.

07/19/22 6:59 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for understanding.
Your Avatar.
When did the sore throat start? HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation

07/19/22 6:59 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Like a week ago, everything started. Sore, itchy throat, runny nose.

Do you have headaches?

07/21/22 1:50 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, I get them a lot when I’m studying.
Your Avatar.
How frequently do the headaches occur?

07/21/22 1:51 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Maybe once a week? I usually do a lot of my school work at once, so I’ll study for like, 5 or 6 hours. I usually end up with a headache by the end of the night.
Your Avatar.
How long do your headaches last?

07/21/22 1:51 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
A few hours, I guess. I usually take some Tylenol and then go to bed to get rid of them.
Your Avatar.
How do the headaches feel like?

07/21/22 1:52 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
When I get them, the pain is sort of… tight and throbbing, I guess.
Your Avatar.
HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad are your headaches?

07/21/22 1:52 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Not too bad. . . I’d say about 3. Or a 4 if I really push it.
Your Avatar.
What triggers the headache?

07/21/22 1:53 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
When I get headaches, it’s usually just from reading. I only get them about once a week and it doesn’t really hurt on one side or the other. The pain is mostly behind both eyes.
Your Avatar.
Do you have any vision problem?

07/21/22 1:56 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, maybe so. I’ve noticed my vision getting sort of blurry when I read. It seems like it’s getting a little worse — I notice it more.
Your Avatar.
When did your vision start worsening?

07/21/22 1:57 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I’m not sure — Maybe over the last year or so.
Your Avatar.
Are you able to swallow?

07/22/22 2:01 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Um, yeah.
Your Avatar.
Is there throat pain while swallowing?

07/22/22 2:01 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yes, it hurts my throat to swallow.
Your Avatar.
What is the rate of throat pain on a scale of 1-10?

07/22/22 2:02 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s like a 4 out of 10, maybe.
Your Avatar.
Have you taken any treatment at home? (Clarified to Have you tried treatments at home?.)

07/22/22 2:02 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
All I’ve done is suck on some throat drops. And I’ve been drinking more water, which helps. (Clarified to if I have tried treatments at home.)
Your Avatar.
Have you taken any OTC medication?

07/22/22 2:02 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve been using throat drops, like lozenges, for my sore throat. Other than that, I just have my inhaler.
Your Avatar.
Do you have eye pain?

07/22/22 2:03 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
No, my eyes don’t hurt. They’re just itchy.
Your Avatar.
Do you use glasses or contacts?

07/22/22 2:03 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
No, I’ve never had glasses or contacts.
Your Avatar.
Does the OTC medication improve the pain? (No matching questions found.)

07/22/22 2:04 AM MDT

Your Avatar.
Does the OTC medication help? (No matching questions found.)

07/22/22 2:04 AM MDT

Your Avatar.
What other medical problem do you have? HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation

07/22/22 2:05 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Um, the only things I know I’m diagnosed with are diabetes. And asthma.
Your Avatar.
When were you diagnosed with diabetes?

07/22/22 2:05 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I was diagnosed when I was 24.
Your Avatar.
 Palpated scalp: No balding or thinning hair distribution, no masses, no tenderness reported

Exam Action
07/22/22 2:06 AM MDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated frontal sinuses: No tenderness reported

Exam Action
07/22/22 2:06 AM MDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated maxillary sinuses: No tenderness reported

Exam Action
07/22/22 2:07 AM MDT

Your Avatar.
Where is the location of headache?

07/22/22 2:07 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s kind of behind my forehead.
Your Avatar.
Do you take anything to treat your headaches?

07/22/22 2:09 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah. Usually I’ll take a Tylenol and go to bed, and that’ll get rid of it.
Your Avatar.
What triggers your headaches?

07/22/22 2:09 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
When I get headaches, it’s usually just from reading. I only get them about once a week and it doesn’t really hurt on one side or the other. The pain is mostly behind both eyes.
Your Avatar.
When did your vision begin worsening?

07/22/22 2:09 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I’m not sure — Maybe over the last year or so.
Your Avatar.
What makes your blurry vision go away?

07/22/22 2:10 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
If I stop reading and rest my eyes a bit, then it clears up.
Your Avatar.
When was your last vision exam?

07/22/22 2:10 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I must’ve been… maybe ten the last time the school nurse checked my vision. You know how the school nurses do those little checks every year.
Your Avatar.
Do you have any allergies?

07/22/22 2:10 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah. I’m allergic to cats. And dust, too.
Your Avatar.
What triggers the eye symptoms? (Clarified to What triggers your symptoms?.)

07/22/22 2:12 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
It’s a little worse in the morning, but that’s really the only pattern I’ve noticed. (Clarified to what triggers my symptoms.)
Your Avatar.
Are you taking medication for the itchy eyes?

07/22/22 2:15 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
No, I haven’t done anything to try to make my eyes less itchy.
Your Avatar.
Do you have general nose problems?

07/22/22 2:15 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Yes, my nose won’t stop running!
Your Avatar.
Have you had nosebleeds? HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation

07/22/22 2:18 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Do you have frequent sinus congestion? (Clarified to Do you have sinus congestion?.)

07/22/22 2:18 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
No, I’m not stuffed up — my nose has been running nonstop! (Clarified to if I have sinus congestion.)
Your Avatar.
Do your allergies trigger your runny nose?

07/22/22 2:19 AM MDT

Well, no. I mean, I never had allergies to pollen or anything outdoors like that. . . But my nose is acting just like my sister’s right now, and she’s always had hay fever. I’m starting to think that this is allergies.
Your Avatar.
How have you been treating your runny nose?

07/22/22 2:20 AM MDT

Tina Jones.
I haven’t taken anything. Most of the stuff you get over-the-counter dries me out too much.
Your Avatar.
Do you take alcohol?


HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation Documentation / Electronic Health Record

Document: Provider Notes

Student Documentation Model Documentation


Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28 years-old African American female presenting to the clinics due to sore/itchy throat and runny nose. The symptoms began 1 week ago. She reports having used over the conter throat drops for her sore throat. Denies treating runny nose at home. She reports it hurts to swallow and rates her throat pain a 3-4/10 . Throat pain is worse at the morning. She has headachhe and blurry vision especially while reading. She denies eye pain. She does not use contacts or glasses. Use of OTC improves headache and vision.

HPI: Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28-year-old African American woman who presented to the clinic with complaints of sore, itchy throat, itchy eyes, and runny nose for the last week. She states that these symptoms started spontaneously and have been constant in nature. She does not note any specific aggravating symptoms, but states that her throat pain seems to be worse in the morning. She rates her throat pain as 4/10 and her throat itchiness as 5/10. She has treated her throat pain with occasional throat lozenges which has “helped a little”. She states that she has some soreness when swallowing, but otherwise no other associated symptoms. She states that her nose “runs all day” and is clear discharge. She has not attempted any treatment for her nasal symptoms. She states that her eyes are constantly itchy and she has not attempted any eye specific treatment. She denies cough and recent illness. She has had no exposures to sick individuals. She denies changes in her hearing, vision, and taste. She denies fevers, chills, and night sweats. She has never been diagnosed with seasonal allergies, but does note that her sister has “hay fever”. Social History: She is not aware of any environmental exposures or irritants at her job or home. She changes her sheets weekly and denies dust/mildew at her home. She denies use of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. She does not exercise. Review of Systems: General: Denies changes in weight, fatigue, weakness, fever, chills, and night sweats. • Head: Denies history of trauma. Reports headaches while studying. • Eyes: She does not wear corrective lenses, but notes that her vision has been worsening over the past few years. She complains of blurry vision after reading for extended periods. Denies increased tearing or itching prior to this past week. • Ears: Denies hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, discharge, or earache. • Nose/Sinuses: Denies rhinorrhea prior to this episode. Denies stuffiness, sneezing, itching, previous allergy, epistaxis, or sinus pressure. • Mouth/Throat: Denies bleeding gums, hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, or wounds in mouth. No sore throat prior to this episode. • Respiratory: She denies shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, sputum, hemoptysis, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis. She has a history of asthma, last hospitalization was age 16 for asthma, last chest XR was age 16. Her current inhaler use has been her baseline of 2-3 times per week.


Ms. Jones is pleasant. She is alert and oriented. She is able to voice needs and her wants. She answers questions appropriately. She is well-groomed and dressed appropriately. She does not appear in any distress at time of assessment. She has allergic shiners and red, chapped skin around her nares. She has a clear postnasal drainage. Moderately erythema. Tonsils are 1+

General: Ms. Jones is a pleasant, obese 28-year-old African American woman in no acute distress. She is alert and oriented. She maintains eye contact throughout interview and examination. • Head: Head is normocephalic and atraumatic. Scalp with no masses, normal hair distribution. • Eyes: Bilateral eyes with… HEENT Tina Jones Transcript and Documentation

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