EB, a 68-year-old African American woman with hypertension – Discussion on Diversity and Health Assessments

EB, a 68-year-old African American woman with hypertension – Discussion on Diversity and Health Assessments

Explanation of Factors Associated with the Assigned Patient:

In the context of providing patient-centered care, it’s essential to recognize the unique attributes of each patient, including factors such as culture, age, gender, race or ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. These factors play a crucial role in shaping a patient’s health and healthcare experiences. Providers should also acknowledge their own cultural backgrounds and biases to ensure effective care delivery (Saha, Beach & Cooper, 2008).

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In the given scenario, several factors are pertinent to the patient’s health and require the provider’s attention. Firstly, the patient’s age is a significant factor, as older adults may have different health needs and considerations compared to younger individuals. Additionally, the patient’s cultural background as an African American is crucial, given the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes that exist in the United States for minority populations (Watts, 2003).

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The patient’s socioeconomic status is another important factor to consider. Lower socioeconomic status can impact medication adherence, as some patients may struggle to afford their prescribed medications. Moreover, spirituality and religious beliefs, which may be prevalent in the African American community, can influence how the patient perceives her health and illness.

Sensitive Issues When Interacting With the Patient:

When interacting with this patient, there are several sensitive issues that must be approached with care and cultural sensitivity. For instance, as an elderly patient, inquiring about topics like sexual activity or drug use may be deemed offensive, particularly if the provider is of the opposite gender. Additionally, addressing the patient’s spirituality and its role in her health beliefs should be done respectfully to avoid any misperceptions.

Establishing a trusting and open communication relationship with the patient is crucial to address these sensitive issues effectively.

Targeted Questions:

To build a comprehensive health history and assess potential health risks for this patient, the following targeted questions could be asked:

1. Can you provide details on how you are currently taking each of your prescribed medications?
2. How important is it to you to maintain good control of your blood pressure?
3. Considering your worsening vision, have there been any challenges or changes in how you take your medications?
4. Is there anything we can do to help you remember when and how to take your medications effectively?
5. When was the last time you had your vision checked?


Riley W. J. (2012). Health disparities: gaps in access, quality, and affordability of medical care. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, 123, 167–174.

Saha, S., Beach, M. C., & Cooper, L. A. (2008). Patient-centeredness, cultural competence, and healthcare quality. Journal of the National Medical Association, 100(11), 1275–1285. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0027-9684(15)31505-4

Watts, R. (January 31, 2003). Race Consciousness and the Health of African Americans. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 8(1), Manuscript 3. www.nursingworld.org//MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Volume82003/No1Jan2003/RaceandHealth.aspx


By Day 6 of Week 2

Respond on or before Day 6 on 2 different days to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned a different patient than you. Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the questions would apply to your patient, and why.

Response 1:

Your selection of questions for your patients is quite valuable, particularly the first one. Inquiring about how the patient takes their medications can be crucial for assessing medication adherence, which can be a challenge for many patients. If medication adherence is an issue for your patient, there are several strategies that can be considered to improve it, such as customizing support tools, including mobile apps and compliance packaging (McCaslin, 2016).

The second question you’ve formulated for the patient is also highly relevant. It helps gauge the patient’s level of understanding regarding their condition. If the patient lacks adequate information, providing them with more information becomes essential. Patient education plays a significant role in achieving better outcomes by enabling patients to make informed decisions (Heath, 2016) and adhere to prescribed therapies, including medication.


Heath, S. (2016). Why Patient Education is Vital for Engagement, Better Outcomes. Patient Engagement. Retrieved from https://patientengagementhit.com/news/why-patient-education-is-vital-for-engagement-better-outcomes#:~:text=Education%20helps%20patients%20make%20informed%20decisions&text=Ensuring%20informed%20decision%2Dmaking%20relies,want%20to%20receive%20their%20healthcare.

McCaslin, J. (2016). Nine tips for improving medication adherence. AmerisourceBergen. Retrieved from https://www.amerisourcebergen.com/insights/pharmacies/nine-tips-for-medication-adherence

Response 2:

Thank you for sharing your informative post. Your case study resembles a few of my elderly clients who live alone, have worsening vision, hypertension, and take multiple medications. EB, in your scenario, brings in her medication bottles for review and reconciliation. However, she has bottles from last year and is missing a current medication, and her blood pressure is elevated (EB is a 68-year-old black female with hypertension – NURS 6512 wk 2 Discussion: Diversity and Health Assessments).

The first question you posed is of utmost importance. By asking the patient to describe how she takes her medications, you can assess her knowledge of her medication regimen. You’ve also addressed her vision, which is crucial because reading the labels on medication bottles can be challenging for individuals with impaired vision. It’s also important to inquire about when she last had a vision evaluation (Feinberg, Rogers, & Sokol-McCay, 2009).

After assessing whether the patient can identify her medications and read the labels, it’s essential to note any mistakes she might be making. You could also ask if she needs assistance with methods to remember when and which medications to take, such as single-dose med-packs, pillboxes, or color-coded bottles. Additionally, inquiring about nutrition and meals is valuable because some people associate taking medications with meals. If meals are missed, medication adherence may suffer. You could also ask the patient if she has a blood pressure monitor at home, as the use of self-monitoring tools can significantly promote adherence when discussing BP medications (Delavar, Pashaeypoor, & Negarandeh, 2020).


Delavar, F., Pashaeypoor, S., & Negarandeh, R. (2020). The effects of self-management education tailored to health literacy on medication adherence and blood pressure control among elderly people with primary hypertension: A randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(2), 336–342. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.pec.2019.08.028

Feinberg Jl, Rogers PA, & Sokol-McKay D. (2009). Age-related eye disease and medication safety. Annals of Long Term Care, 17(6), 17–22 EB is a 68-year-old black female with hypertension – NURS 6512 wk 2 Discussion: Diversity and Health Assessments.

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