He was seen 2 weeks ago for an upper respiratory infection and noted incidentally to have a blood pressure of 164/98. He vaguely remembered told in the past that his B/P was “borderlineâ€. Labs were also done last visit and you are going over the results with him today. He brings his B/P diary in and it is showing elevated pressures from 144/94 to 176/96
Today: V/S: Right arm: 172/98; Left arm: 170/96; P 76; resp 16; 70 inches tall weighs 210
Get your assignment on Diabetic Case study: Jack a 47-year-old white male presents to your office for a follow-up visit done by certified MDs and PhDs in the USA. ORDER NOW!
DOB: 3-12-7
Labs from last week: CBC normal; CMP normal; A1C 7.4; TSH normal; Lipids: Total cholesterol is 250; LDL is 190; HDL 35; Trigs 170
He feels fine, has no complaints.
Case study:
Should be no more than 1 pages. This does not count title page, reference page or prescriptions.
Title, reference page and citations must be APA format. The rest of the case study does not.
You are expected to order necessary medications and write prescriptions. See the rubric.
You do not need to write rx for OTC medications but need Drug Class and MOA on all medications.
All of the treatment plan needs rationale and reference.
The title page, citations and references need to be APA.
The plan needs to be added at the bottom of the case study after the subjective and objective data
The plan should be written like a SOAP note with a list or bullets Only difference is you will add rationale, drug class and MOA.
You do not need to rewrite diagnosis here. They are numbered in the assessment. Just put the treatment.
Pharmacologic all diagnoses
medication 1 and dosage and instructions
Drug class and MOA
Rationale 1-2 sentences with citation
medication 2 same as above
There are no specific number of references but you do need evidence based guidelines for treatment plan. You must use the AACE/ACE guidelines and the ASCVD risk calculator for rationale. You can download the app on the phone or go to the website. You can use Epocrates, UptoDate, Lexicomp. You may use text or epocrates or another source for MOA and Drug class.
Broken arm at age 12.
Hernia repair 10 years ago
No eye examination for about 1.5 years
Meds: zero
Allergies: NKDA
Fam hx:
Father died of stroke at age 69; diabetic
Mother alive at age 69 with HTN, DM
2 sisters ages 45 and 43; the older sister has DM
Social hx: Married. Son age 22 and daughter 20 both healthy. Sedentary job (Accountant) does not exercise. Smokes 1ppd for 10 years. Has “a couple of beers every weekendâ€
Unremarkable except for above
Physical examination
No thyromegaly or lymphadenopathy
Fundoscopic exam is within normal limits
Cardiac exam: S1 and S2 are normal and no murmurs are auscultated
Lung and abdominal examinations are normal.​
EKG shows nonspecific T wave changes; no acute ischemic changes
Stage 2 HTN
DM type 2
Tobacco abuse
Plan 1 page max
Should plug data in cardiac risk into ASCVD risk calculator: https://tools.acc.org/ASCVD-Risk-Estimator-Plus/ use today’s b/p; he now has past hx ofdiabetes; go to view advice
See AACE/ACE Guidelines and ADA guidelines posted in the readings in Module 6. Also read the attached article
What is the treatment plan for Jack today? Must provide rationale. This is your medical decision making. Think of how you would answer the patient if they asked why you were recommending this. Must use evidence-based reference with citations on all questions
• Pharmacologic? This should include any OTC medications
o List drug, dosage, frequency and reason for rx
o List rationale and cite
o List drug class and MOA and cite
o Then send rx for prescription meds only
Please provide rationale and reference.
Use a title page and Reference Page
See attached Rubric for grading
This can be no more than 1 pages excluding case study, title page, reference page and rx
Can single or double space
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