Community Key Informant Interviews NURS 604: Population Based Care and Health Policy

Community Key Informant Interviews NURS 604: Population Based Care and Health Policy

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to enhance the student’s understanding of the practical applications of Healthy People 2030. The MSN student will conduct key informant interviews with members of the local community, and identify the top three community health issues to be addressed.

 Paper:  The student will briefly describe the community including sociodemographic facts, consult with three non-nursing, local authorities/leaders to discern their perceptions about the health issues of their community, and describe the top 3 issues/themes identified. A scholarly paper detailing the findings will be submitted to the Blackboard link located in the Module 2 tab. The APA formatted paper will be 6-8 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages. Students should utilize at least four scholarly sources (no older than 5 years) excluding the textbook (textbook may be used but not counted as one of four sources) to support their paper.

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Reconstructing a Nursing Theory Based on Advanced Nursing Roles

Key Informant Interviews: Students should read The Community Toolbox – Conducting Interviews module, prior to meeting with their selected community leaders. Ask the authorities/leaders to identify their top three community problems/concerns. Compare their identified problems to your selected health issue as well as the top health problems at the local, state, and national level (utilize sources such as the CDC, the Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings, and Census Bureau data).

Utilization of Electronic Health Record Software in a Nursing Program

Within the paper, describe the qualifications and role of each authority interviewed. Detail the top three health concerns identified by each authority.  (For a total of at least 9 health issues – however some may overlap).  State why the identified issues were thought to be significant.  Identify how the authority suggests the health problem could be addressed.

Identify the common themes or health issues from the interviews.  Address the top health issues (no more than 3) of the community, supported by evidence from scholarly sources. How might you as an MSN prepared nurse begin to develop an action plan for each of the issues? Include your identified health issue that you have been working with throughout the course.

C493 Professional Portfolio: A1. Creation of Professional Mission Statement

Total Points: 100

Criteria Excellent





(Below 75%)




·         Detailed description of 4-5 socioeconomic facts about the community

·         Identified the top 3 issues that will be discussed in the paper

·         Clearly identified purpose of the paper


·         General description of 2-3 socioeconomic facts about the community

·         Identified the top 2 issues that will be discussed in the paper

·         Identified the general purpose of the paper


·         Vague description of 0-1 socioeconomic facts about the community

·         Identified 1 of the top issues that will be discussed in the paper

·         Vaguely identified purpose of the paper

Interview Summaries 23-25

·         Clearly identified 3 chosen leaders and described their qualifications and roles

·         Identified the 3 top health issues of concern for each authority/leader

·         Detailed summary of authority/leader recommendations for improving health disparities


·         General identification of 2 chosen leaders and described their qualifications and roles

·         Identified the 2 top health issues of concern for each authority/leader

·         General summary of authority/leader recommendations for improving health disparities


·         Vague identification a chosen leader and their qualifications and roles

·         Identified 1 of the top health issues of concern for each authority/leader

·         Vague summary of authority/leader recommendations for improving health disparities

Impact of Health Issue



·         Detailed description of the top 3 issues/themes identified from the key informant interviews

·         Detailed supporting data to demonstrate the scope of the problems

·         Detailed description of community resources related to education, finance, prevention policies and/or treatment initiatives for each of the selected issues



·         General description of the top 3 description of the top 3 issues/themes identified from the key informant interviews

·         General supporting data to demonstrate the scope of the problems

·         General description of community resources related to education, finance, prevention policies and/or treatment initiatives for each of the selected issues


·         Vague description of the top 3 description of the top 3 issues/themes identified from the key informant interviews

·         Vague supporting data to demonstrate the scope of the problems

·         Vague description of community resources related to education, finance, prevention policies and/or treatment initiatives for each of the selected issues

Implications for Future



·         Detailed description of how an MSN prepared nurse can impact each of the top identified issues through the development of an action plan (scholarly references required)


·         General description of how an MSN prepared nurse can impact each of the top identified issues through the development of an action plan

(scholarly references required)


·         Vague description of how an MSN prepared nurse can impact each of the top identified issues through the development of an action plan

(scholarly references required)

Conclusion 5

·         Reiterated purpose of paper and provided a detailed summary of findings and major concepts

·         Detailed synthesis of thoughts presented in body of paper and related to the introduction


·         Reiterated purpose of paper and provided a general summary of findings and major concepts

·         General synthesis of thoughts presented in body of paper and related to the introduction


·         Reiterated purpose of paper and provided a vague summary of findings and major concepts

·         Vague synthesis of thoughts presented in body of paper and related to the introduction

Formatting and References




·         Accurate spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure

·         Detailed synthesis of reference materials

·         Clear transitions

·         6-8 pages excluding title page and references

·         Proper use of APA format (no abstract required)

·         A minimum of (4) current resources from scholarly primary sources (within the past 5 years)


·         Minor errors with spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure

·         General synthesis of reference materials

·         Minor issues with transitions

·         5 or 9 pages in length excluding title page and references

·         Minor APA formatting errors (no abstract required)

·         3 current resources from scholarly primary sources (within the past 5 years)


·         Major errors with spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure

·         Vague synthesis of reference materials

·         Lack of proper transitions

·         < 4 or >10 pages in length excluding title page and references

·         Major APA formatting errors (no abstract required)

·         Less than 3 current resources from scholarly primary sources (within the past 5 years)


A= 92-100 points (92-100%); B+= 88-91 points (88-91%); B= 83-87 points (83-87%); C= 74–82 points (74-82%); F= less than 74

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