Leadership in nursing: Select a topic for a change project Step 1: Select a topic for a change project. Review the following resources for a potential change topic or process ideas: Institute for Healthcare Improvement: Transforming Care at the Bedside Institute for Healthcare…
Professional Ethics and Global Ethics in healthcare Directions For this project, you will look at the background of ethics as it relates to your chosen topic and complete your detailed examination of that topic by applying the ethical frameworks you…
MN507M1-1: Examine U.S. healthcare policy structures and the role of the nursing leader as a change agent at the public policy table Directions You will choose one federal-level healthcare policy issue that interests you.Struggling to meet your deadline? Get your assignment…
Cultural competence in health care: translate Leininger’s theory into practice Defined as a having the knowledge, understanding, and skills about a diverse cultural group that allows the health care provider to provide acceptable care (Giger et al., 2007). Nursing theorist, Madeleine…
Proposal for an exhibit aimed at the NAACP. Juneteenth, Voting act 1965 Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Synthesize the analyses of multiple sources Apply historical inquiry to the analysis of an event…
Nursing and informatics: advanced practice nursing (APN) influences The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a literature search about a student selected topic in nursing and informatics; critique and appraise the articles for advanced practice nursing (APN) influences; and assess…
The Geneva Conventions ethical frameworks in healthcare The Geneva Conventions are an attempt at creating a separate, rules-based global ethical framework. In this discussion, you will explain the purpose of the Geneva Conventions and examine a part of the conventions…
SY001 Practicum Experience Journal template: Professional Development and Reflection Add your practicum professional development objectives and project objectives to Page 1 of the template. In the Journal 1 area of the template, write a two-part, 1,000-word journal entry in which…
MN50M5-5: Evaluate Diverse Populations, Age, and interprofessional health promotion resources This paper is a 3- to 4-page project that analyzes interprofessional resources on one health topic for the adult population throughout the adult lifespan. What interprofessional resources exist for the topic?…
MODULE 6 HISTORICAL INQUIRY: what artifacts can tell us about a historical event Directions Use the SCIM-C approach to complete a historical inquiry of the following sources related to a historical event. This strategy uses a five-step process to determine…
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