Category Study Guides

Application of Strategic Leadership and Future Delivery Models

Application of Strategic Leadership and Future Delivery Models B1. HCAHPS Scores/ State and National Averages Hospital State Average National Average Patients who reported that their nurses “Always” communicated well 84% 81% 81% Patients who reported that their doctors “Always” communicated…

Zachary LaFontaine Shadow Health Assessment

Zachary LaFontaine Shadow Health Assessment In the Advanced Primary Care – Pediatrics DCE, students get to meet Daanis and her son Zachary. They take care of Zachary when he’s a baby during his 2-month check-up, and later on, when he’s…

Xavier Daniels Shadow Health Assessment

Xavier Daniels Shadow Health Assessment Xavier Daniels, a 54-year-old African American gentleman, arrives at the clinic for an initial care appointment as part of the Advanced Primary Care: Adult DCE, a learning module aimed at teaching advanced primary care skills…

Tanner Bailey Shadow Health Assessment

Tanner Bailey Shadow Health Assessment Tanner Bailey is a remarkable individual, a 30-year-old who has transitioned from being identified as female to embracing his true identity as a transgender man. Currently, Tanner thrives as a theatre director within a vibrant…

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