WGU C493 Task 1 Leadership Experience Essay proposal change in practice A1. PROBLEM OR ISSUE This paper projects issues and problems that are skin related i.e., cost inefficiency, time-consuming, the cumbersome and redundant process of tracking skin conditions A1a: EXPLANATION…
C159 – Policy, Politics and Global Health Trends A major concern for the healthcare industry today is the increasing trend of healthcare policy and politics. Healthcare policy involves decisions and actions that are undertaken to achieve certain healthcare goals within…
D025: Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Interprofessional Practice, STIs Education Program for Youths Executive Summary Summary of the Context and Scope of the SDOH in My Community Adolescents remain highly vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the community.…
WGU’s Personal Theoretical Framework for Advanced Practice Nursing Introduction Nursing theories are an essential aspect of the nursing profession. They provide a model for the provision of care to patients in diverse healthcare settings. Nursing philosophy outlines the values, beliefs,…
Curriculum proposal paper – Develop a new module to teach critical thinking to LPN students Executive Summary Critical thinking is an essential process for solving the problems of patients while allowing the delivery of safe, efficient, and skillful nursing interventions.…
Advanced Health Assessment for Patients and Populations – D028: CDM1 Task 1: Clinical Practice Experience Step 2: Transition of Care Performance Assessment Document Across healthcare contexts, the transition of patient care from the hospital to home or another facility is…
Critical Thinking Module Part 2 for LPN students Executive Summary Critical thinking is an essential process for solving the problems of patients while allowing the delivery of safe, efficient, and skillful nursing interventions. It represents a process of analyzing, synthesizing,…
Critical Thinking Module for LPN students Speech Presentation Hello everyone, For the past couple of months, I have been working on my project of designing a curriculum to improve nursing education among Licensed Practice Nursing (LPN) students. This project was…
D025 Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Interprofessional Practice Advocacy plays a significant role in the building of robust health systems. In today’s complex and rapidly changing healthcare system, advocacy is among the strategies that can be used to achieve…
Reflection – Evidence of the experiences you had while preparing for the CPE My clinical practice experience involved the development of a curriculum focusing on critical thinking for LPN students. At the start of my CPE, I understood that adequate…
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