Category Study Guides

C489 WGU Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

C489 WGU Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Application of Nursing Quality Indicators Nursing quality indicators are indicators used to assess the quality of care given to the patients, improve quality of care, and strategies that can be used to achieve…

C228 Task 2 International Disease Outbreak

C228 Task 2 International Disease Outbreak Disease outbreaks involve the occurrence of disease cases above normal expectancy. These outbreaks are normally caused by infections transmitted through person-to-person contact, animal-to-person contact, or other environmental media. Depending on the type of outbreak…

C228 Task 1 sentinel city Community Health Stimulation

C228 Task 1 sentinel city Community Health Stimulation Needs Assessment The increasing demand for healthcare today requires hospitals and primary care teams to develop services that match the needs of their local populations. Factors like the rise in chronic diseases…

End-of-Life Care Course for Pre-Licensure Nursing Students

End-of-Life Care Course for Pre-Licensure Nursing Students Nurses in a hospital setting spend more time with patients than any other healthcare professionals providing treatment and caring for the dying. The increased burden for chronic diseases and the aging population means…

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