Category Study Guides

IDS 105 Module Six Journal Overview

IDS 105 Module Six Journal Overview Cultural awareness helps you understand and connect with others better. Part of developing your cultural awareness depends on how you give and receive feedback. In this assignment, you will reflect on how you give…

Community Health Assessment Executive Summary

Community Health Assessment Executive Summary Executive Summaries provide an overview of a project or initiative. They are often included at the beginning of Project Reports as an overall summary for the entire project and serve as a “stand alone” document.…

Going Beyond Conflict by Applying Restorative Practices

Going Beyond Conflict by Applying Restorative Practices Effective conflict management often includes using restorative practices. In this discussion, you will explore how to take conflict management to the next level by applying restorative practices. Discussing challenges that face our world…

Physical and Mental Health

Physical and Mental Health: The Evidence Overwhelmingly Says 4-Day Work Weeks Are Good for Everyone5-1 Project Draft Part Two: Persuasive Essay With Research **Submit your essay as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (with an additional title page and…

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