If your organization is currently using a similar product, you will compare the new technology to the one being used right now. For example, you have selected Epic for the electronic health record because your organization is currently using Meditech, which is outdated. In this case, you will compare Epic to Meditech.
If you have selected a technology your organization is not currently using, you will need to locate another one that is commercially equivalent to the one you selected. For example, your organization does not use integrated vital sign machines but you believe they will provide a significant benefit to the organization and you have selected Philips. You will need to locate another integrated vital sign machine, such as Vital Link to compare to.
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Determine what 5 criteria are most important for evaluating the product, safety being foremost. Other possible criteria might be ease of use, clarity, time, etc.
Examine the 2 products and compare and contrast their strengths and weaknesses.
Evaluate the 2 products using the 5 criteria you determined to be the most important.
Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you:
WGU C493 Task 1 Leadership Experience Essay proposal change in practice
Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources. The product websites count toward this
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