This document serves as a guide for each paper you will compose during your GCU graduate program. Adhere to the specific instructions provided in the assignment, and make use of this checklist to ensure correct grammar and adherence to APA formatting guidelines. Consult the APA resources accessible in the GCU Library and Student Success Center for further assistance.
☐ Utilize the APA paper template (available in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) to ensure the paper is formatted correctly. Apply APA style consistently throughout, ensuring proper formatting.
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☐ Verify the presence of the title page, which adheres to APA format with no errors.
☐ Confirm the presence of the introduction, correctly formatted in APA style and free of errors.
☐ Ensure the topic is well-defined.
☐ Include a robust thesis statement in the paper’s introduction.
☐ Maintain consistent inclusion of the thesis statement throughout the paper, extending into the conclusion.
☐ Examine paragraph development: Each paragraph should commence with an introductory statement, contain two or three sentences as the paragraph’s body, and conclude with a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. Organize the sections of the main body to reflect the author’s main points, adhering to APA format without errors.
☐ Ensure that all sources are appropriately cited, applying APA style and format correctly and without errors.
☐ Document all sources completely and accurately on a References page, as required by the assignment and in accordance with APA style and formatting guidelines, ensuring freedom from errors.
Scholarly Resources:
Scholarly resources are publications focused on specific subject disciplines and typically authored by experts in the respective fields. These resources are intended for an academic audience.
Examples of Scholarly Resources include:
Academic journals, books authored by subject matter experts, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Peer-reviewed journals undergo evaluation by experts in the journal’s subject discipline before publication. This rigorous process ensures that the articles published in the journal meet the academic standards expected within that subject discipline.
Empirical Journal Article:
This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that presents the original findings of an observational or experimental research study. Common components found in an empirical article include a literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.
Adapted from “Evaluating Resources:
Defining Scholarly Resources,” available in Research Guides in the GCU Library.
☐ Demonstrates clear command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to review and enhance your writing.
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