BK is a 16-year-old Caucasian female – NURS 6512 week 2 discussion

BK is a 16-year-old Caucasian female – NURS 6512 week 2 discussion

As a healthcare provider, it is crucial to cultivate cultural competence to ensure positive patient outcomes. Healthcare professionals, including Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs), serve diverse patient populations throughout their careers. Ball et al. (2015) emphasize the significance of treating each patient in alignment with their cultural, religious, socioeconomic, and personal beliefs. Successful healthcare providers must deliver competent care to individuals from various cultural backgrounds by educating themselves about these cultures and their specific needs (Corona et al., 2017). Seeking cultural training is one avenue to achieve success in providing patient-centered healthcare. Culturally competent healthcare providers can adapt to the unique requirements of patients from diverse cultural backgrounds, thereby fostering a trusting relationship between the provider and the patient (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon, & Stewart, 2015). Building a trusting provider-patient relationship begins with the healthcare provider’s knowledge of the patient’s specific culture, and it requires avoiding stereotypes to ensure positive patient outcomes.

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In the case of BK, a 16-year-old Caucasian female, who has presented for her annual well-child visit, several sensitive considerations must be taken into account during interactions with her. BK exhibits specific characteristics and behaviors that necessitate sensitivity:

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1. Weight and Body Image:

Teenage girls, including BK, often have sensitivities regarding their weight and body image. Engaging in discussions about weight should be approached with empathy, as it can be emotionally challenging for adolescents, especially girls.

2. Maternal Absence and Drug Situation:

BK’s mother is absent from her life due to her history of drug use, which is a delicate topic. Questions regarding her mother and drug use should be addressed with sensitivity, respecting BK’s feelings and emotions surrounding these issues.

3. Spirituality:

Understanding BK’s spirituality is essential to comprehend why she has discontinued her participation in the youth choir at church. Inquiring about her spirituality should be done respectfully and without judgment.

4. Socioeconomic Factors:

BK is accompanied by her Grandmother, suggesting a significant role in her life. It is essential to explore BK’s feelings about living with her Grandmother and inquire about any socioeconomic issues or concerns that may need attention or referral to appropriate resources.

5. Lifestyle and Cultural Influences:

Conversations about BK’s friends, activities, and any risky behaviors are crucial to understanding her lifestyle and identifying potential cultural factors influencing her choices.

Targeted Questions

To build BK’s health history and assess her health risks, the following targeted questions can be asked:

1. Have you experienced any traumatic events, and have you ever participated in counseling or therapy?

2. How do you feel about your mother’s absence and her history of drug use? What are your thoughts on drug use?

3. Can you describe your self-esteem? Have you ever had thoughts of self-harm? Do you find joy in your life?

4. What changes have you noticed in your life recently? Are you satisfied with your current life situation?

5. Do you attend church, and do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

6. What do you and your friends typically do for fun? Have you engaged in any risky activities with your friends, such as drugs, alcohol, or skipping school?

7. Can you describe your typical weekly diet? Do you feel that your weight is healthy, and do you have a specific weight goal in mind?

8. Is there anything else you would like to discuss today?

9. How else can I assist you today?


Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2015). Seidel’s guide to physical examination (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Corona, R., Rodríguez, V. M., McDonald, S. E., Velazquez, E., Rodríguez, A., & Fuentes, V. E. (2017). Associations between cultural stressors, cultural values, and Latina/o college students’ mental health. Journal of youth and adolescence, 46(1), 63-77.

Lonneman, W. (2015). Teaching strategies to increase cultural awareness in nursing students. Nurse educator, 40(6), 285-288.

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